module Sablon class Template def initialize(path) @path = path end # Same as +render_to_string+ but writes the processed template to +output_path+. def render_to_file(output_path, context, properties = {}), 'wb') do |f| f.write render_to_string(context, properties) end end # Process the template. The +context+ hash will be available in the template. def render_to_string(context, properties = {}) render(context, properties).string end private def render(context, properties = {}) created_dirs = [] relations_file_content = nil env =, context) Zip.sort_entries = true # required to process document.xml before numbering.xml Zip::OutputStream.write_buffer( do |out| do |entry| entry_name = created_dirs = create_dirs_in_zipfile(created_dirs, entry_name, out) out.put_next_entry(entry_name) content = if entry_name == 'word/document.xml' out.write(process(Processor::Document, content, env, properties)) elsif entry_name =~ /word\/header\d*\.xml/ || entry_name =~ /word\/footer\d*\.xml/ out.write(process(Processor::Document, content, env)) elsif entry_name == 'word/numbering.xml' out.write(process(Processor::Numbering, content, env)) elsif entry_name == 'word/_rels/document.xml.rels' relations_file_content = content else out.write(content) end end if relations_file_content env.relationship.add_found_relationships(relations_file_content, out) end end end # creates directories of the unzipped docx file in the newly created docx file e.g. in case of # word/_rels/document.xml.rels it creates word/ and _rels directories to apply recursive zipping. # This is a hack to fix the issue of getting a corrupted file when any referencing between the # xml files happen like in the case of implementing hyperlinks # def create_dirs_in_zipfile(previous_created_dirs, entry_name, output_stream) created_dirs = previous_created_dirs entry_name_tokens = entry_name.split('/') entry_name_tokens.pop() if entry_name_tokens.length > 1 prev_dir = '' entry_name_tokens.each do |dir_name| prev_dir += dir_name + '/' unless created_dirs.include? prev_dir output_stream.put_next_entry(prev_dir) created_dirs << prev_dir end end end created_dirs end # process the sablon xml template with the given +context+. # # IMPORTANT: Open Office does not ignore whitespace around tags. # We need to render the xml without indent and whitespace. def process(processor, content, *args) document = Nokogiri::XML(content) processor.process(document, *args).to_xml(indent: 0, save_with: 0) end end end