module FoodTruck # Used to generate a [module]( # # More accurately, wrap the `body` (first argument) with any following module definitions (additional arguments). # # @example # FoodTruck.mod("puts('Hello World')", "Level1", "Level2") # #=> module Level1 # module Level2 # puts('Hello World') # end # end # # @param body [String] Name of module namespaces. # @param names [String,Array] Name of module namespaces. # @return [String] def self.mod(body, *names) names.flatten! count = names.length return body unless count.positive?() level = 0 head = [] tail = [] names.each do |name| head.push("module #{name}".indent(level)) tail.unshift("end".indent(level)) level += 2 end return (head + [body&.indent(level)] + tail).compact.join("\n") end end