#!/usr/bin/env ruby # This is based off of Sam Ruby's xml_filetest.rb # I've adapted it for feedparser.rb # http://intertwingly.net/blog/2005/10/30/Testing-FeedTools-Dynamically/ require 'test/unit' require File.dirname(__FILE__)+'/../lib/rfeedparser' begin require 'rubygems' gem 'mongrel' require 'mongrel' rescue => details STDERR.puts "Whoops, had an error with loading mongrel as a gem. Trying just 'require'. Mongrel is required for testing." require 'mongrel' end $PORT = 8097 # Not configurable, hard coded in the xml files def translate_data(data) if data[0..3] == "\x4c\x6f\xa7\x94" # EBCDIC data = _ebcdic_to_ascii(data) elsif data[0..3] == "\x00\x3c\x00\x3f" # UTF-16BE data = uconvert(data, 'utf-16be', 'utf-8') elsif data.size >= 4 and data[0..1] == "\xfe\xff" and data[2..3] != "\x00\x00" # UTF-16BE with BOM data = uconvert(data[2..-1], 'utf-16be', 'utf-8') elsif data[0..3] == "\x3c\x00\x3f\x00" # UTF-16LE data = uconvert(data, 'utf-16le', 'utf-8') elsif data.size >=4 and data[0..1] == "\xff\xfe" and data[2..3] != "\x00\x00" # UTF-16LE with BOM data = uconvert(data[2..-1], 'utf-16le', 'utf-8') elsif data[0..3] == "\x00\x00\x00\x3c" # UTF-32BE data = uconvert(data, 'utf-32be', 'utf-8') elsif data[0..3] == "\x3c\x00\x00\x00" # UTF-32LE data = uconvert(data, 'utf-32le', 'utf-8') elsif data[0..3] == "\x00\x00\xfe\xff" # UTF-32BE with BOM data = uconvert(data[4..-1], 'utf-32BE', 'utf-8') elsif data[0..3] == "\xff\xfe\x00\x00" # UTF-32LE with BOM data = uconvert(data[4..-1], 'utf-32LE', 'utf-8') elsif data[0..2] == "\xef\xbb\xbf" # UTF-8 with BOM data = data[3..-1] else # ASCII-compatible end return data end def scrape_headers(xmlfile) # Called by the server xm = open(xmlfile) data = xm.read htaccess = File.dirname(xmlfile)+"/.htaccess" xml_headers = {} server_headers = {} the_type = nil if File.exists? htaccess fn = xm.path.split(File::Separator)[-1] # I can't find the right method for this ht_file = open(htaccess) type_match = ht_file.read.match(/^\s*\s*\n\s*AddType\s+(.*?)\s+.xml/m) the_type = type_match[1].strip.gsub(/^("|')/,'').gsub(/("|')$/,'').strip if type_match and type_match[1] if type_match and the_type #content_type, charset = type_match[1].split(';') server_headers["Content-Type"] = the_type end end data = translate_data(data) da = data.scan /^Header:\s*([^:]+):(.+)\s$/ unless da.nil? or da.empty? da.flatten! da.each{|e| e.strip!;e.gsub!(/(Content-type|content-type|content-Type)/, "Content-Type")} xml_headers = Hash[*da] # Asterisk magic! end return xml_headers.merge(server_headers) end def scrape_assertion_strings(xmlfile) # Called by the testing client data = open(xmlfile).read data = translate_data(data) test = data.scan /Description:\s*(.*?)\s*Expect:\s*(.*)\s*-->/ description, evalString = test.first.map{ |s| s.strip } # Here we translate the expected values in Python to Ruby evalString.gsub!(/\bu'(.*?)'/) do |m| esc = $1.to_s.dup esc.gsub!(/\\u([0-9a-fA-F]{4})/){ |m| [$1.hex].pack('U*') } " '"+esc+"'" end evalString.gsub!(/\bu"(.*?)"/) do |m| esc = $1.to_s.dup esc.gsub!(/\\u([0-9a-fA-F]{4})/){ |m| [$1.hex].pack('U*') } " \""+esc+"\"" end # The above does the following: u'string' => 'string' # u'ba\u20acha' => 'ba€ha' # Same for double quoted strings evalString.gsub!(/\\x([0-9a-fA-F]{2})/){ |m| [$1.hex].pack('U*') } # "ba\xa3la" => "ba£la" evalString.gsub! /'\s*:\s+/, "' => " # {'foo': 'bar'} => {'foo' => 'bar'} evalString.gsub! /"\s*:\s+/, "\" => " # {"foo": 'bar'} => {"foo" => 'bar'} evalString.gsub! /\=\s*\((.*?)\)/, '= [\1]' # = (2004, 12, 4) => = [2004, 12, 4] evalString.gsub!(/"""(.*?)"""/) do # """""" => "" "\""+$1.gsub!(/"/,"\\\"")+"\"" # haha, ugly! end evalString.gsub! /(\w|\])\s*\=\= 0\s*$/, '\1 == false' # ] == 0 => ] == false evalString.gsub! /(\w|\])\s*\=\= 1\s*$/, '\1 == true' # ] == 1 => ] == true evalString.gsub! /len\((.*?)\)\s*\=\=\s*(\d{1,3})/, '\1.length == \2' # len(ary) == 1 => ary.length == 1 evalString.gsub! /None/, "nil" # None => nil # well, duh return description, evalString end class FeedParserTestRequestHandler < Mongrel::DirHandler def process(request, response) req_method = request.params[Mongrel::Const::REQUEST_METHOD] || Mongrel::Const::GET req_path = can_serve request.params[Mongrel::Const::PATH_INFO] if not req_path # not found, return a 404 response.start(404) do |head, out| out << "File not found" end else begin if File.directory? req_path send_dir_listing(request.params[Mongrel::Const::REQUEST_URI], req_path, response) elsif req_method == Mongrel::Const::HEAD response.start do |head,out| xml_head = scrape_headers(req_path) xml_head.each_key{|k| head[k] = xml_head[k] } end send_file(req_path, request, response, true) elsif req_method == Mongrel::Const::GET response.start do |head,out| xml_head = scrape_headers(req_path) xml_head.each_key{|k| head[k] = xml_head[k] } end send_file(req_path, request, response, false) else response.start(403) {|head,out| out.write(ONLY_HEAD_GET) } end rescue => details STDERR.puts "Error sending file #{req_path}: #{details}" end end end end class XMLTests < Test::Unit::TestCase # Empty, but here for clarity def setup end def teardown end end # default methods to be public XMLTests.send(:public) # add one unit test for each file Dir['**/*.xml'].each do |xmlfile| #Dir['tests/**/*.xml'].each do |xmlfile| methname = "tests_"+xmlfile.gsub('/','_').sub('.xml','') XMLTests.send(:define_method, methname) { options = {} options[:compatible] = true # This keeps compatibility with 4.1 feedparser tests (i.e. no # smart stripping of styles). This is not (yet) required, as # rfeedparser is compatible by default. # Evaluate feed fp = FeedParser.parse("{$PORT}/#{xmlfile}", options) # I should point out that the 'compatible' arg is not necessary, # but probably will be in the future if we decide to change the default. description, evalString = scrape_assertion_strings(xmlfile) assert fp.instance_eval(evalString), description.inspect } end # Start up the mongrel server and tell it how to send the tests server = Mongrel::HttpServer.new("",$PORT) Mongrel::DirHandler::add_mime_type('.xml','application/xml') server.register("/", FeedParserTestRequestHandler.new(".")) server.run