module SlackRubyBot module Commands class Base include Loggable class_attribute :routes class << self attr_accessor :command_classes def inherited(subclass) SlackRubyBot::Commands::Base.command_classes ||= [] SlackRubyBot::Commands::Base.command_classes << subclass end def send_message(client, channel, text, options = {}) logger.warn '[DEPRECATION] `send_message` is deprecated. Please use `client.say` instead.' if text && !text.length.empty? client.say(options.merge(channel: channel, text: text)) else client.say(options.merge(channel: channel, text: 'Nothing to see here.', gif: 'nothing')) end end def send_message_with_gif(client, channel, text, keywords, options = {}) logger.warn '[DEPRECATION] `send_message_with_gif` is deprecated. Please use `client.say` instead.' client.say(options.merge(channel: channel, text: text, gif: keywords)) end def send_gif(client, channel, keywords, options = {}) logger.warn '[DEPRECATION] `send_gif` is deprecated. Please use `client.say` instead.' client.say(options.merge(channel: channel, text: '', gif: keywords)) end def help(&block) CommandsHelper.instance.capture_help(self, &block) end def command_name_from_class name ? name.split(':').last.downcase : object_id.to_s end def operator(*values, &block) values = { |value| Regexp.escape(value) }.join('|') match"^(?#{values})(?.*)$", Regexp::IGNORECASE), &block end def command(*values, &block) values = { |value| value.is_a?(Regexp) ? value.source : Regexp.escape(value) }.join('|') match"^#{bot_matcher}[\\s]+(?#{values})([\\s]+(?.*)|)$", Regexp::IGNORECASE), &block end def invoke(client, data) finalize_routes! expression, text = parse(client, data) return false unless expression routes.each_pair do |route, options| match_method = options[:match_method] case match_method when :match match = route.match(expression) match ||= route.match(text) if text next unless match next if match.names.include?('bot') && !['bot']) when :scan match = expression.scan(route) next unless match.any? end call_command(client, data, match, options[:block]) return true end false end def match(match, &block) self.routes ||= self.routes[match] = { match_method: :match, block: block } end def scan(match, &block) self.routes ||= self.routes[match] = { match_method: :scan, block: block } end def bot_matcher '(?\S*)' end private def call_command(client, data, match, block) if block, data, match) if permitted?(client, data, match) elsif respond_to?(:call) send(:call, client, data, match) if permitted?(client, data, match) else raise NotImplementedError, data.text end end def parse(client, data) text = data.text return text unless direct_message?(data) && message_from_another_user?(data) return text if message_begins_with_bot_mention?(text, client.names) ["#{} #{text}", text] end def direct_message?(data) &&[0] == 'D' end def message_from_another_user?(data) data.user && data.user != SlackRubyBot.config.user_id end def message_begins_with_bot_mention?(text, bot_names) bot_names = bot_names.join('|') !!text.downcase.match(/\A(#{bot_names})\s|\A(#{bot_names})\z/) end def finalize_routes! return if routes && routes.any? command command_name_from_class end # Intended to be overridden by subclasses to hook in an # authorization mechanism. def permitted?(_client, _data, _match) true end end end end end