# The BlueprintEpicPublisher # is an adapter class which will route # the epic to an API integration capable of # publishign the epic, such as pivotal tracker or github class BlueprintEpicPublisher def self.publish(epic, options={}) via = (options.fetch(:via, :github) || :github) if respond_to?("publish_via_#{via}") send("publish_via_#{via}", epic,options) else raise "Invalid publishing source. Need to implement publish_via_#{via} method" end end def self.sync(epic, options={}) via = (options.fetch(:via, :github) || :github) if respond_to?("sync_via_#{via}") send("sync_via_#{via}", epic,options) else raise "Invalid syncing source. Need to implement sync_via_#{via} method" end end # Epics get published to Pivotal # directly as epics, since Epics have first class support in pivotal def self.publish_via_pivotal(epic, options={}) raise 'This is not implemented in the app yet. You can implement it on your own by implementing BlueprintEpicPublisher.publish_via_pivotal' end # Epics get published to Github # as issues, and then get labeled as epics. # epics will reference other issues. def self.publish_via_github(epic, options={}) raise 'This is not implemented in the app yet. You can implement it on your own by implementing BlueprintEpicPublisher.publish_via_github' end end