/* Copyright (c) 2012-2017 The ANTLR Project. All rights reserved. * Use of this file is governed by the BSD 3-clause license that * can be found in the LICENSE.txt file in the project root. */ #include "dfa/DFA.h" #include "NoViableAltException.h" #include "atn/DecisionState.h" #include "ParserRuleContext.h" #include "misc/IntervalSet.h" #include "Parser.h" #include "CommonTokenStream.h" #include "atn/NotSetTransition.h" #include "atn/AtomTransition.h" #include "atn/RuleTransition.h" #include "atn/PredicateTransition.h" #include "atn/PrecedencePredicateTransition.h" #include "atn/SingletonPredictionContext.h" #include "atn/ActionTransition.h" #include "atn/EpsilonTransition.h" #include "atn/RuleStopState.h" #include "atn/ATNConfigSet.h" #include "atn/ATNConfig.h" #include "internal/Synchronization.h" #include "atn/StarLoopEntryState.h" #include "atn/BlockStartState.h" #include "atn/BlockEndState.h" #include "misc/Interval.h" #include "ANTLRErrorListener.h" #include "Vocabulary.h" #include "support/Arrays.h" #include "support/Casts.h" #include "atn/ParserATNSimulator.h" #ifndef DEBUG_ATN #define DEBUG_ATN 0 #endif #ifndef TRACE_ATN_SIM #define TRACE_ATN_SIM 0 #endif #ifndef DFA_DEBUG #define DFA_DEBUG 0 #endif #ifndef RETRY_DEBUG #define RETRY_DEBUG 0 #endif using namespace antlr4; using namespace antlr4::atn; using namespace antlr4::internal; using namespace antlrcpp; const bool ParserATNSimulator::TURN_OFF_LR_LOOP_ENTRY_BRANCH_OPT = ParserATNSimulator::getLrLoopSetting(); ParserATNSimulator::ParserATNSimulator(const ATN &atn, std::vector &decisionToDFA, PredictionContextCache &sharedContextCache) : ParserATNSimulator(nullptr, atn, decisionToDFA, sharedContextCache) { } ParserATNSimulator::ParserATNSimulator(Parser *parser, const ATN &atn, std::vector &decisionToDFA, PredictionContextCache &sharedContextCache) : ParserATNSimulator(parser, atn, decisionToDFA, sharedContextCache, ParserATNSimulatorOptions()) {} ParserATNSimulator::ParserATNSimulator(Parser *parser, const ATN &atn, std::vector &decisionToDFA, PredictionContextCache &sharedContextCache, const ParserATNSimulatorOptions &options) : ATNSimulator(atn, sharedContextCache), decisionToDFA(decisionToDFA), parser(parser), mergeCache(options.getPredictionContextMergeCacheOptions()) { InitializeInstanceFields(); } void ParserATNSimulator::reset() { } void ParserATNSimulator::clearDFA() { int size = (int)decisionToDFA.size(); decisionToDFA.clear(); for (int d = 0; d < size; ++d) { decisionToDFA.push_back(dfa::DFA(atn.getDecisionState(d), d)); } } size_t ParserATNSimulator::adaptivePredict(TokenStream *input, size_t decision, ParserRuleContext *outerContext) { #if DEBUG_ATN == 1 || TRACE_ATN_SIM == 1 std::cout << "adaptivePredict decision " << decision << " exec LA(1)==" << getLookaheadName(input) << " line " << input->LT(1)->getLine() << ":" << input->LT(1)->getCharPositionInLine() << std::endl; #endif _input = input; _startIndex = input->index(); _outerContext = outerContext; dfa::DFA &dfa = decisionToDFA[decision]; _dfa = &dfa; ssize_t m = input->mark(); size_t index = _startIndex; // Now we are certain to have a specific decision's DFA // But, do we still need an initial state? auto onExit = finally([this, input, index, m] { if (mergeCache.getOptions().getClearEveryN() != 0) { if (++_mergeCacheCounter == mergeCache.getOptions().getClearEveryN()) { mergeCache.clear(); _mergeCacheCounter = 0; } } _dfa = nullptr; input->seek(index); input->release(m); }); dfa::DFAState *s0; { SharedLock stateLock(atn._stateMutex); if (dfa.isPrecedenceDfa()) { // the start state for a precedence DFA depends on the current // parser precedence, and is provided by a DFA method. SharedLock edgeLock(atn._edgeMutex); s0 = dfa.getPrecedenceStartState(parser->getPrecedence()); } else { // the start state for a "regular" DFA is just s0 s0 = dfa.s0; } } if (s0 == nullptr) { auto s0_closure = computeStartState(dfa.atnStartState, &ParserRuleContext::EMPTY, false); std::unique_ptr newState; std::unique_ptr oldState; UniqueLock stateLock(atn._stateMutex); dfa::DFAState* ds0 = dfa.s0; if (dfa.isPrecedenceDfa()) { /* If this is a precedence DFA, we use applyPrecedenceFilter * to convert the computed start state to a precedence start * state. We then use DFA.setPrecedenceStartState to set the * appropriate start state for the precedence level rather * than simply setting DFA.s0. */ ds0->configs = std::move(s0_closure); // not used for prediction but useful to know start configs anyway newState = std::make_unique(applyPrecedenceFilter(ds0->configs.get())); s0 = addDFAState(dfa, newState.get()); UniqueLock edgeLock(atn._edgeMutex); dfa.setPrecedenceStartState(parser->getPrecedence(), s0); } else { newState = std::make_unique(std::move(s0_closure)); s0 = addDFAState(dfa, newState.get()); if (ds0 != s0) { oldState.reset(ds0); dfa.s0 = s0; } } if (s0 == newState.get()) { newState.release(); } } // We can start with an existing DFA. size_t alt = execATN(dfa, s0, input, index, outerContext != nullptr ? outerContext : &ParserRuleContext::EMPTY); return alt; } size_t ParserATNSimulator::execATN(dfa::DFA &dfa, dfa::DFAState *s0, TokenStream *input, size_t startIndex, ParserRuleContext *outerContext) { #if DEBUG_ATN == 1 || TRACE_ATN_SIM == 1 std::cout << "execATN decision " << dfa.decision << ", DFA state " << s0->toString() << ", LA(1)==" << getLookaheadName(input) << " line " << input->LT(1)->getLine() << ":" << input->LT(1)->getCharPositionInLine() << std::endl; #endif dfa::DFAState *previousD = s0; #if DEBUG_ATN == 1 std::cout << "s0 = " << s0->toString() << std::endl; #endif size_t t = input->LA(1); while (true) { // while more work dfa::DFAState *D = getExistingTargetState(previousD, t); if (D == nullptr) { D = computeTargetState(dfa, previousD, t); } if (D == ERROR.get()) { // if any configs in previous dipped into outer context, that // means that input up to t actually finished entry rule // at least for SLL decision. Full LL doesn't dip into outer // so don't need special case. // We will get an error no matter what so delay until after // decision; better error message. Also, no reachable target // ATN states in SLL implies LL will also get nowhere. // If conflict in states that dip out, choose min since we // will get error no matter what. NoViableAltException e = noViableAlt(input, outerContext, previousD->configs.get(), startIndex, false); input->seek(startIndex); size_t alt = getSynValidOrSemInvalidAltThatFinishedDecisionEntryRule(previousD->configs.get(), outerContext); if (alt != ATN::INVALID_ALT_NUMBER) { return alt; } throw e; } if (D->requiresFullContext && _mode != PredictionMode::SLL) { // IF PREDS, MIGHT RESOLVE TO SINGLE ALT => SLL (or syntax error) BitSet conflictingAlts; if (D->predicates.size() != 0) { #if DEBUG_ATN == 1 std::cout << "DFA state has preds in DFA sim LL failover" << std::endl; #endif size_t conflictIndex = input->index(); if (conflictIndex != startIndex) { input->seek(startIndex); } conflictingAlts = evalSemanticContext(D->predicates, outerContext, true); if (conflictingAlts.count() == 1) { #if DEBUG_ATN == 1 std::cout << "Full LL avoided" << std::endl; #endif return conflictingAlts.nextSetBit(0); } if (conflictIndex != startIndex) { // restore the index so reporting the fallback to full // context occurs with the index at the correct spot input->seek(conflictIndex); } } #if DFA_DEBUG == 1 std::cout << "ctx sensitive state " << outerContext << " in " << D << std::endl; #endif bool fullCtx = true; std::unique_ptr s0_closure = computeStartState(dfa.atnStartState, outerContext, fullCtx); reportAttemptingFullContext(dfa, conflictingAlts, D->configs.get(), startIndex, input->index()); size_t alt = execATNWithFullContext(dfa, D, s0_closure.get(), input, startIndex, outerContext); return alt; } if (D->isAcceptState) { if (D->predicates.empty()) { return D->prediction; } size_t stopIndex = input->index(); input->seek(startIndex); BitSet alts = evalSemanticContext(D->predicates, outerContext, true); switch (alts.count()) { case 0: throw noViableAlt(input, outerContext, D->configs.get(), startIndex, false); case 1: return alts.nextSetBit(0); default: // report ambiguity after predicate evaluation to make sure the correct // set of ambig alts is reported. reportAmbiguity(dfa, D, startIndex, stopIndex, false, alts, D->configs.get()); return alts.nextSetBit(0); } } previousD = D; if (t != Token::EOF) { input->consume(); t = input->LA(1); } } } dfa::DFAState *ParserATNSimulator::getExistingTargetState(dfa::DFAState *previousD, size_t t) { dfa::DFAState* retval; SharedLock edgeLock(atn._edgeMutex); auto iterator = previousD->edges.find(t); retval = (iterator == previousD->edges.end()) ? nullptr : iterator->second; return retval; } dfa::DFAState *ParserATNSimulator::computeTargetState(dfa::DFA &dfa, dfa::DFAState *previousD, size_t t) { std::unique_ptr reach = computeReachSet(previousD->configs.get(), t, false); if (reach == nullptr) { addDFAEdge(dfa, previousD, t, ERROR.get()); return ERROR.get(); } // create new target state; we'll add to DFA after it's complete dfa::DFAState *D = new dfa::DFAState(std::move(reach)); /* mem-check: managed by the DFA or deleted below, "reach" is no longer valid now. */ size_t predictedAlt = getUniqueAlt(D->configs.get()); if (predictedAlt != ATN::INVALID_ALT_NUMBER) { // NO CONFLICT, UNIQUELY PREDICTED ALT D->isAcceptState = true; D->configs->uniqueAlt = predictedAlt; D->prediction = predictedAlt; } else if (PredictionModeClass::hasSLLConflictTerminatingPrediction(_mode, D->configs.get())) { // MORE THAN ONE VIABLE ALTERNATIVE D->configs->conflictingAlts = getConflictingAlts(D->configs.get()); D->requiresFullContext = true; // in SLL-only mode, we will stop at this state and return the minimum alt D->isAcceptState = true; D->prediction = D->configs->conflictingAlts.nextSetBit(0); } if (D->isAcceptState && D->configs->hasSemanticContext) { predicateDFAState(D, atn.getDecisionState(dfa.decision)); if (D->predicates.size() != 0) { D->prediction = ATN::INVALID_ALT_NUMBER; } } // all adds to dfa are done after we've created full D state dfa::DFAState *state = addDFAEdge(dfa, previousD, t, D); if (state != D) { delete D; // If the new state exists already we don't need it and use the existing one instead. } return state; } void ParserATNSimulator::predicateDFAState(dfa::DFAState *dfaState, DecisionState *decisionState) { // We need to test all predicates, even in DFA states that // uniquely predict alternative. size_t nalts = decisionState->transitions.size(); // Update DFA so reach becomes accept state with (predicate,alt) // pairs if preds found for conflicting alts BitSet altsToCollectPredsFrom = getConflictingAltsOrUniqueAlt(dfaState->configs.get()); std::vector> altToPred = getPredsForAmbigAlts(altsToCollectPredsFrom, dfaState->configs.get(), nalts); if (!altToPred.empty()) { dfaState->predicates = getPredicatePredictions(altsToCollectPredsFrom, altToPred); dfaState->prediction = ATN::INVALID_ALT_NUMBER; // make sure we use preds } else { // There are preds in configs but they might go away // when OR'd together like {p}? || NONE == NONE. If neither // alt has preds, resolve to min alt dfaState->prediction = altsToCollectPredsFrom.nextSetBit(0); } } size_t ParserATNSimulator::execATNWithFullContext(dfa::DFA &dfa, dfa::DFAState *D, ATNConfigSet *s0, TokenStream *input, size_t startIndex, ParserRuleContext *outerContext) { #if TRACE_ATN_SIM == 1 std::cout << "execATNWithFullContext " << s0->toString() << std::endl; #endif bool fullCtx = true; bool foundExactAmbig = false; std::unique_ptr reach; ATNConfigSet *previous = s0; input->seek(startIndex); size_t t = input->LA(1); size_t predictedAlt; while (true) { reach = computeReachSet(previous, t, fullCtx); if (reach == nullptr) { // if any configs in previous dipped into outer context, that // means that input up to t actually finished entry rule // at least for LL decision. Full LL doesn't dip into outer // so don't need special case. // We will get an error no matter what so delay until after // decision; better error message. Also, no reachable target // ATN states in SLL implies LL will also get nowhere. // If conflict in states that dip out, choose min since we // will get error no matter what. NoViableAltException e = noViableAlt(input, outerContext, previous, startIndex, previous != s0); input->seek(startIndex); size_t alt = getSynValidOrSemInvalidAltThatFinishedDecisionEntryRule(previous, outerContext); if (alt != ATN::INVALID_ALT_NUMBER) { return alt; } throw e; } if (previous != s0) // Don't delete the start set. delete previous; previous = nullptr; std::vector altSubSets = PredictionModeClass::getConflictingAltSubsets(reach.get()); reach->uniqueAlt = getUniqueAlt(reach.get()); // unique prediction? if (reach->uniqueAlt != ATN::INVALID_ALT_NUMBER) { predictedAlt = reach->uniqueAlt; break; } if (_mode != PredictionMode::LL_EXACT_AMBIG_DETECTION) { predictedAlt = PredictionModeClass::resolvesToJustOneViableAlt(altSubSets); if (predictedAlt != ATN::INVALID_ALT_NUMBER) { break; } } else { // In exact ambiguity mode, we never try to terminate early. // Just keeps scarfing until we know what the conflict is if (PredictionModeClass::allSubsetsConflict(altSubSets) && PredictionModeClass::allSubsetsEqual(altSubSets)) { foundExactAmbig = true; predictedAlt = PredictionModeClass::getSingleViableAlt(altSubSets); break; } // else there are multiple non-conflicting subsets or // we're not sure what the ambiguity is yet. // So, keep going. } previous = reach.release(); if (t != Token::EOF) { input->consume(); t = input->LA(1); } } // If the configuration set uniquely predicts an alternative, // without conflict, then we know that it's a full LL decision // not SLL. if (reach->uniqueAlt != ATN::INVALID_ALT_NUMBER) { reportContextSensitivity(dfa, predictedAlt, reach.get(), startIndex, input->index()); return predictedAlt; } // We do not check predicates here because we have checked them // on-the-fly when doing full context prediction. /* In non-exact ambiguity detection mode, we might actually be able to detect an exact ambiguity, but I'm not going to spend the cycles needed to check. We only emit ambiguity warnings in exact ambiguity mode. For example, we might know that we have conflicting configurations. But, that does not mean that there is no way forward without a conflict. It's possible to have nonconflicting alt subsets as in: LL altSubSets=[{1, 2}, {1, 2}, {1}, {1, 2}] from [(17,1,[5 $]), (13,1,[5 10 $]), (21,1,[5 10 $]), (11,1,[$]), (13,2,[5 10 $]), (21,2,[5 10 $]), (11,2,[$])] In this case, (17,1,[5 $]) indicates there is some next sequence that would resolve this without conflict to alternative 1. Any other viable next sequence, however, is associated with a conflict. We stop looking for input because no amount of further lookahead will alter the fact that we should predict alternative 1. We just can't say for sure that there is an ambiguity without looking further. */ reportAmbiguity(dfa, D, startIndex, input->index(), foundExactAmbig, reach->getAlts(), reach.get()); return predictedAlt; } std::unique_ptr ParserATNSimulator::computeReachSet(ATNConfigSet *closure_, size_t t, bool fullCtx) { std::unique_ptr intermediate(new ATNConfigSet(fullCtx)); /* Configurations already in a rule stop state indicate reaching the end * of the decision rule (local context) or end of the start rule (full * context). Once reached, these configurations are never updated by a * closure operation, so they are handled separately for the performance * advantage of having a smaller intermediate set when calling closure. * * For full-context reach operations, separate handling is required to * ensure that the alternative matching the longest overall sequence is * chosen when multiple such configurations can match the input. */ std::vector> skippedStopStates; // First figure out where we can reach on input t for (const auto &c : closure_->configs) { if (RuleStopState::is(c->state)) { assert(c->context->isEmpty()); if (fullCtx || t == Token::EOF) { skippedStopStates.push_back(c); } continue; } size_t n = c->state->transitions.size(); for (size_t ti = 0; ti < n; ti++) { // for each transition const Transition *trans = c->state->transitions[ti].get(); ATNState *target = getReachableTarget(trans, (int)t); if (target != nullptr) { intermediate->add(std::make_shared(*c, target), &mergeCache); } } } // Now figure out where the reach operation can take us... std::unique_ptr reach; /* This block optimizes the reach operation for intermediate sets which * trivially indicate a termination state for the overall * adaptivePredict operation. * * The conditions assume that intermediate * contains all configurations relevant to the reach set, but this * condition is not true when one or more configurations have been * withheld in skippedStopStates, or when the current symbol is EOF. */ if (skippedStopStates.empty() && t != Token::EOF) { if (intermediate->size() == 1) { // Don't pursue the closure if there is just one state. // It can only have one alternative; just add to result // Also don't pursue the closure if there is unique alternative // among the configurations. reach = std::move(intermediate); } else if (getUniqueAlt(intermediate.get()) != ATN::INVALID_ALT_NUMBER) { // Also don't pursue the closure if there is unique alternative // among the configurations. reach = std::move(intermediate); } } /* If the reach set could not be trivially determined, perform a closure * operation on the intermediate set to compute its initial value. */ if (reach == nullptr) { reach.reset(new ATNConfigSet(fullCtx)); ATNConfig::Set closureBusy; bool treatEofAsEpsilon = t == Token::EOF; for (const auto &c : intermediate->configs) { closure(c, reach.get(), closureBusy, false, fullCtx, treatEofAsEpsilon); } } if (t == IntStream::EOF) { /* After consuming EOF no additional input is possible, so we are * only interested in configurations which reached the end of the * decision rule (local context) or end of the start rule (full * context). Update reach to contain only these configurations. This * handles both explicit EOF transitions in the grammar and implicit * EOF transitions following the end of the decision or start rule. * * When reach==intermediate, no closure operation was performed. In * this case, removeAllConfigsNotInRuleStopState needs to check for * reachable rule stop states as well as configurations already in * a rule stop state. * * This is handled before the configurations in skippedStopStates, * because any configurations potentially added from that list are * already guaranteed to meet this condition whether or not it's * required. */ ATNConfigSet *temp = removeAllConfigsNotInRuleStopState(reach.get(), *reach == *intermediate); if (temp != reach.get()) reach.reset(temp); // We got a new set, so use that. } /* If skippedStopStates is not null, then it contains at least one * configuration. For full-context reach operations, these * configurations reached the end of the start rule, in which case we * only add them back to reach if no configuration during the current * closure operation reached such a state. This ensures adaptivePredict * chooses an alternative matching the longest overall sequence when * multiple alternatives are viable. */ if (skippedStopStates.size() > 0 && (!fullCtx || !PredictionModeClass::hasConfigInRuleStopState(reach.get()))) { assert(!skippedStopStates.empty()); for (const auto &c : skippedStopStates) { reach->add(c, &mergeCache); } } #if DEBUG_ATN == 1 || TRACE_ATN_SIM == 1 std::cout << "computeReachSet " << closure_->toString() << " -> " << reach->toString() << std::endl; #endif if (reach->isEmpty()) { return nullptr; } return reach; } ATNConfigSet* ParserATNSimulator::removeAllConfigsNotInRuleStopState(ATNConfigSet *configs, bool lookToEndOfRule) { if (PredictionModeClass::allConfigsInRuleStopStates(configs)) { return configs; } ATNConfigSet *result = new ATNConfigSet(configs->fullCtx); /* mem-check: released by caller */ for (const auto &config : configs->configs) { if (config->state != nullptr && config->state->getStateType() == ATNStateType::RULE_STOP) { result->add(config, &mergeCache); continue; } if (lookToEndOfRule && config->state->epsilonOnlyTransitions) { misc::IntervalSet nextTokens = atn.nextTokens(config->state); if (nextTokens.contains(Token::EPSILON)) { ATNState *endOfRuleState = atn.ruleToStopState[config->state->ruleIndex]; result->add(std::make_shared(*config, endOfRuleState), &mergeCache); } } } return result; } std::unique_ptr ParserATNSimulator::computeStartState(ATNState *p, RuleContext *ctx, bool fullCtx) { // always at least the implicit call to start rule Ref initialContext = PredictionContext::fromRuleContext(atn, ctx); std::unique_ptr configs(new ATNConfigSet(fullCtx)); #if DEBUG_ATN == 1 || TRACE_ATN_SIM == 1 std::cout << "computeStartState from ATN state " << p->toString() << " initialContext=" << initialContext->toString() << std::endl; #endif for (size_t i = 0; i < p->transitions.size(); i++) { ATNState *target = p->transitions[i]->target; Ref c = std::make_shared(target, (int)i + 1, initialContext); ATNConfig::Set closureBusy; closure(c, configs.get(), closureBusy, true, fullCtx, false); } return configs; } std::unique_ptr ParserATNSimulator::applyPrecedenceFilter(ATNConfigSet *configs) { std::map> statesFromAlt1; std::unique_ptr configSet(new ATNConfigSet(configs->fullCtx)); for (const auto &config : configs->configs) { // handle alt 1 first if (config->alt != 1) { continue; } Ref updatedContext = config->semanticContext->evalPrecedence(parser, _outerContext); if (updatedContext == nullptr) { // the configuration was eliminated continue; } statesFromAlt1[config->state->stateNumber] = config->context; if (updatedContext != config->semanticContext) { configSet->add(std::make_shared(*config, updatedContext), &mergeCache); } else { configSet->add(config, &mergeCache); } } for (const auto &config : configs->configs) { if (config->alt == 1) { // already handled continue; } if (!config->isPrecedenceFilterSuppressed()) { /* In the future, this elimination step could be updated to also * filter the prediction context for alternatives predicting alt>1 * (basically a graph subtraction algorithm). */ auto iterator = statesFromAlt1.find(config->state->stateNumber); if (iterator != statesFromAlt1.end() && *iterator->second == *config->context) { // eliminated continue; } } configSet->add(config, &mergeCache); } return configSet; } atn::ATNState* ParserATNSimulator::getReachableTarget(const Transition *trans, size_t ttype) { if (trans->matches(ttype, 0, atn.maxTokenType)) { return trans->target; } return nullptr; } // Note that caller must memory manage the returned value from this function std::vector> ParserATNSimulator::getPredsForAmbigAlts(const BitSet &ambigAlts, ATNConfigSet *configs, size_t nalts) { // REACH=[1|1|[]|0:0, 1|2|[]|0:1] /* altToPred starts as an array of all null contexts. The entry at index i * corresponds to alternative i. altToPred[i] may have one of three values: * 1. null: no ATNConfig c is found such that c.alt==i * 2. SemanticContext.NONE: At least one ATNConfig c exists such that * c.alt==i and c.semanticContext==SemanticContext.NONE. In other words, * alt i has at least one un-predicated config. * 3. Non-NONE Semantic Context: There exists at least one, and for all * ATNConfig c such that c.alt==i, c.semanticContext!=SemanticContext.NONE. * * From this, it is clear that NONE||anything==NONE. */ std::vector> altToPred(nalts + 1); for (const auto &c : configs->configs) { if (ambigAlts.test(c->alt)) { altToPred[c->alt] = SemanticContext::Or(altToPred[c->alt], c->semanticContext); } } size_t nPredAlts = 0; for (size_t i = 1; i <= nalts; i++) { if (altToPred[i] == nullptr) { altToPred[i] = SemanticContext::Empty::Instance; } else if (altToPred[i] != SemanticContext::Empty::Instance) { nPredAlts++; } } // nonambig alts are null in altToPred if (nPredAlts == 0) { altToPred.clear(); } #if DEBUG_ATN == 1 std::cout << "getPredsForAmbigAlts result " << Arrays::toString(altToPred) << std::endl; #endif return altToPred; } std::vector ParserATNSimulator::getPredicatePredictions(const antlrcpp::BitSet &ambigAlts, const std::vector> &altToPred) { bool containsPredicate = std::find_if(altToPred.begin(), altToPred.end(), [](const Ref &context) { return context != SemanticContext::Empty::Instance; }) != altToPred.end(); std::vector pairs; if (containsPredicate) { for (size_t i = 1; i < altToPred.size(); i++) { const auto &pred = altToPred[i]; assert(pred != nullptr); // unpredicted is indicated by SemanticContext.NONE if (ambigAlts.test(i)) { pairs.emplace_back(pred, static_cast(i)); } } } return pairs; } size_t ParserATNSimulator::getSynValidOrSemInvalidAltThatFinishedDecisionEntryRule(ATNConfigSet *configs, ParserRuleContext *outerContext) { std::pair sets = splitAccordingToSemanticValidity(configs, outerContext); std::unique_ptr semValidConfigs(sets.first); std::unique_ptr semInvalidConfigs(sets.second); size_t alt = getAltThatFinishedDecisionEntryRule(semValidConfigs.get()); if (alt != ATN::INVALID_ALT_NUMBER) { // semantically/syntactically viable path exists return alt; } // Is there a syntactically valid path with a failed pred? if (!semInvalidConfigs->configs.empty()) { alt = getAltThatFinishedDecisionEntryRule(semInvalidConfigs.get()); if (alt != ATN::INVALID_ALT_NUMBER) { // syntactically viable path exists return alt; } } return ATN::INVALID_ALT_NUMBER; } size_t ParserATNSimulator::getAltThatFinishedDecisionEntryRule(ATNConfigSet *configs) { misc::IntervalSet alts; for (const auto &c : configs->configs) { if (c->getOuterContextDepth() > 0 || (c->state != nullptr && c->state->getStateType() == ATNStateType::RULE_STOP && c->context->hasEmptyPath())) { alts.add(c->alt); } } if (alts.size() == 0) { return ATN::INVALID_ALT_NUMBER; } return alts.getMinElement(); } std::pair ParserATNSimulator::splitAccordingToSemanticValidity(ATNConfigSet *configs, ParserRuleContext *outerContext) { // mem-check: both pointers must be freed by the caller. ATNConfigSet *succeeded(new ATNConfigSet(configs->fullCtx)); ATNConfigSet *failed(new ATNConfigSet(configs->fullCtx)); for (const auto &c : configs->configs) { if (c->semanticContext != SemanticContext::Empty::Instance) { bool predicateEvaluationResult = evalSemanticContext(c->semanticContext, outerContext, c->alt, configs->fullCtx); if (predicateEvaluationResult) { succeeded->add(c); } else { failed->add(c); } } else { succeeded->add(c); } } return { succeeded, failed }; } BitSet ParserATNSimulator::evalSemanticContext(const std::vector &predPredictions, ParserRuleContext *outerContext, bool complete) { BitSet predictions; for (const auto &prediction : predPredictions) { if (prediction.pred == SemanticContext::Empty::Instance) { predictions.set(prediction.alt); if (!complete) { break; } continue; } bool fullCtx = false; // in dfa bool predicateEvaluationResult = evalSemanticContext(prediction.pred, outerContext, prediction.alt, fullCtx); #if DEBUG_ATN == 1 || DFA_DEBUG == 1 std::cout << "eval pred " << prediction.toString() << " = " << predicateEvaluationResult << std::endl; #endif if (predicateEvaluationResult) { #if DEBUG_ATN == 1 || DFA_DEBUG == 1 std::cout << "PREDICT " << prediction.alt << std::endl; #endif predictions.set(prediction.alt); if (!complete) { break; } } } return predictions; } bool ParserATNSimulator::evalSemanticContext(Ref const& pred, ParserRuleContext *parserCallStack, size_t /*alt*/, bool /*fullCtx*/) { return pred->eval(parser, parserCallStack); } void ParserATNSimulator::closure(Ref const& config, ATNConfigSet *configs, ATNConfig::Set &closureBusy, bool collectPredicates, bool fullCtx, bool treatEofAsEpsilon) { const int initialDepth = 0; closureCheckingStopState(config, configs, closureBusy, collectPredicates, fullCtx, initialDepth, treatEofAsEpsilon); assert(!fullCtx || !configs->dipsIntoOuterContext); } void ParserATNSimulator::closureCheckingStopState(Ref const& config, ATNConfigSet *configs, ATNConfig::Set &closureBusy, bool collectPredicates, bool fullCtx, int depth, bool treatEofAsEpsilon) { #if TRACE_ATN_SIM == 1 std::cout << "closure(" << config->toString(true) << ")" << std::endl; #endif if (config->state != nullptr && config->state->getStateType() == ATNStateType::RULE_STOP) { // We hit rule end. If we have context info, use it // run thru all possible stack tops in ctx if (!config->context->isEmpty()) { for (size_t i = 0; i < config->context->size(); i++) { if (config->context->getReturnState(i) == PredictionContext::EMPTY_RETURN_STATE) { if (fullCtx) { configs->add(std::make_shared(*config, config->state, PredictionContext::EMPTY), &mergeCache); continue; } else { // we have no context info, just chase follow links (if greedy) #if DEBUG_ATN == 1 std::cout << "FALLING off rule " << getRuleName(config->state->ruleIndex) << std::endl; #endif closure_(config, configs, closureBusy, collectPredicates, fullCtx, depth, treatEofAsEpsilon); } continue; } ATNState *returnState = atn.states[config->context->getReturnState(i)]; Ref newContext = config->context->getParent(i); // "pop" return state Ref c = std::make_shared(returnState, config->alt, newContext, config->semanticContext); // While we have context to pop back from, we may have // gotten that context AFTER having falling off a rule. // Make sure we track that we are now out of context. // // This assignment also propagates the // isPrecedenceFilterSuppressed() value to the new // configuration. c->reachesIntoOuterContext = config->reachesIntoOuterContext; assert(depth > INT_MIN); closureCheckingStopState(c, configs, closureBusy, collectPredicates, fullCtx, depth - 1, treatEofAsEpsilon); } return; } else if (fullCtx) { // reached end of start rule configs->add(config, &mergeCache); return; } else { // else if we have no context info, just chase follow links (if greedy) } } closure_(config, configs, closureBusy, collectPredicates, fullCtx, depth, treatEofAsEpsilon); } void ParserATNSimulator::closure_(Ref const& config, ATNConfigSet *configs, ATNConfig::Set &closureBusy, bool collectPredicates, bool fullCtx, int depth, bool treatEofAsEpsilon) { ATNState *p = config->state; // optimization if (!p->epsilonOnlyTransitions) { // make sure to not return here, because EOF transitions can act as // both epsilon transitions and non-epsilon transitions. configs->add(config, &mergeCache); } for (size_t i = 0; i < p->transitions.size(); i++) { if (i == 0 && canDropLoopEntryEdgeInLeftRecursiveRule(config.get())) continue; const Transition *t = p->transitions[i].get(); bool continueCollecting = !(t != nullptr && t->getTransitionType() == TransitionType::ACTION) && collectPredicates; Ref c = getEpsilonTarget(config, t, continueCollecting, depth == 0, fullCtx, treatEofAsEpsilon); if (c != nullptr) { int newDepth = depth; if (config->state != nullptr && config->state->getStateType() == ATNStateType::RULE_STOP) { assert(!fullCtx); // target fell off end of rule; mark resulting c as having dipped into outer context // We can't get here if incoming config was rule stop and we had context // track how far we dip into outer context. Might // come in handy and we avoid evaluating context dependent // preds if this is > 0. if (closureBusy.count(c) > 0) { // avoid infinite recursion for right-recursive rules continue; } closureBusy.insert(c); if (_dfa != nullptr && _dfa->isPrecedenceDfa()) { size_t outermostPrecedenceReturn = downCast(t)->outermostPrecedenceReturn(); if (outermostPrecedenceReturn == _dfa->atnStartState->ruleIndex) { c->setPrecedenceFilterSuppressed(true); } } c->reachesIntoOuterContext++; if (!t->isEpsilon()) { // avoid infinite recursion for EOF* and EOF+ if (closureBusy.count(c) == 0) { closureBusy.insert(c); } else { continue; } } configs->dipsIntoOuterContext = true; // TODO: can remove? only care when we add to set per middle of this method assert(newDepth > INT_MIN); newDepth--; #if DFA_DEBUG == 1 std::cout << "dips into outer ctx: " << c << std::endl; #endif } else if (!t->isEpsilon()) { // avoid infinite recursion for EOF* and EOF+ if (closureBusy.count(c) == 0) { closureBusy.insert(c); } else { continue; } } if (t != nullptr && t->getTransitionType() == TransitionType::RULE) { // latch when newDepth goes negative - once we step out of the entry context we can't return if (newDepth >= 0) { newDepth++; } } closureCheckingStopState(c, configs, closureBusy, continueCollecting, fullCtx, newDepth, treatEofAsEpsilon); } } } bool ParserATNSimulator::canDropLoopEntryEdgeInLeftRecursiveRule(ATNConfig *config) const { if (TURN_OFF_LR_LOOP_ENTRY_BRANCH_OPT) return false; ATNState *p = config->state; // First check to see if we are in StarLoopEntryState generated during // left-recursion elimination. For efficiency, also check if // the context has an empty stack case. If so, it would mean // global FOLLOW so we can't perform optimization if (p->getStateType() != ATNStateType::STAR_LOOP_ENTRY || !((StarLoopEntryState *)p)->isPrecedenceDecision || // Are we the special loop entry/exit state? config->context->isEmpty() || // If SLL wildcard config->context->hasEmptyPath()) { return false; } // Require all return states to return back to the same rule // that p is in. size_t numCtxs = config->context->size(); for (size_t i = 0; i < numCtxs; i++) { // for each stack context ATNState *returnState = atn.states[config->context->getReturnState(i)]; if (returnState->ruleIndex != p->ruleIndex) return false; } BlockStartState *decisionStartState = (BlockStartState *)p->transitions[0]->target; size_t blockEndStateNum = decisionStartState->endState->stateNumber; BlockEndState *blockEndState = (BlockEndState *)atn.states[blockEndStateNum]; // Verify that the top of each stack context leads to loop entry/exit // state through epsilon edges and w/o leaving rule. for (size_t i = 0; i < numCtxs; i++) { // for each stack context size_t returnStateNumber = config->context->getReturnState(i); ATNState *returnState = atn.states[returnStateNumber]; // All states must have single outgoing epsilon edge. if (returnState->transitions.size() != 1 || !returnState->transitions[0]->isEpsilon()) { return false; } // Look for prefix op case like 'not expr', (' type ')' expr ATNState *returnStateTarget = returnState->transitions[0]->target; if (returnState->getStateType() == ATNStateType::BLOCK_END && returnStateTarget == p) { continue; } // Look for 'expr op expr' or case where expr's return state is block end // of (...)* internal block; the block end points to loop back // which points to p but we don't need to check that if (returnState == blockEndState) { continue; } // Look for ternary expr ? expr : expr. The return state points at block end, // which points at loop entry state if (returnStateTarget == blockEndState) { continue; } // Look for complex prefix 'between expr and expr' case where 2nd expr's // return state points at block end state of (...)* internal block if (returnStateTarget->getStateType() == ATNStateType::BLOCK_END && returnStateTarget->transitions.size() == 1 && returnStateTarget->transitions[0]->isEpsilon() && returnStateTarget->transitions[0]->target == p) { continue; } // Anything else ain't conforming. return false; } return true; } std::string ParserATNSimulator::getRuleName(size_t index) { if (parser != nullptr) { return parser->getRuleNames()[index]; } return ""; } Ref ParserATNSimulator::getEpsilonTarget(Ref const& config, const Transition *t, bool collectPredicates, bool inContext, bool fullCtx, bool treatEofAsEpsilon) { switch (t->getTransitionType()) { case TransitionType::RULE: return ruleTransition(config, static_cast(t)); case TransitionType::PRECEDENCE: return precedenceTransition(config, static_cast(t), collectPredicates, inContext, fullCtx); case TransitionType::PREDICATE: return predTransition(config, static_cast(t), collectPredicates, inContext, fullCtx); case TransitionType::ACTION: return actionTransition(config, static_cast(t)); case TransitionType::EPSILON: return std::make_shared(*config, t->target); case TransitionType::ATOM: case TransitionType::RANGE: case TransitionType::SET: // EOF transitions act like epsilon transitions after the first EOF // transition is traversed if (treatEofAsEpsilon) { if (t->matches(Token::EOF, 0, 1)) { return std::make_shared(*config, t->target); } } return nullptr; default: return nullptr; } } Ref ParserATNSimulator::actionTransition(Ref const& config, const ActionTransition *t) { #if DFA_DEBUG == 1 std::cout << "ACTION edge " << t->ruleIndex << ":" << t->actionIndex << std::endl; #endif return std::make_shared(*config, t->target); } Ref ParserATNSimulator::precedenceTransition(Ref const& config, const PrecedencePredicateTransition *pt, bool collectPredicates, bool inContext, bool fullCtx) { #if DFA_DEBUG == 1 std::cout << "PRED (collectPredicates=" << collectPredicates << ") " << pt->getPrecedence() << ">=_p" << ", ctx dependent=true" << std::endl; if (parser != nullptr) { std::cout << "context surrounding pred is " << Arrays::listToString(parser->getRuleInvocationStack(), ", ") << std::endl; } #endif Ref c; if (collectPredicates && inContext) { const auto &predicate = pt->getPredicate(); if (fullCtx) { // In full context mode, we can evaluate predicates on-the-fly // during closure, which dramatically reduces the size of // the config sets. It also obviates the need to test predicates // later during conflict resolution. size_t currentPosition = _input->index(); _input->seek(_startIndex); bool predSucceeds = evalSemanticContext(predicate, _outerContext, config->alt, fullCtx); _input->seek(currentPosition); if (predSucceeds) { c = std::make_shared(*config, pt->target); // no pred context } } else { Ref newSemCtx = SemanticContext::And(config->semanticContext, predicate); c = std::make_shared(*config, pt->target, std::move(newSemCtx)); } } else { c = std::make_shared(*config, pt->target); } #if DFA_DEBUG == 1 std::cout << "config from pred transition=" << c << std::endl; #endif return c; } Ref ParserATNSimulator::predTransition(Ref const& config, const PredicateTransition *pt, bool collectPredicates, bool inContext, bool fullCtx) { #if DFA_DEBUG == 1 std::cout << "PRED (collectPredicates=" << collectPredicates << ") " << pt->getRuleIndex() << ":" << pt->getPredIndex() << ", ctx dependent=" << pt->isCtxDependent() << std::endl; if (parser != nullptr) { std::cout << "context surrounding pred is " << Arrays::listToString(parser->getRuleInvocationStack(), ", ") << std::endl; } #endif Ref c = nullptr; if (collectPredicates && (!pt->isCtxDependent() || (pt->isCtxDependent() && inContext))) { const auto &predicate = pt->getPredicate(); if (fullCtx) { // In full context mode, we can evaluate predicates on-the-fly // during closure, which dramatically reduces the size of // the config sets. It also obviates the need to test predicates // later during conflict resolution. size_t currentPosition = _input->index(); _input->seek(_startIndex); bool predSucceeds = evalSemanticContext(predicate, _outerContext, config->alt, fullCtx); _input->seek(currentPosition); if (predSucceeds) { c = std::make_shared(*config, pt->target); // no pred context } } else { Ref newSemCtx = SemanticContext::And(config->semanticContext, predicate); c = std::make_shared(*config, pt->target, std::move(newSemCtx)); } } else { c = std::make_shared(*config, pt->target); } #if DFA_DEBUG == 1 std::cout << "config from pred transition=" << c << std::endl; #endif return c; } Ref ParserATNSimulator::ruleTransition(Ref const& config, const RuleTransition *t) { #if DFA_DEBUG == 1 std::cout << "CALL rule " << getRuleName(t->target->ruleIndex) << ", ctx=" << config->context << std::endl; #endif atn::ATNState *returnState = t->followState; Ref newContext = SingletonPredictionContext::create(config->context, returnState->stateNumber); return std::make_shared(*config, t->target, newContext); } BitSet ParserATNSimulator::getConflictingAlts(ATNConfigSet *configs) { std::vector altsets = PredictionModeClass::getConflictingAltSubsets(configs); return PredictionModeClass::getAlts(altsets); } BitSet ParserATNSimulator::getConflictingAltsOrUniqueAlt(ATNConfigSet *configs) { BitSet conflictingAlts; if (configs->uniqueAlt != ATN::INVALID_ALT_NUMBER) { conflictingAlts.set(configs->uniqueAlt); } else { conflictingAlts = configs->conflictingAlts; } return conflictingAlts; } std::string ParserATNSimulator::getTokenName(size_t t) { if (t == Token::EOF) { return "EOF"; } const dfa::Vocabulary &vocabulary = parser != nullptr ? parser->getVocabulary() : dfa::Vocabulary(); std::string displayName = vocabulary.getDisplayName(t); if (displayName == std::to_string(t)) { return displayName; } return displayName + "<" + std::to_string(t) + ">"; } std::string ParserATNSimulator::getLookaheadName(TokenStream *input) { return getTokenName(input->LA(1)); } void ParserATNSimulator::dumpDeadEndConfigs(NoViableAltException &nvae) { std::cerr << "dead end configs: "; for (const auto &c : nvae.getDeadEndConfigs()->configs) { std::string trans = "no edges"; if (c->state->transitions.size() > 0) { const Transition *t = c->state->transitions[0].get(); if (t != nullptr && t->getTransitionType() == TransitionType::ATOM) { const AtomTransition *at = static_cast(t); trans = "Atom " + getTokenName(at->_label); } else if (t != nullptr && t->getTransitionType() == TransitionType::SET) { const SetTransition *st = static_cast(t); trans = "Set "; trans += st->set.toString(); } else if (t != nullptr && t->getTransitionType() == TransitionType::NOT_SET) { const SetTransition *st = static_cast(t); trans = "~Set "; trans += st->set.toString(); } } std::cerr << c->toString(true) + ":" + trans; } } NoViableAltException ParserATNSimulator::noViableAlt(TokenStream *input, ParserRuleContext *outerContext, ATNConfigSet *configs, size_t startIndex, bool deleteConfigs) { return NoViableAltException(parser, input, input->get(startIndex), input->LT(1), configs, outerContext, deleteConfigs); } size_t ParserATNSimulator::getUniqueAlt(ATNConfigSet *configs) { size_t alt = ATN::INVALID_ALT_NUMBER; for (const auto &c : configs->configs) { if (alt == ATN::INVALID_ALT_NUMBER) { alt = c->alt; // found first alt } else if (c->alt != alt) { return ATN::INVALID_ALT_NUMBER; } } return alt; } dfa::DFAState *ParserATNSimulator::addDFAEdge(dfa::DFA &dfa, dfa::DFAState *from, ssize_t t, dfa::DFAState *to) { #if DFA_DEBUG == 1 std::cout << "EDGE " << from << " -> " << to << " upon " << getTokenName(t) << std::endl; #endif if (to == nullptr) { return nullptr; } { UniqueLock stateLock(atn._stateMutex); to = addDFAState(dfa, to); // used existing if possible not incoming } if (from == nullptr || t > (int)atn.maxTokenType) { return to; } { UniqueLock edgeLock(atn._edgeMutex); from->edges[t] = to; // connect } #if DFA_DEBUG == 1 std::string dfaText; if (parser != nullptr) { dfaText = dfa.toString(parser->getVocabulary()); } else { dfaText = dfa.toString(dfa::Vocabulary()); } std::cout << "DFA=\n" << dfaText << std::endl; #endif return to; } dfa::DFAState *ParserATNSimulator::addDFAState(dfa::DFA &dfa, dfa::DFAState *D) { if (D == ERROR.get()) { return D; } // Optimizing the configs below should not alter the hash code. Thus we can just do an insert // which will only succeed if an equivalent DFAState does not already exist. auto [existing, inserted] = dfa.states.insert(D); if (!inserted) { #if TRACE_ATN_SIM == 1 std::cout << "addDFAState " << D->toString() << " exists" << std::endl; #endif return *existing; } // Previously we did a lookup, then set fields, then inserted. It was `dfa.states.size()`, since // we already inserted we need to subtract one. D->stateNumber = static_cast(dfa.states.size() - 1); #if TRACE_ATN_SIM == 1 std::cout << "addDFAState new " << D->toString() << std::endl; #endif if (!D->configs->isReadonly()) { D->configs->optimizeConfigs(this); D->configs->setReadonly(true); } #if DFA_DEBUG == 1 std::cout << "adding new DFA state: " << D << std::endl; #endif return D; } void ParserATNSimulator::reportAttemptingFullContext(dfa::DFA &dfa, const antlrcpp::BitSet &conflictingAlts, ATNConfigSet *configs, size_t startIndex, size_t stopIndex) { #if DFA_DEBUG == 1 || RETRY_DEBUG == 1 misc::Interval interval = misc::Interval((int)startIndex, (int)stopIndex); std::cout << "reportAttemptingFullContext decision=" << dfa.decision << ":" << configs << ", input=" << parser->getTokenStream()->getText(interval) << std::endl; #endif if (parser != nullptr) { parser->getErrorListenerDispatch().reportAttemptingFullContext(parser, dfa, startIndex, stopIndex, conflictingAlts, configs); } } void ParserATNSimulator::reportContextSensitivity(dfa::DFA &dfa, size_t prediction, ATNConfigSet *configs, size_t startIndex, size_t stopIndex) { #if DFA_DEBUG == 1 || RETRY_DEBUG == 1 misc::Interval interval = misc::Interval(startIndex, stopIndex); std::cout << "reportContextSensitivity decision=" << dfa.decision << ":" << configs << ", input=" << parser->getTokenStream()->getText(interval) << std::endl; #endif if (parser != nullptr) { parser->getErrorListenerDispatch().reportContextSensitivity(parser, dfa, startIndex, stopIndex, prediction, configs); } } void ParserATNSimulator::reportAmbiguity(dfa::DFA &dfa, dfa::DFAState * /*D*/, size_t startIndex, size_t stopIndex, bool exact, const antlrcpp::BitSet &ambigAlts, ATNConfigSet *configs) { #if DFA_DEBUG == 1 || RETRY_DEBUG == 1 misc::Interval interval = misc::Interval((int)startIndex, (int)stopIndex); std::cout << "reportAmbiguity " << ambigAlts << ":" << configs << ", input=" << parser->getTokenStream()->getText(interval) << std::endl; #endif if (parser != nullptr) { parser->getErrorListenerDispatch().reportAmbiguity(parser, dfa, startIndex, stopIndex, exact, ambigAlts, configs); } } void ParserATNSimulator::setPredictionMode(PredictionMode newMode) { _mode = newMode; } atn::PredictionMode ParserATNSimulator::getPredictionMode() { return _mode; } Parser* ParserATNSimulator::getParser() { return parser; } #ifdef _MSC_VER #pragma warning (disable:4996) // 'getenv': This function or variable may be unsafe. Consider using _dupenv_s instead. #endif bool ParserATNSimulator::getLrLoopSetting() { char *var = std::getenv("TURN_OFF_LR_LOOP_ENTRY_BRANCH_OPT"); if (var == nullptr) return false; std::string value(var); return value == "true" || value == "1"; } #ifdef _MSC_VER #pragma warning (default:4996) #endif void ParserATNSimulator::InitializeInstanceFields() { _mode = PredictionMode::LL; _startIndex = 0; }