require 'open3' require 'securerandom' require 'tmpdir' module NewspaperWorks module Ingest class PdfPages include Enumerable def initialize(path) @baseid = SecureRandom.uuid @pdfpath = path @info = nil @entries = nil @tmpdir = nil @size = nil @pagecount = nil @pdftext = nil end # return def pdfinfo @info = if @info.nil? @info end def tmpdir @tmpdir = Dir.mktmpdir if @tmpdir.nil? @tmpdir end def colordevice(channels, bpc) bits = bpc * channels # will be either 8bpc/16bpd color TIFF, # with any CMYK source transformed to 8bpc RBG bits = 24 unless [24, 48].include? bits "tiff#{bits}nc" end def gsdevice color, channels, bpc = pdfinfo.color device = nil # CCITT Group 4 Black and White, if applicable: device = 'tiffg4' if color == 'gray' && bpc == 1 # 8 Bit Grayscale, if applicable: device = 'tiffgray' if color == 'gray' && bpc > 1 # otherwise color: device = colordevice(channels, bpc) if device.nil? device end def gstext cmd = "gs -q -dNOPAUSE -dBATCH -sDEVICE=txtwrite " \ "-sOutputFile=- -f #{@pdfpath}" Open3.popen3(cmd) do |_stdin, stdout, _stderr, _wait_thr| @pdftext = end @pdftext end def pagecount cmd = "pdfinfo #{@pdfpath}" Open3.popen3(cmd) do |_stdin, stdout, _stderr, _wait_thr| output ="\n") pages_e = { |e| e.start_with?('Pages:') }[0] @pagecount = pages_e.split[-1].to_i end @pagecount end def looks_scanned max_image_px = pdfinfo.width * pdfinfo.height single_image_per_page = pdfinfo.entries.length == pagecount # single 10mp+ image per page? single_image_per_page && max_image_px > 1024 * 1024 * 10 end def ppi unless looks_scanned # 400 dpi for something that does not look like scanned media: return 400 end # For scanned media, defer to detected image PPI: pdfinfo.ppi end # ghostscript convert all pages to TIFF def gsconvert output_base = File.join(tmpdir, "#{@baseid}-page%d.tiff") cmd = "gs -dNOPAUSE -dBATCH -sDEVICE=#{gsdevice} " \ "-dTextAlphaBits=4 " \ "-sOutputFile=#{output_base} -r#{ppi} -f #{@pdfpath}" Open3.popen3(cmd) do |_stdin, stdout, _stderr, _wait_thr| output ="\n") @size = { |e| e.start_with?('Page ') }.length end # Return an array of expected filenames (1..@size).map { |n| File.join(tmpdir, "#{@baseid}-page#{n}.tiff") } end # entries for each page def entries @entries = gsconvert if @entries.nil? @entries end def each entries.each do |e| yield(e) end end end end end