class Card class Content # tools for cleaning content, especially for restricing unwanted HTML module Clean allowed_tags = {} %w( br i b pre cite caption strong em ins sup sub del ol hr ul li p div h1 h2 h3 h4 h5 h6 span table tr td th tbody thead tfoot ).each { |tag| allowed_tags[tag] = [] } # allowed attributes allowed_tags.merge!( "a" => %w[href title target], "img" => %w[src alt title], "code" => ["lang"], "blockquote" => ["cite"] ) if Card.config.allow_inline_styles allowed_tags["table"] += %w[cellpadding align border cellspacing data-mce-style] allowed_tags["td"] += %w[scope data-mce-style] allowed_tags["th"] += %w[scope data-mce-style] end allowed_tags.each_key do |k| allowed_tags[k] << "class" allowed_tags[k] << "style" if Card.config.allow_inline_styles allowed_tags[k] end ALLOWED_TAGS = allowed_tags.freeze ATTR_VALUE_RE = [/(?<=^')[^']+(?=')/, /(?<=^")[^"]+(?=")/, /\S+/].freeze ## Method that cleans the String of HTML tags ## and attributes outside of the allowed list. def clean! string, tags=ALLOWED_TAGS string.gsub(%r{<(/*)(\w+)([^>]*)>}) do raw = $LAST_MATCH_INFO tag = raw[2].downcase if (attrs = tags[tag]) html_attribs = attrs.each_with_object([tag]) do |attr, pcs| q, rest_value = process_attribute attr, raw[3] pcs << "#{attr}=#{q}#{rest_value}#{q}" unless rest_value.blank? end * " " "<#{raw[1]}#{html_attribs}>" else " " end end.gsub(/<\!--.*?-->/, "") end if Card.config.space_last_in_multispace def clean_with_space_last! string, tags=ALLOWED_TAGS cwo = clean_without_space_last!(string, tags) cwo.gsub(/(?:^|\b) ((?: )+)/, '\1 ') end alias_method_chain :clean!, :space_last end def process_attribute attrib, all_attributes return ['"', nil] unless all_attributes =~ /\b#{attrib}\s*=\s*(?=(.))/i q = '"' rest_value = $' if (idx = %w[' "].index Regexp.last_match(1)) q = Regexp.last_match(1) end reg_exp = ATTR_VALUE_RE[idx || 2] rest_value = process_attribute_match rest_value, reg_exp, attrib [q, rest_value] end # NOTE allows classes beginning with "w-" (deprecated) def process_attribute_match rest_value, reg_exp, attrib return rest_value unless (match = rest_value.match reg_exp) rest_value = match[0] if attrib == "class" rest_value.split(/\s+/).select { |s| s =~ /^w-/i }.join(" ") else rest_value end end end end end