# frozen_string_literal: true class PolymorphicAssociationInput < SimpleForm::Inputs::Base # Example: # # In this example an achievement belongs to an achiever (polymorphic). To make this # work you will need four things: # # 1. A controller action for models that are candidates for the polymorphic association. # 2. Routing for these controllers # 3. Properly configured models that the controller will query. # 4. The form input in the form of the model on the belongs_to side of the polymorphic association. # # First, setup the controller: # # # app/controllers/people_controller.rb # class PeopleController < ApplicationController # include SimpleFormPolymorphicAssociations::AutocompleteConcern # end # # Then add the routing: # # # config/routes.rb # Rails.application.routes.draw do # resources :people do # get :autocomplete, on: :collection # end # end # # Configure your model to support autocompletion: # # # app/models/person.rb # class Person < ActiveRecord::Base # include SimpleFormPolymorphicAssociations::AutocompleteConcern # autocomplete scope: ->(matcher) { where("people.firstname LIKE :term", term: "%#{matcher.downcase}%") }, id_method: :id, text_method: :human # end # # Yo will need to repeat these first three steps for every model that the can # be attached to the polymorphic association. # # Finally add the input field to the form: # # # app/views/achievements/form.html.haml # = form.input :achiever, as: :polymorphic_association, classes: { Person => url_for([:autocomplete, Person]), SomeOtherModel => url_for([:autocomplete, SomeOtherModel]) } # def input(wrapper_options = nil) ActiveSupport::SafeBuffer.new.tap do |o| collection = options[:classes].keys.collect { |c| [c.model_name.human, c] } instance_label_method = options.delete(:instance_label_method) || :to_s o << @builder.select("#{attribute_name}_type", collection, { include_blank: true }, { class: 'form-control select required polymorphic-association-class-select' }) options[:classes].each do |klass, url| o << "".html_safe end id_select_collection = [] if selected_record = object.send(attribute_name).presence id_select_collection << [selected_record.send(instance_label_method), selected_record.id] end o << @builder.select("#{attribute_name}_id", id_select_collection, {}, { class: 'form-control select required polymorphic-association-resource-select' }) end end end