require 'bundler' load 'lib/calabash-android/helpers.rb' def build test_server_template_dir = File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), 'test-server') Dir.mktmpdir do |workspace_dir| @test_server_dir = File.join(workspace_dir, 'test-server') FileUtils.cp_r(test_server_template_dir, workspace_dir) ant_executable = (is_windows? ? "ant.bat" : "ant") args = [ ant_executable, "clean", "package", "-Dandroid.api.level=16", ] Dir.chdir(@test_server_dir) do STDOUT.sync = true IO.popen(args.join(" ")) do |io| io.each { |s| print s } end if $?.exitstatus != 0 puts "Could not build the test server. Please see the output above." exit $?.exitstatus end end FileUtils.mkdir_p "test_servers" unless File.exist? "test_servers" FileUtils.cp(File.join(@test_server_dir, "bin", "Test_unsigned.apk"), File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), 'lib/calabash-android/lib/TestServer.apk')) end end task :build do unless File.exists? "test-server/calabash-js/src" puts "calabash-js not found!" puts "For instuctions see:" exit 1 end build Rake::Task["install"].execute end Bundler::GemHelper.install_tasks