--- layout: default curly: true banner: title: "VLIZ-be jekyll theme" clickthrough_text: "Learn more about the theme" clickthrough_url: "#documentation" --- {% include banner/main.html banner=page.banner %} {% include_relative README.md %} ## _Includes
Path Description Readme
_includes/banner Banner DOCUMENTATION
_includes/footer Footer DOCUMENTATION
_includes/item/list/block/colored List of items with a colored background blocks DOCUMENTATION
_includes/item/list/card/colored List of items with a colored background cards DOCUMENTATION
_includes/item/list/carrousel/block List of items with a carrousel of blocks DOCUMENTATION
_includes/item/list/carrousel/waved List of items with a carrousel with wavy background DOCUMENTATION
_includes/item/list/gallery Compact list of items with a gallery DOCUMENTATION
_includes/item/list/row/image_text_link Item with image, text and link DOCUMENTATION
_includes/item/list/row/text_image Item with text, image DOCUMENTATION
_includes/item/single/row_and_wave Item with text, image and wavy background DOCUMENTATION
_includes/light_bg_block block with light background DOCUMENTATION
_includes/navigation Navigation DOCUMENTATION