describe "Fortitude needs", :type => :system do def required Fortitude::Widget::REQUIRED_NEED end it "should return the current needs from .needs, with or without arguments" do parent = widget_class child = widget_class(:superclass => parent) expect(parent.needs).to eq({ }) expect(parent.needs(:foo)).to eq(:foo => required) expect(parent.needs(:bar => 'def_bar')).to eq(:foo => required, :bar => 'def_bar') expect(child.needs).to eq(:foo => required, :bar => 'def_bar') expect(child.needs(:bar)).to eq(:foo => required, :bar => required) expect(child.needs(:baz => 'def_baz')).to eq(:foo => required, :bar => required, :baz => 'def_baz') end it "should not rebuild 'needs' at all unless you actually use a widget" do notifications = [ ] ActiveSupport::Notifications.subscribe("fortitude.rebuilding") do |*args| notifications << args end wc1 = widget_class do def content p "hello, world" end end wc2 = widget_class do needs :foo, :bar, :baz def content p "foo: #{foo}, bar: #{bar}" end end wc3 = widget_class do needs :foo, :bar def content p "foo: #{foo}" end end expect(notifications).to eq([ ]) end it "should raise an exception if you try to modify a 'needs' default value" do wc = widget_class do needs :foo, :bar => [ 'a', 'b' ] def content bar << foo text "bar: #{bar.join(",")}" end end expect { render( => 'c')) }.to raise_error end it "should allow you to override a 'needs' method, and use #super" do klass = widget_class do needs :foo def foo "xx" + super + "yy" end def content p "foo is: #{foo}" end end expect(render( => 'aaa'))).to eq("
foo is: xxaaayy
") end describe "shadowing" do it "should shadow tags with needs, not the other way around" do klass = widget_class do needs :p, :div => 'whatever' def content text "p is: #{p}, div is: #{div}" end end expect(render( => 'aaa'))).to eq("p is: aaa, div is: whatever") end it "should still allow access to tags using tag_*" do klass = widget_class do needs :p, :div => 'whatever' def content tag_p "this is a p" tag_div "this is a div" text "p is: #{p}, div is: #{div}" end end expect(render( => 'bbb'))).to eq("this is a p
value: foo
") end it "should allow you to pass corner-case names for an extra assign, like #{valid_method_name.inspect}" do wc = widget_class do extra_assigns :use attr_accessor :method_name def content eval("p \"value: \#{#{method_name}}\"") end end i = => "foo") i.method_name = valid_method_name expect(render(i)).to eq("value: foo
") end end end describe "inheritance" do it "should require needs from all superclasses" do grandparent = widget_class { needs :foo } parent = widget_class(:superclass => grandparent) { needs :bar } child = widget_class(:superclass => parent) do needs :baz def content text "foo: #{foo}, bar: #{bar}, baz: #{baz}" end end expect { }.to raise_error(Fortitude::Errors::MissingNeed) expect { => 'f') }.to raise_error(Fortitude::Errors::MissingNeed) expect { => 'f', :bar => 'b') }.to raise_error(Fortitude::Errors::MissingNeed) expect(render( => 'f', :bar => 'b', :baz => 'z'))).to eq("foo: f, bar: b, baz: z") expect(grandparent.needs).to eq({ :foo => required }) expect(parent.needs).to eq({ :foo => required, :bar => required }) expect(child.needs).to eq({ :foo => required, :bar => required, :baz => required }) end it "should let you add needs later, and it should apply to both that class and any subclasses" do parent = widget_class_with_content { text "parent" } child = widget_class(:superclass => parent) do needs :bar def content super text "; child: bar: #{bar}" end end expect(render(parent)).to eq("parent") expect(render( => "the_bar"))).to eq("parent; child: bar: the_bar") expect(parent.needs).to eq({ }) expect(child.needs).to eq({ :bar => required }) parent.class_eval { needs :foo } child.class_eval do def content super text "; child: bar: #{bar}; foo: #{foo}" end end expect { }.to raise_error(Fortitude::Errors::MissingNeed) expect { => 'the_bar') }.to raise_error(Fortitude::Errors::MissingNeed) expect(render( => "the_foo"))).to eq("parent") expect(render( => "the_foo", :bar => "the_bar"))).to eq("parent; child: bar: the_bar; foo: the_foo") expect(parent.needs).to eq(:foo => required) expect(child.needs).to eq(:foo => required, :bar => required) end end describe "defaults" do it "should allow supplying defaults, and allow overriding them" do c = widget_class do needs :foo, :bar => 'def_bar', :baz => 'def_baz' def content text "foo: #{foo}, bar: #{bar}, baz: #{baz}" end end expect { }.to raise_error(Fortitude::Errors::MissingNeed) expect(render( => 'the_foo'))).to eq("foo: the_foo, bar: def_bar, baz: def_baz") expect(render( => 'the_foo', :baz => 'the_baz'))).to eq("foo: the_foo, bar: def_bar, baz: the_baz") expect(c.needs).to eq(:foo => required, :bar => 'def_bar', :baz => 'def_baz') end it "should inherit defaults properly" do parent = widget_class do needs :foo, :bar => 'def_bar', :baz => 'def_baz' def content text "foo: #{foo}, bar: #{bar}, baz: #{baz}" end end child = widget_class(:superclass => parent) do needs :baz => 'child_def_baz', :quux => 'child_quux' def content super text "; baz: #{baz}, quux: #{quux}" end end expect(render( => 'the_foo'))).to eq('foo: the_foo, bar: def_bar, baz: def_baz') expect { }.to raise_error(Fortitude::Errors::MissingNeed) expect(render( => 'the_foo'))).to eq('foo: the_foo, bar: def_bar, baz: child_def_baz; baz: child_def_baz, quux: child_quux') expect(parent.needs).to eq(:foo => required, :bar => 'def_bar', :baz => 'def_baz') expect(child.needs).to eq(:foo => required, :bar => 'def_bar', :baz => 'child_def_baz', :quux => 'child_quux') end it "should allow overriding a default with a requirement" do parent = widget_class do needs :foo, :bar => 'def_bar' end child = widget_class(:superclass => parent) do needs :bar def content text "foo: #{foo}, bar: #{bar}" end end expect { => 'the_foo') }.to raise_error(Fortitude::Errors::MissingNeed) expect(render( => 'the_foo', :bar => 'the_bar'))).to eq('foo: the_foo, bar: the_bar') expect(parent.needs).to eq(:foo => required, :bar => 'def_bar') expect(child.needs).to eq(:foo => required, :bar => required) end it "should allow overriding a requirement with a default" do parent = widget_class do needs :foo, :bar end child = widget_class(:superclass => parent) do needs :foo => 'def_foo', :bar => 'def_bar' def content text "foo: #{foo}, bar: #{bar}" end end expect(render( eq('foo: def_foo, bar: def_bar') expect(render( => 'the_bar'))).to eq('foo: def_foo, bar: the_bar') expect(parent.needs).to eq(:foo => required, :bar => required) expect(child.needs).to eq(:foo => 'def_foo', :bar => 'def_bar') end end describe "extra assigns" do it "should, by default, ignore assigns it doesn't need" do c = widget_class do needs :foo def content bar_value = begin bar rescue => e end text "foo: #{foo}, bar: #{bar_value}" end end expect(render( => 'the_foo', :bar => 'the_bar'))).to eq('foo: the_foo, bar: NameError') end it "should ignore assigns it doesn't need, if told to" do c = widget_class do extra_assigns :ignore needs :foo def content bar_value = begin bar rescue => e end text "foo: #{foo}, bar: #{bar_value}" end end expect(render( => 'the_foo', :bar => 'the_bar'))).to eq('foo: the_foo, bar: NameError') end it "should fail if passed assigns it doesn't need, if asked to" do c = widget_class do extra_assigns :error needs :foo def content text "foo: #{foo}" end end expect { => 'the_foo', :bar => 'the_bar') }.to raise_error(Fortitude::Errors::ExtraAssigns, /bar/i) expect(render( => 'the_foo'))).to eq("foo: the_foo") end it "should use extra assigns it doesn't need, if asked to" do c = widget_class do extra_assigns :use needs :foo def content bar_value = begin bar rescue => e end text "foo: #{foo}; bar: #{bar_value}" end end expect(render( => 'the_foo'))).to eq('foo: the_foo; bar: NameError') expect(render( => 'the_foo', :bar => 'the_bar'))).to eq('foo: the_foo; bar: the_bar') end end end