# frozen_string_literal: true require 'json' require 'prontoforms/resource' module ProntoForms # A FormSubmission represents submitted form data in ProntoForms. It # includes various metadata about the submission as well. class FormSubmission < Resource def self.resource_name 'data' end # @return [String] The FormSubmission identifier property :id, key: 'identifier' # @return [String] Submission reference number property :reference_number, key: 'referenceNumber' # @return [String] Submission state. One of: Complete, Processing, # Dispatched property :state, key: 'state' # @return [String] Submission data state property :data_state, key: 'dataState' # @return [Boolean] Has the submission data been persisted on the server property :data_persisted, key: 'dataPersisted' # @return [String] The form's version identifier property :form_version_id, key: 'formVersionId' # @return [String] The form's identifier property :form_id, key: 'formId' # @return [String] Submitter's user identifier property :user_id, key: 'userId' # @return [String] Submitter's username property :username, key: 'username' alias data_persisted? data_persisted alias submitter_id user_id alias submitter_username username # @return [DateTime] Timestamp the submission was received by the server property :server_receive_date do str = data.fetch('serverReceiveDate') str.nil? ? nil : DateTime.strptime(str) end # Retrieve the pages containing the form questions and answers # @return [Hash] Hash of questions and answers for the FormSubmission def pages document.fetch('pages') end # Retrieve the dispatching User, if the form was dispatched # @return [User] The user that dispatched the form, or nil def dispatcher return nil unless dispatched? client.user(document.dig('dispatcher', 'identifier')) end # Check if the form was dispatched # @return [Boolean] True if the form was dispatched; false otherwise def dispatched? !document.dig('dispatcher', 'identifier').nil? end # Retrieve the form space for the form submission # @return [FormSpace] Form space for the submission's form def form_space client.form_space(data.dig('form', 'formSpaceId')) end # Retrieve the form for the form submission # @return [Form] Form for the submission def form client.form(data.dig('form', 'formId')) end # Retrieve the standard PDF document for the form submission # @return [IO] Readable stream containing the PDF contents def pdf io = StringIO.new client.connection.get do |req| req.url "#{resource_name}/#{id}/documents/#{pdf_document.id}" req.options.on_data = proc do |chunk| io << chunk end end io.rewind io end private # Retrieve the standard PDF document for the form submission # @return [Document] PDF document for the form submission # @raises RuntimeError def pdf_document document = form_space.documents.items.find do |doc| doc.type == 'Pdf' && doc.standard? end raise "No PDF document found for form space #{fs.id}" if document.nil? document end # Returns additional data about the submission. Uses cached data, # otherwise it loads and returns the data via #document! def document return @document unless @document.nil? document! end # Force loads the submission document def document! res = client.connection.get do |req| req.url "#{resource_name}/#{id}/document.json" end @document = JSON.parse(res.body) @document end end end