module Parser ## # Default AST builder. Uses {AST::Node}s. # class Builders::Default class << self ## # AST compatibility attribute; since `-> {}` is not semantically # equivalent to `lambda {}`, all new code should set this attribute # to true. # # If set to false (the default), `-> {}` is emitted as # `s(:block, s(:send, nil, :lambda), s(:args), nil)`. # # If set to true, `-> {}` is emitted as # `s(:block, s(:lambda), s(:args), nil)`. # # @return [Boolean] attr_accessor :emit_lambda end @emit_lambda = false class << self ## # @api private def modernize @emit_lambda = true end end ## # @api private attr_accessor :parser ## # If set to true, `__FILE__` and `__LINE__` are transformed to # literal nodes. For example, `s(:str, "lib/foo.rb")` and `s(:int, 10)`. # # If set to false, `__FILE__` and `__LINE__` are emitted as-is, # i.e. as `s(:__FILE__)` and `s(:__LINE__)` nodes. # # Source maps are identical in both cases. # # @return [Boolean] attr_accessor :emit_file_line_as_literals ## # Initializes attributes: # # * `emit_file_line_as_literals`: `true` def initialize @emit_file_line_as_literals = true end # @!parse private # # Literals # # Singletons def nil(nil_t) n0(:nil, token_map(nil_t)) end def true(true_t) n0(:true, token_map(true_t)) end def false(false_t) n0(:false, token_map(false_t)) end # Numerics def integer(integer_t) numeric(:int, integer_t) end def float(float_t) numeric(:float, float_t) end def rational(rational_t) numeric(:rational, rational_t) end def complex(complex_t) numeric(:complex, complex_t) end def numeric(kind, token) n(kind, [ value(token) ],, loc(token))) end private :numeric def negate(uminus_t, numeric) value, = *numeric operator_loc = loc(uminus_t) numeric.updated(nil, [ -value ], :location => operator_loc, operator_loc.join(numeric.loc.expression))) end def __LINE__(__LINE__t) n0(:__LINE__, token_map(__LINE__t)) end # Strings def string(string_t) n(:str, [ string_value(string_t) ], delimited_string_map(string_t)) end def string_internal(string_t) n(:str, [ string_value(string_t) ], unquoted_map(string_t)) end def string_compose(begin_t, parts, end_t) if collapse_string_parts?(parts) if begin_t.nil? && end_t.nil? parts.first else n(:str, parts.first.children, string_map(begin_t, parts, end_t)) end else n(:dstr, [ *parts ], string_map(begin_t, parts, end_t)) end end def character(char_t) n(:str, [ string_value(char_t) ], prefix_string_map(char_t)) end def __FILE__(__FILE__t) n0(:__FILE__, token_map(__FILE__t)) end # Symbols def symbol(symbol_t) n(:sym, [ string_value(symbol_t).to_sym ], prefix_string_map(symbol_t)) end def symbol_internal(symbol_t) n(:sym, [ string_value(symbol_t).to_sym ], unquoted_map(symbol_t)) end def symbol_compose(begin_t, parts, end_t) if collapse_string_parts?(parts) str = parts.first n(:sym, [ str.children.first.to_sym ], collection_map(begin_t, str.loc.expression, end_t)) elsif @parser.version == 18 && parts.empty? diagnostic :error, :empty_symbol, nil, loc(begin_t).join(loc(end_t)) else n(:dsym, [ *parts ], collection_map(begin_t, parts, end_t)) end end # Executable strings def xstring_compose(begin_t, parts, end_t) n(:xstr, [ *parts ], string_map(begin_t, parts, end_t)) end # Indented (interpolated, noninterpolated, executable) strings def dedent_string(node, dedent_level) if !dedent_level.nil? dedenter = if node.type == :str str = node.children.first dedenter.dedent(str) elsif node.type == :dstr || node.type == :xstr node.children.each do |str_node| if str_node.type == :str str = str_node.children.first dedenter.dedent(str) else dedenter.interrupt end end end end node end # Regular expressions def regexp_options(regopt_t) options = value(regopt_t). each_char.sort.uniq. map(&:to_sym) n(:regopt, options, token_map(regopt_t)) end def regexp_compose(begin_t, parts, end_t, options) begin static_regexp(parts, options) rescue RegexpError => e diagnostic :error, :invalid_regexp, { :message => e.message }, loc(begin_t).join(loc(end_t)) end n(:regexp, (parts << options), regexp_map(begin_t, end_t, options)) end # Arrays def array(begin_t, elements, end_t) n(:array, elements, collection_map(begin_t, elements, end_t)) end def splat(star_t, arg=nil) if arg.nil? n0(:splat, unary_op_map(star_t)) else n(:splat, [ arg ], unary_op_map(star_t, arg)) end end def word(parts) if collapse_string_parts?(parts) parts.first else n(:dstr, [ *parts ], collection_map(nil, parts, nil)) end end def words_compose(begin_t, parts, end_t) n(:array, [ *parts ], collection_map(begin_t, parts, end_t)) end def symbols_compose(begin_t, parts, end_t) parts = do |part| case part.type when :str value, = *part part.updated(:sym, [ value.to_sym ]) when :dstr part.updated(:dsym) else part end end n(:array, [ *parts ], collection_map(begin_t, parts, end_t)) end # Hashes def pair(key, assoc_t, value) n(:pair, [ key, value ], binary_op_map(key, assoc_t, value)) end def pair_list_18(list) if list.size % 2 != 0 diagnostic :error, :odd_hash, nil, list.last.loc.expression else list. each_slice(2).map do |key, value| n(:pair, [ key, value ], binary_op_map(key, nil, value)) end end end def pair_keyword(key_t, value) key_map, pair_map = pair_keyword_map(key_t, value) key = n(:sym, [ value(key_t).to_sym ], key_map) n(:pair, [ key, value ], pair_map) end def pair_quoted(begin_t, parts, end_t, value) end_t, pair_map = pair_quoted_map(begin_t, end_t, value) key = symbol_compose(begin_t, parts, end_t) n(:pair, [ key, value ], pair_map) end def kwsplat(dstar_t, arg) n(:kwsplat, [ arg ], unary_op_map(dstar_t, arg)) end def associate(begin_t, pairs, end_t) n(:hash, [ *pairs ], collection_map(begin_t, pairs, end_t)) end # Ranges def range_inclusive(lhs, dot2_t, rhs) n(:irange, [ lhs, rhs ], binary_op_map(lhs, dot2_t, rhs)) end def range_exclusive(lhs, dot3_t, rhs) n(:erange, [ lhs, rhs ], binary_op_map(lhs, dot3_t, rhs)) end # # Access # def self(token) n0(:self, token_map(token)) end def ident(token) n(:ident, [ value(token).to_sym ], variable_map(token)) end def ivar(token) n(:ivar, [ value(token).to_sym ], variable_map(token)) end def gvar(token) n(:gvar, [ value(token).to_sym ], variable_map(token)) end def cvar(token) n(:cvar, [ value(token).to_sym ], variable_map(token)) end def back_ref(token) n(:back_ref, [ value(token).to_sym ], token_map(token)) end def nth_ref(token) n(:nth_ref, [ value(token) ], token_map(token)) end def accessible(node) case node.type when :__FILE__ if @emit_file_line_as_literals n(:str, [ ], node.loc.dup) else node end when :__LINE__ if @emit_file_line_as_literals n(:int, [ node.loc.expression.line ], node.loc.dup) else node end when :__ENCODING__ n(:const, [ n(:const, [ nil, :Encoding], nil), :UTF_8 ], node.loc.dup) when :ident name, = *node if @parser.static_env.declared?(name) node.updated(:lvar) else name, = *node n(:send, [ nil, name ], var_send_map(node)) end else node end end def const(name_t) n(:const, [ nil, value(name_t).to_sym ], constant_map(nil, nil, name_t)) end def const_global(t_colon3, name_t) cbase = n0(:cbase, token_map(t_colon3)) n(:const, [ cbase, value(name_t).to_sym ], constant_map(cbase, t_colon3, name_t)) end def const_fetch(scope, t_colon2, name_t) n(:const, [ scope, value(name_t).to_sym ], constant_map(scope, t_colon2, name_t)) end def __ENCODING__(__ENCODING__t) n0(:__ENCODING__, token_map(__ENCODING__t)) end # # Assignment # def assignable(node) case node.type when :cvar node.updated(:cvasgn) when :ivar node.updated(:ivasgn) when :gvar node.updated(:gvasgn) when :const if @parser.in_def? diagnostic :error, :dynamic_const, nil, node.loc.expression end node.updated(:casgn) when :ident name, = *node @parser.static_env.declare(name) node.updated(:lvasgn) when :nil, :self, :true, :false, :__FILE__, :__LINE__, :__ENCODING__ diagnostic :error, :invalid_assignment, nil, node.loc.expression when :back_ref, :nth_ref diagnostic :error, :backref_assignment, nil, node.loc.expression end end def const_op_assignable(node) node.updated(:casgn) end def assign(lhs, eql_t, rhs) (lhs << rhs).updated(nil, nil, :location => lhs.loc. with_operator(loc(eql_t)). with_expression(join_exprs(lhs, rhs))) end def op_assign(lhs, op_t, rhs) case lhs.type when :gvasgn, :ivasgn, :lvasgn, :cvasgn, :casgn, :send, :csend, :psend operator = value(op_t)[0..-1].to_sym source_map = lhs.loc. with_operator(loc(op_t)). with_expression(join_exprs(lhs, rhs)) case operator when :'&&' n(:and_asgn, [ lhs, rhs ], source_map) when :'||' n(:or_asgn, [ lhs, rhs ], source_map) else n(:op_asgn, [ lhs, operator, rhs ], source_map) end when :back_ref, :nth_ref diagnostic :error, :backref_assignment, nil, lhs.loc.expression end end def multi_lhs(begin_t, items, end_t) n(:mlhs, [ *items ], collection_map(begin_t, items, end_t)) end def multi_assign(lhs, eql_t, rhs) n(:masgn, [ lhs, rhs ], binary_op_map(lhs, eql_t, rhs)) end # # Class and module definition # def def_class(class_t, name, lt_t, superclass, body, end_t) n(:class, [ name, superclass, body ], module_definition_map(class_t, name, lt_t, end_t)) end def def_sclass(class_t, lshft_t, expr, body, end_t) n(:sclass, [ expr, body ], module_definition_map(class_t, nil, lshft_t, end_t)) end def def_module(module_t, name, body, end_t) n(:module, [ name, body ], module_definition_map(module_t, name, nil, end_t)) end # # Method (un)definition # def def_method(def_t, name_t, args, body, end_t) n(:def, [ value(name_t).to_sym, args, body ], definition_map(def_t, nil, name_t, end_t)) end def def_singleton(def_t, definee, dot_t, name_t, args, body, end_t) case definee.type when :int, :str, :dstr, :sym, :dsym, :regexp, :array, :hash diagnostic :error, :singleton_literal, nil, definee.loc.expression else n(:defs, [ definee, value(name_t).to_sym, args, body ], definition_map(def_t, dot_t, name_t, end_t)) end end def undef_method(undef_t, names) n(:undef, [ *names ], keyword_map(undef_t, nil, names, nil)) end def alias(alias_t, to, from) n(:alias, [ to, from ], keyword_map(alias_t, nil, [to, from], nil)) end # # Formal arguments # def args(begin_t, args, end_t, check_args=true) args = check_duplicate_args(args) if check_args n(:args, args, collection_map(begin_t, args, end_t)) end def arg(name_t) n(:arg, [ value(name_t).to_sym ], variable_map(name_t)) end def optarg(name_t, eql_t, value) n(:optarg, [ value(name_t).to_sym, value ], variable_map(name_t). with_operator(loc(eql_t)). with_expression(loc(name_t).join(value.loc.expression))) end def restarg(star_t, name_t=nil) if name_t n(:restarg, [ value(name_t).to_sym ], arg_prefix_map(star_t, name_t)) else n0(:restarg, arg_prefix_map(star_t)) end end def kwarg(name_t) n(:kwarg, [ value(name_t).to_sym ], kwarg_map(name_t)) end def kwoptarg(name_t, value) n(:kwoptarg, [ value(name_t).to_sym, value ], kwarg_map(name_t, value)) end def kwrestarg(dstar_t, name_t=nil) if name_t n(:kwrestarg, [ value(name_t).to_sym ], arg_prefix_map(dstar_t, name_t)) else n0(:kwrestarg, arg_prefix_map(dstar_t)) end end def shadowarg(name_t) n(:shadowarg, [ value(name_t).to_sym ], variable_map(name_t)) end def blockarg(amper_t, name_t) n(:blockarg, [ value(name_t).to_sym ], arg_prefix_map(amper_t, name_t)) end # Ruby 1.8 block arguments def arg_expr(expr) if expr.type == :lvasgn expr.updated(:arg) else n(:arg_expr, [ expr ], expr.loc.dup) end end def restarg_expr(star_t, expr=nil) if expr.nil? n0(:restarg, token_map(star_t)) elsif expr.type == :lvasgn expr.updated(:restarg) else n(:restarg_expr, [ expr ], expr.loc.dup) end end def blockarg_expr(amper_t, expr) if expr.type == :lvasgn expr.updated(:blockarg) else n(:blockarg_expr, [ expr ], expr.loc.dup) end end # MacRuby Objective-C arguments def objc_kwarg(kwname_t, assoc_t, name_t) kwname_l = loc(kwname_t) if assoc_t.nil? # a: b, not a => b kwname_l = kwname_l.resize(kwname_l.size - 1) operator_l = kwname_l.end.resize(1) else operator_l = loc(assoc_t) end n(:objc_kwarg, [ value(kwname_t).to_sym, value(name_t).to_sym ],, operator_l, loc(name_t), kwname_l.join(loc(name_t)))) end def objc_restarg(star_t, name=nil) if name.nil? n0(:restarg, arg_prefix_map(star_t)) elsif name.type == :arg # regular restarg name.updated(:restarg, nil, { :location => name.loc.with_operator(loc(star_t)) }) else # restarg with objc_kwarg inside n(:objc_restarg, [ name ], unary_op_map(star_t, name)) end end # # Method calls # def call_type_for_dot(dot_t) if !dot_t.nil? && value(dot_t) == :anddot :csend elsif !dot_t.nil? && value(dot_t) == :pipedot :psend else # This case is a bit tricky. ruby23.y returns the token tDOT with # the value :dot, and the token :tANDDOT with the value :anddot. # # But, ruby{18..22}.y (which unconditionally expect tDOT) just # return "." there, since they are to be kept close to the corresponding # Ruby MRI grammars. # # Thankfully, we don't have to care. :send end end def call_method(receiver, dot_t, selector_t, lparen_t=nil, args=[], rparen_t=nil) type = call_type_for_dot(dot_t) if selector_t.nil? n(type, [ receiver, :call, *args ], send_map(receiver, dot_t, nil, lparen_t, args, rparen_t)) else n(type, [ receiver, value(selector_t).to_sym, *args ], send_map(receiver, dot_t, selector_t, lparen_t, args, rparen_t)) end end def call_lambda(lambda_t) if self.class.emit_lambda n0(:lambda, expr_map(loc(lambda_t))) else n(:send, [ nil, :lambda ], send_map(nil, nil, lambda_t)) end end def block(method_call, begin_t, args, body, end_t) _receiver, _selector, *call_args = *method_call if method_call.type == :yield diagnostic :error, :block_given_to_yield, nil, method_call.loc.keyword, [loc(begin_t)] end last_arg = call_args.last if last_arg && last_arg.type == :block_pass diagnostic :error, :block_and_blockarg, nil, last_arg.loc.expression, [loc(begin_t)] end if [:send, :csend, :psend, :super, :zsuper, :lambda].include?(method_call.type) n(:block, [ method_call, args, body ], block_map(method_call.loc.expression, begin_t, end_t)) else # Code like "return foo 1 do end" is reduced in a weird sequence. # Here, method_call is actually (return). actual_send, = *method_call block = n(:block, [ actual_send, args, body ], block_map(actual_send.loc.expression, begin_t, end_t)) n(method_call.type, [ block ], method_call.loc.with_expression(join_exprs(method_call, block))) end end def block_pass(amper_t, arg) n(:block_pass, [ arg ], unary_op_map(amper_t, arg)) end def objc_varargs(pair, rest_of_varargs) value, first_vararg = *pair vararg_array = array(nil, [ first_vararg, *rest_of_varargs ], nil). updated(:objc_varargs) pair.updated(nil, [ value, vararg_array ], { :location => pair.loc.with_expression( pair.loc.expression.join(vararg_array.loc.expression)) }) end def attr_asgn(receiver, dot_t, selector_t) method_name = (value(selector_t) + '=').to_sym type = call_type_for_dot(dot_t) # Incomplete method call. n(type, [ receiver, method_name ], send_map(receiver, dot_t, selector_t)) end def index(receiver, lbrack_t, indexes, rbrack_t) n(:send, [ receiver, :[], *indexes ], send_index_map(receiver, lbrack_t, rbrack_t)) end def index_asgn(receiver, lbrack_t, indexes, rbrack_t) # Incomplete method call. n(:send, [ receiver, :[]=, *indexes ], send_index_map(receiver, lbrack_t, rbrack_t)) end def binary_op(receiver, operator_t, arg) source_map = send_binary_op_map(receiver, operator_t, arg) if @parser.version == 18 operator = value(operator_t) if operator == '!=' method_call = n(:send, [ receiver, :==, arg ], source_map) elsif operator == '!~' method_call = n(:send, [ receiver, :=~, arg ], source_map) end if %w(!= !~).include?(operator) return n(:not, [ method_call ], expr_map(source_map.expression)) end end n(:send, [ receiver, value(operator_t).to_sym, arg ], source_map) end def match_op(receiver, match_t, arg) source_map = send_binary_op_map(receiver, match_t, arg) if (regexp = static_regexp_node(receiver)) regexp.names.each do |name| @parser.static_env.declare(name) end n(:match_with_lvasgn, [ receiver, arg ], source_map) else n(:send, [ receiver, :=~, arg ], source_map) end end def unary_op(op_t, receiver) case value(op_t) when '+', '-' method = value(op_t) + '@' else method = value(op_t) end n(:send, [ receiver, method.to_sym ], send_unary_op_map(op_t, receiver)) end def not_op(not_t, begin_t=nil, receiver=nil, end_t=nil) if @parser.version == 18 n(:not, [ receiver ], unary_op_map(not_t, receiver)) else if receiver.nil? nil_node = n0(:begin, collection_map(begin_t, nil, end_t)) n(:send, [ nil_node, :'!' ], send_unary_op_map(not_t, nil_node)) else n(:send, [ receiver, :'!' ], send_map(nil, nil, not_t, begin_t, [receiver], end_t)) end end end # # Control flow # # Logical operations: and, or def logical_op(type, lhs, op_t, rhs) n(type, [ lhs, rhs ], binary_op_map(lhs, op_t, rhs)) end # Conditionals def condition(cond_t, cond, then_t, if_true, else_t, if_false, end_t) n(:if, [ check_condition(cond), if_true, if_false ], condition_map(cond_t, cond, then_t, if_true, else_t, if_false, end_t)) end def condition_mod(if_true, if_false, cond_t, cond) n(:if, [ check_condition(cond), if_true, if_false ], keyword_mod_map(if_true || if_false, cond_t, cond)) end def ternary(cond, question_t, if_true, colon_t, if_false) n(:if, [ check_condition(cond), if_true, if_false ], ternary_map(cond, question_t, if_true, colon_t, if_false)) end # Case matching def when(when_t, patterns, then_t, body) children = patterns << body n(:when, children, keyword_map(when_t, then_t, children, nil)) end def case(case_t, expr, when_bodies, else_t, else_body, end_t) n(:case, [ expr, *(when_bodies << else_body)], condition_map(case_t, expr, nil, nil, else_t, else_body, end_t)) end # Loops def loop(type, keyword_t, cond, do_t, body, end_t) n(type, [ check_condition(cond), body ], keyword_map(keyword_t, do_t, nil, end_t)) end def loop_mod(type, body, keyword_t, cond) if body.type == :kwbegin type = :"#{type}_post" end n(type, [ check_condition(cond), body ], keyword_mod_map(body, keyword_t, cond)) end def for(for_t, iterator, in_t, iteratee, do_t, body, end_t) n(:for, [ iterator, iteratee, body ], for_map(for_t, in_t, do_t, end_t)) end # Keywords def keyword_cmd(type, keyword_t, lparen_t=nil, args=[], rparen_t=nil) if type == :yield && args.count > 0 last_arg = args.last if last_arg.type == :block_pass diagnostic :error, :block_given_to_yield, nil, loc(keyword_t), [last_arg.loc.expression] end end n(type, args, keyword_map(keyword_t, lparen_t, args, rparen_t)) end # BEGIN, END def preexe(preexe_t, lbrace_t, compstmt, rbrace_t) n(:preexe, [ compstmt ], keyword_map(preexe_t, lbrace_t, [], rbrace_t)) end def postexe(postexe_t, lbrace_t, compstmt, rbrace_t) n(:postexe, [ compstmt ], keyword_map(postexe_t, lbrace_t, [], rbrace_t)) end # Exception handling def rescue_body(rescue_t, exc_list, assoc_t, exc_var, then_t, compound_stmt) n(:resbody, [ exc_list, exc_var, compound_stmt ], rescue_body_map(rescue_t, exc_list, assoc_t, exc_var, then_t, compound_stmt)) end def begin_body(compound_stmt, rescue_bodies=[], else_t=nil, else_=nil, ensure_t=nil, ensure_=nil) if rescue_bodies.any? if else_t compound_stmt = n(:rescue, [ compound_stmt, *(rescue_bodies + [ else_ ]) ], eh_keyword_map(compound_stmt, nil, rescue_bodies, else_t, else_)) else compound_stmt = n(:rescue, [ compound_stmt, *(rescue_bodies + [ nil ]) ], eh_keyword_map(compound_stmt, nil, rescue_bodies, nil, nil)) end elsif else_t statements = [] if compound_stmt.type == :begin statements += compound_stmt.children else statements.push(compound_stmt) end statements.push( n(:begin, [ else_ ], collection_map(else_t, [ else_ ], nil))) compound_stmt = n(:begin, statements, collection_map(nil, statements, nil)) end if ensure_t compound_stmt = n(:ensure, [ compound_stmt, ensure_ ], eh_keyword_map(compound_stmt, ensure_t, [ ensure_ ], nil, nil)) end compound_stmt end # # Expression grouping # def compstmt(statements) case when statements.none? nil when statements.first else n(:begin, statements, collection_map(nil, statements, nil)) end end def begin(begin_t, body, end_t) if body.nil? # A nil expression: `()'. n0(:begin, collection_map(begin_t, nil, end_t)) elsif body.type == :mlhs || (body.type == :begin && body.loc.begin.nil? && body.loc.end.nil?) # Synthesized (begin) from compstmt "a; b" or (mlhs) # from multi_lhs "(a, b) = *foo". n(body.type, body.children, collection_map(begin_t, body.children, end_t)) else n(:begin, [ body ], collection_map(begin_t, [ body ], end_t)) end end def begin_keyword(begin_t, body, end_t) if body.nil? # A nil expression: `begin end'. n0(:kwbegin, collection_map(begin_t, nil, end_t)) elsif (body.type == :begin && body.loc.begin.nil? && body.loc.end.nil?) # Synthesized (begin) from compstmt "a; b". n(:kwbegin, body.children, collection_map(begin_t, body.children, end_t)) else n(:kwbegin, [ body ], collection_map(begin_t, [ body ], end_t)) end end private # # VERIFICATION # def check_condition(cond) case cond.type when :masgn if @parser.version <= 23 diagnostic :error, :masgn_as_condition, nil, cond.loc.expression end when :begin if cond.children.count == 1 cond.updated(nil, [ check_condition(cond.children.last) ]) else cond end when :and, :or, :irange, :erange lhs, rhs = *cond type = case cond.type when :irange then :iflipflop when :erange then :eflipflop end if [:and, :or].include?(cond.type) && @parser.version == 18 cond else cond.updated(type, [ check_condition(lhs), check_condition(rhs) ]) end when :regexp n(:match_current_line, [ cond ], expr_map(cond.loc.expression)) else cond end end def check_duplicate_args(args, map={}) args.each do |this_arg| case this_arg.type when :arg, :optarg, :restarg, :blockarg, :kwarg, :kwoptarg, :kwrestarg, :shadowarg this_name, = *this_arg that_arg = map[this_name] that_name, = *that_arg if that_arg.nil? map[this_name] = this_arg elsif arg_name_collides?(this_name, that_name) diagnostic :error, :duplicate_argument, nil,, [ ] end when :mlhs check_duplicate_args(this_arg.children, map) end end end def arg_name_collides?(this_name, that_name) case @parser.version when 18 this_name == that_name when 19 # Ignore underscore. this_name != :_ && this_name == that_name else # Ignore everything beginning with underscore. this_name && this_name[0] != '_' && this_name == that_name end end # # SOURCE MAPS # def n(type, children, source_map), children, :location => source_map) end def n0(type, source_map) n(type, [], source_map) end def join_exprs(left_expr, right_expr) left_expr.loc.expression. join(right_expr.loc.expression) end def token_map(token) end def delimited_string_map(string_t) str_range = loc(string_t) begin_l =, str_range.begin_pos, str_range.begin_pos + 1) end_l =, str_range.end_pos - 1, str_range.end_pos), end_l, loc(string_t)) end def prefix_string_map(symbol) str_range = loc(symbol) begin_l =, str_range.begin_pos, str_range.begin_pos + 1), nil, loc(symbol)) end def unquoted_map(token), nil, loc(token)) end def pair_keyword_map(key_t, value_e) key_range = loc(key_t) key_l =, key_range.begin_pos, key_range.end_pos - 1) colon_l =, key_range.end_pos - 1, key_range.end_pos) [ # key map, nil, key_l), # pair map, key_range.join(value_e.loc.expression)) ] end def pair_quoted_map(begin_t, end_t, value_e) end_l = loc(end_t) quote_l =, end_l.end_pos - 2, end_l.end_pos - 1) colon_l =, end_l.end_pos - 1, end_l.end_pos) [ # modified end token [ value(end_t), quote_l ], # pair map, loc(begin_t).join(value_e.loc.expression)) ] end def expr_map(loc) end def collection_map(begin_t, parts, end_t) if begin_t.nil? || end_t.nil? if parts.any? expr_l = join_exprs(parts.first, parts.last) end else expr_l = loc(begin_t).join(loc(end_t)) end, loc(end_t), expr_l) end def string_map(begin_t, parts, end_t) if begin_t && value(begin_t).start_with?('<<') if parts.any? expr_l = join_exprs(parts.first, parts.last) else expr_l = loc(end_t).begin end, expr_l, loc(end_t)) else collection_map(begin_t, parts, end_t) end end def regexp_map(begin_t, end_t, options_e), loc(end_t), loc(begin_t).join(options_e.loc.expression)) end def constant_map(scope, colon2_t, name_t) if scope.nil? expr_l = loc(name_t) else expr_l = scope.loc.expression.join(loc(name_t)) end, loc(name_t), expr_l) end def variable_map(name_t) end def binary_op_map(left_e, op_t, right_e), join_exprs(left_e, right_e)) end def unary_op_map(op_t, arg_e=nil) if arg_e.nil? expr_l = loc(op_t) else expr_l = loc(op_t).join(arg_e.loc.expression) end, expr_l) end def arg_prefix_map(op_t, name_t=nil) if name_t.nil? expr_l = loc(op_t) else expr_l = loc(op_t).join(loc(name_t)) end, expr_l) end def kwarg_map(name_t, value_e=nil) label_range = loc(name_t) name_range =, label_range.begin_pos, label_range.end_pos - 1) if value_e expr_l = loc(name_t).join(value_e.loc.expression) else expr_l = loc(name_t) end, expr_l) end def module_definition_map(keyword_t, name_e, operator_t, end_t) if name_e name_l = name_e.loc.expression end, loc(operator_t), name_l, loc(end_t)) end def definition_map(keyword_t, operator_t, name_t, end_t), loc(operator_t), loc(name_t), loc(end_t)) end def send_map(receiver_e, dot_t, selector_t, begin_t=nil, args=[], end_t=nil) if receiver_e begin_l = receiver_e.loc.expression elsif selector_t begin_l = loc(selector_t) end if end_t end_l = loc(end_t) elsif args.any? end_l = args.last.loc.expression elsif selector_t end_l = loc(selector_t) end, loc(selector_t), loc(begin_t), loc(end_t), begin_l.join(end_l)) end def var_send_map(variable_e), variable_e.loc.expression, nil, nil, variable_e.loc.expression) end def send_binary_op_map(lhs_e, selector_t, rhs_e), loc(selector_t), nil, nil, join_exprs(lhs_e, rhs_e)) end def send_unary_op_map(selector_t, arg_e) if arg_e.nil? expr_l = loc(selector_t) else expr_l = loc(selector_t).join(arg_e.loc.expression) end, loc(selector_t), nil, nil, expr_l) end def send_index_map(receiver_e, lbrack_t, rbrack_t), loc(lbrack_t).join(loc(rbrack_t)), nil, nil, receiver_e.loc.expression.join(loc(rbrack_t))) end def block_map(receiver_l, begin_t, end_t), loc(end_t), receiver_l.join(loc(end_t))) end def keyword_map(keyword_t, begin_t, args, end_t) args ||= [] if end_t end_l = loc(end_t) elsif args.any? && !args.last.nil? end_l = args.last.loc.expression elsif args.any? && args.count > 1 end_l = args[-2].loc.expression else end_l = loc(keyword_t) end, loc(begin_t), loc(end_t), loc(keyword_t).join(end_l)) end def keyword_mod_map(pre_e, keyword_t, post_e), nil, nil, join_exprs(pre_e, post_e)) end def condition_map(keyword_t, cond_e, begin_t, body_e, else_t, else_e, end_t) if end_t end_l = loc(end_t) elsif else_e && else_e.loc.expression end_l = else_e.loc.expression elsif loc(else_t) end_l = loc(else_t) elsif body_e && body_e.loc.expression end_l = body_e.loc.expression elsif loc(begin_t) end_l = loc(begin_t) else end_l = cond_e.loc.expression end, loc(begin_t), loc(else_t), loc(end_t), loc(keyword_t).join(end_l)) end def ternary_map(begin_e, question_t, mid_e, colon_t, end_e), loc(colon_t), join_exprs(begin_e, end_e)) end def for_map(keyword_t, in_t, begin_t, end_t), loc(in_t), loc(begin_t), loc(end_t), loc(keyword_t).join(loc(end_t))) end def rescue_body_map(keyword_t, exc_list_e, assoc_t, exc_var_e, then_t, compstmt_e) end_l = compstmt_e.loc.expression if compstmt_e end_l = loc(then_t) if end_l.nil? && then_t end_l = exc_var_e.loc.expression if end_l.nil? && exc_var_e end_l = exc_list_e.loc.expression if end_l.nil? && exc_list_e end_l = loc(keyword_t) if end_l.nil?, loc(assoc_t), loc(then_t), loc(keyword_t).join(end_l)) end def eh_keyword_map(compstmt_e, keyword_t, body_es, else_t, else_e) if compstmt_e.nil? if keyword_t.nil? begin_l = body_es.first.loc.expression else begin_l = loc(keyword_t) end else begin_l = compstmt_e.loc.expression end if else_t if else_e.nil? end_l = loc(else_t) else end_l = else_e.loc.expression end elsif !body_es.last.nil? end_l = body_es.last.loc.expression else end_l = loc(keyword_t) end, nil, loc(else_t), nil, begin_l.join(end_l)) end # # HELPERS # # Extract a static string from e.g. a regular expression, # honoring the fact that MRI expands interpolations like #{""} # at parse time. def static_string(nodes) do |node| case node.type when :str node.children[0] when :begin if (string = static_string(node.children)) string else return nil end else return nil end end.join end def static_regexp(parts, options) source = static_string(parts) return nil if source.nil? if defined?(Encoding) source = case when options.children.include?(:u) source.encode(Encoding::UTF_8) when options.children.include?(:e) source.encode(Encoding::EUC_JP) when options.children.include?(:s) source.encode(Encoding::WINDOWS_31J) when options.children.include?(:n) source.encode(Encoding::BINARY) else source end end, (Regexp::EXTENDED if options.children.include?(:x))) end def static_regexp_node(node) if node.type == :regexp parts, options = node.children[0..-2], node.children[-1] static_regexp(parts, options) end end def collapse_string_parts?(parts) && [:str, :dstr].include?(parts.first.type) end def value(token) token[0] end if defined?(Encoding) def string_value(token) unless token[0].valid_encoding? diagnostic(:error, :invalid_encoding, nil, token[1]) end token[0] end else alias string_value value end def loc(token) # Pass through `nil`s and return nil for tNL. token[1] if token && token[0] end def diagnostic(type, reason, arguments, location, highlights=[]) @parser.diagnostics.process(, reason, arguments, location, highlights)) if type == :error @parser.send :yyerror end end end end