/** * Backbone Forms v0.13.0 * * Copyright (c) 2013 Charles Davison, Pow Media Ltd * * License and more information at: * http://github.com/powmedia/backbone-forms */ ;(function(root) { //DEPENDENCIES //CommonJS if (typeof exports !== 'undefined' && typeof require !== 'undefined') { var $ = root.jQuery || root.Zepto || root.ender || require('jquery'), _ = root._ || require('underscore'), Backbone = root.Backbone || require('backbone'); } //Browser else { var $ = root.jQuery, _ = root._, Backbone = root.Backbone; } //SOURCE //================================================================================================== //FORM //================================================================================================== var Form = Backbone.View.extend({ /** * Constructor * * @param {Object} [options.schema] * @param {Backbone.Model} [options.model] * @param {Object} [options.data] * @param {String[]|Object[]} [options.fieldsets] * @param {String[]} [options.fields] * @param {String} [options.idPrefix] * @param {Form.Field} [options.Field] * @param {Form.Fieldset} [options.Fieldset] * @param {Function} [options.template] */ initialize: function(options) { var self = this; options = options || {}; //Find the schema to use var schema = this.schema = (function() { //Prefer schema from options if (options.schema) return _.result(options, 'schema'); //Then schema on model var model = options.model; if (model && model.schema) { return (_.isFunction(model.schema)) ? model.schema() : model.schema; } //Then built-in schema if (self.schema) { return (_.isFunction(self.schema)) ? self.schema() : self.schema; } //Fallback to empty schema return {}; })(); //Store important data _.extend(this, _.pick(options, 'model', 'data', 'idPrefix', 'templateData')); //Override defaults var constructor = this.constructor; this.template = options.template || this.template || constructor.template; this.Fieldset = options.Fieldset || this.Fieldset || constructor.Fieldset; this.Field = options.Field || this.Field || constructor.Field; this.NestedField = options.NestedField || this.NestedField || constructor.NestedField; //Check which fields will be included (defaults to all) var selectedFields = this.selectedFields = options.fields || _.keys(schema); //Create fields var fields = this.fields = {}; _.each(selectedFields, function(key) { var fieldSchema = schema[key]; fields[key] = this.createField(key, fieldSchema); }, this); //Create fieldsets var fieldsetSchema = options.fieldsets || [selectedFields], fieldsets = this.fieldsets = []; _.each(fieldsetSchema, function(itemSchema) { this.fieldsets.push(this.createFieldset(itemSchema)); }, this); }, /** * Creates a Fieldset instance * * @param {String[]|Object[]} schema Fieldset schema * * @return {Form.Fieldset} */ createFieldset: function(schema) { var options = { schema: schema, fields: this.fields }; return new this.Fieldset(options); }, /** * Creates a Field instance * * @param {String} key * @param {Object} schema Field schema * * @return {Form.Field} */ createField: function(key, schema) { var options = { form: this, key: key, schema: schema, idPrefix: this.idPrefix }; if (this.model) { options.model = this.model; } else if (this.data) { options.value = this.data[key]; } else { options.value = null; } var field = new this.Field(options); this.listenTo(field.editor, 'all', this.handleEditorEvent); return field; }, /** * Callback for when an editor event is fired. * Re-triggers events on the form as key:event and triggers additional form-level events * * @param {String} event * @param {Editor} editor */ handleEditorEvent: function(event, editor) { //Re-trigger editor events on the form var formEvent = editor.key+':'+event; this.trigger.call(this, formEvent, this, editor, Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 2)); //Trigger additional events switch (event) { case 'change': this.trigger('change', this); break; case 'focus': if (!this.hasFocus) this.trigger('focus', this); break; case 'blur': if (this.hasFocus) { //TODO: Is the timeout etc needed? var self = this; setTimeout(function() { var focusedField = _.find(self.fields, function(field) { return field.editor.hasFocus; }); if (!focusedField) self.trigger('blur', self); }, 0); } break; } }, render: function() { var self = this, fields = this.fields; //Render form var $form = $($.trim(this.template(_.result(this, 'templateData')))); //Render standalone editors $form.find('[data-editors]').add($form).each(function(i, el) { var $container = $(el), selection = $container.attr('data-editors'); if (_.isUndefined(selection)) return; //Work out which fields to include var keys = (selection == '*') ? self.selectedFields || _.keys(fields) : selection.split(','); //Add them _.each(keys, function(key) { var field = fields[key]; $container.append(field.editor.render().el); }); }); //Render standalone fields $form.find('[data-fields]').add($form).each(function(i, el) { var $container = $(el), selection = $container.attr('data-fields'); if (_.isUndefined(selection)) return; //Work out which fields to include var keys = (selection == '*') ? self.selectedFields || _.keys(fields) : selection.split(','); //Add them _.each(keys, function(key) { var field = fields[key]; $container.append(field.render().el); }); }); //Render fieldsets $form.find('[data-fieldsets]').add($form).each(function(i, el) { var $container = $(el), selection = $container.attr('data-fieldsets'); if (_.isUndefined(selection)) return; _.each(self.fieldsets, function(fieldset) { $container.append(fieldset.render().el); }); }); //Set the main element this.setElement($form); //Set class $form.addClass(this.className); return this; }, /** * Validate the data * * @return {Object} Validation errors */ validate: function(options) { var self = this, fields = this.fields, model = this.model, errors = {}; options = options || {}; //Collect errors from schema validation _.each(fields, function(field) { var error = field.validate(); if (error) { errors[field.key] = error; } }); //Get errors from default Backbone model validator if (!options.skipModelValidate && model && model.validate) { var modelErrors = model.validate(this.getValue()); if (modelErrors) { var isDictionary = _.isObject(modelErrors) && !_.isArray(modelErrors); //If errors are not in object form then just store on the error object if (!isDictionary) { errors._others = errors._others || []; errors._others.push(modelErrors); } //Merge programmatic errors (requires model.validate() to return an object e.g. { fieldKey: 'error' }) if (isDictionary) { _.each(modelErrors, function(val, key) { //Set error on field if there isn't one already if (fields[key] && !errors[key]) { fields[key].setError(val); errors[key] = val; } else { //Otherwise add to '_others' key errors._others = errors._others || []; var tmpErr = {}; tmpErr[key] = val; errors._others.push(tmpErr); } }); } } } return _.isEmpty(errors) ? null : errors; }, /** * Update the model with all latest values. * * @param {Object} [options] Options to pass to Model#set (e.g. { silent: true }) * * @return {Object} Validation errors */ commit: function(options) { //Validate options = options || {}; var validateOptions = { skipModelValidate: !options.validate }; var errors = this.validate(validateOptions); if (errors) return errors; //Commit var modelError; var setOptions = _.extend({ error: function(model, e) { modelError = e; } }, options); this.model.set(this.getValue(), setOptions); if (modelError) return modelError; }, /** * Get all the field values as an object. * Use this method when passing data instead of objects * * @param {String} [key] Specific field value to get */ getValue: function(key) { //Return only given key if specified if (key) return this.fields[key].getValue(); //Otherwise return entire form var values = {}; _.each(this.fields, function(field) { values[field.key] = field.getValue(); }); return values; }, /** * Update field values, referenced by key * * @param {Object|String} key New values to set, or property to set * @param val Value to set */ setValue: function(prop, val) { var data = {}; if (typeof prop === 'string') { data[prop] = val; } else { data = prop; } var key; for (key in this.schema) { if (data[key] !== undefined) { this.fields[key].setValue(data[key]); } } }, /** * Returns the editor for a given field key * * @param {String} key * * @return {Editor} */ getEditor: function(key) { var field = this.fields[key]; if (!field) throw new Error('Field not found: '+key); return field.editor; }, /** * Gives the first editor in the form focus */ focus: function() { if (this.hasFocus) return; //Get the first field var fieldset = this.fieldsets[0], field = fieldset.getFieldAt(0); if (!field) return; //Set focus field.editor.focus(); }, /** * Removes focus from the currently focused editor */ blur: function() { if (!this.hasFocus) return; var focusedField = _.find(this.fields, function(field) { return field.editor.hasFocus; }); if (focusedField) focusedField.editor.blur(); }, /** * Manages the hasFocus property * * @param {String} event */ trigger: function(event) { if (event === 'focus') { this.hasFocus = true; } else if (event === 'blur') { this.hasFocus = false; } return Backbone.View.prototype.trigger.apply(this, arguments); }, /** * Override default remove function in order to remove embedded views * * TODO: If editors are included directly with data-editors="x", they need to be removed * May be best to use XView to manage adding/removing views */ remove: function() { _.each(this.fieldsets, function(fieldset) { fieldset.remove(); }); _.each(this.fields, function(field) { field.remove(); }); return Backbone.View.prototype.remove.apply(this, arguments); } }, { //STATICS template: _.template('\
\ ', null, this.templateSettings), templateSettings: { evaluate: /<%([\s\S]+?)%>/g, interpolate: /<%=([\s\S]+?)%>/g, escape: /<%-([\s\S]+?)%>/g }, editors: {} }); //================================================================================================== //VALIDATORS //================================================================================================== Form.validators = (function() { var validators = {}; validators.errMessages = { required: 'Required', regexp: 'Invalid', email: 'Invalid email address', url: 'Invalid URL', match: _.template('Must match field "<%= field %>"', null, Form.templateSettings) }; validators.required = function(options) { options = _.extend({ type: 'required', message: this.errMessages.required }, options); return function required(value) { options.value = value; var err = { type: options.type, message: _.isFunction(options.message) ? options.message(options) : options.message }; if (value === null || value === undefined || value === false || value === '') return err; }; }; validators.regexp = function(options) { if (!options.regexp) throw new Error('Missing required "regexp" option for "regexp" validator'); options = _.extend({ type: 'regexp', message: this.errMessages.regexp }, options); return function regexp(value) { options.value = value; var err = { type: options.type, message: _.isFunction(options.message) ? options.message(options) : options.message }; //Don't check empty values (add a 'required' validator for this) if (value === null || value === undefined || value === '') return; if (!options.regexp.test(value)) return err; }; }; validators.email = function(options) { options = _.extend({ type: 'email', message: this.errMessages.email, regexp: /^[\w\-]{1,}([\w\-\+.]{1,1}[\w\-]{1,}){0,}[@][\w\-]{1,}([.]([\w\-]{1,})){1,3}$/ }, options); return validators.regexp(options); }; validators.url = function(options) { options = _.extend({ type: 'url', message: this.errMessages.url, regexp: /^(http|https):\/\/(([A-Z0-9][A-Z0-9_\-]*)(\.[A-Z0-9][A-Z0-9_\-]*)+)(:(\d+))?\/?/i }, options); return validators.regexp(options); }; validators.match = function(options) { if (!options.field) throw new Error('Missing required "field" options for "match" validator'); options = _.extend({ type: 'match', message: this.errMessages.match }, options); return function match(value, attrs) { options.value = value; var err = { type: options.type, message: _.isFunction(options.message) ? options.message(options) : options.message }; //Don't check empty values (add a 'required' validator for this) if (value === null || value === undefined || value === '') return; if (value !== attrs[options.field]) return err; }; }; return validators; })(); //================================================================================================== //FIELDSET //================================================================================================== Form.Fieldset = Backbone.View.extend({ /** * Constructor * * Valid fieldset schemas: * ['field1', 'field2'] * { legend: 'Some Fieldset', fields: ['field1', 'field2'] } * * @param {String[]|Object[]} options.schema Fieldset schema * @param {Object} options.fields Form fields */ initialize: function(options) { options = options || {}; //Create the full fieldset schema, merging defaults etc. var schema = this.schema = this.createSchema(options.schema); //Store the fields for this fieldset this.fields = _.pick(options.fields, schema.fields); //Override defaults this.template = options.template || this.constructor.template; }, /** * Creates the full fieldset schema, normalising, merging defaults etc. * * @param {String[]|Object[]} schema * * @return {Object} */ createSchema: function(schema) { //Normalise to object if (_.isArray(schema)) { schema = { fields: schema }; } //Add null legend to prevent template error schema.legend = schema.legend || null; return schema; }, /** * Returns the field for a given index * * @param {Number} index * * @return {Field} */ getFieldAt: function(index) { var key = this.schema.fields[index]; return this.fields[key]; }, /** * Returns data to pass to template * * @return {Object} */ templateData: function() { return this.schema; }, /** * Renders the fieldset and fields * * @return {Fieldset} this */ render: function() { var schema = this.schema, fields = this.fields; //Render fieldset var $fieldset = $($.trim(this.template(_.result(this, 'templateData')))); //Render fields $fieldset.find('[data-fields]').add($fieldset).each(function(i, el) { var $container = $(el), selection = $container.attr('data-fields'); if (_.isUndefined(selection)) return; _.each(fields, function(field) { $container.append(field.render().el); }); }); this.setElement($fieldset); return this; }, /** * Remove embedded views then self */ remove: function() { _.each(this.fields, function(field) { field.remove(); }); Backbone.View.prototype.remove.call(this); } }, { //STATICS template: _.template('\
\ <% if (legend) { %>\ <%= legend %>\ <% } %>\
\ ', null, Form.templateSettings) }); //================================================================================================== //FIELD //================================================================================================== Form.Field = Backbone.View.extend({ /** * Constructor * * @param {Object} options.key * @param {Object} options.form * @param {Object} [options.schema] * @param {Function} [options.schema.template] * @param {Backbone.Model} [options.model] * @param {Object} [options.value] * @param {String} [options.idPrefix] * @param {Function} [options.template] * @param {Function} [options.errorClassName] */ initialize: function(options) { options = options || {}; //Store important data _.extend(this, _.pick(options, 'form', 'key', 'model', 'value', 'idPrefix')); //Create the full field schema, merging defaults etc. var schema = this.schema = this.createSchema(options.schema); //Override defaults this.template = options.template || schema.template || this.constructor.template; this.errorClassName = options.errorClassName || this.constructor.errorClassName; //Create editor this.editor = this.createEditor(); }, /** * Creates the full field schema, merging defaults etc. * * @param {Object|String} schema * * @return {Object} */ createSchema: function(schema) { if (_.isString(schema)) schema = { type: schema }; //Set defaults schema = _.extend({ type: 'Text', title: this.createTitle() }, schema); //Get the real constructor function i.e. if type is a string such as 'Text' schema.type = (_.isString(schema.type)) ? Form.editors[schema.type] : schema.type; return schema; }, /** * Creates the editor specified in the schema; either an editor string name or * a constructor function * * @return {View} */ createEditor: function() { var options = _.extend( _.pick(this, 'schema', 'form', 'key', 'model', 'value'), { id: this.createEditorId() } ); var constructorFn = this.schema.type; return new constructorFn(options); }, /** * Creates the ID that will be assigned to the editor * * @return {String} */ createEditorId: function() { var prefix = this.idPrefix, id = this.key; //Replace periods with underscores (e.g. for when using paths) id = id.replace(/\./g, '_'); //If a specific ID prefix is set, use it if (_.isString(prefix) || _.isNumber(prefix)) return prefix + id; if (_.isNull(prefix)) return id; //Otherwise, if there is a model use it's CID to avoid conflicts when multiple forms are on the page if (this.model) return this.model.cid + '_' + id; return id; }, /** * Create the default field title (label text) from the key name. * (Converts 'camelCase' to 'Camel Case') * * @return {String} */ createTitle: function() { var str = this.key; //Add spaces str = str.replace(/([A-Z])/g, ' $1'); //Uppercase first character str = str.replace(/^./, function(str) { return str.toUpperCase(); }); return str; }, /** * Returns the data to be passed to the template * * @return {Object} */ templateData: function() { var schema = this.schema; return { help: schema.help || '', title: schema.title, fieldAttrs: schema.fieldAttrs, editorAttrs: schema.editorAttrs, key: this.key, editorId: this.editor.id }; }, /** * Render the field and editor * * @return {Field} self */ render: function() { var schema = this.schema, editor = this.editor; //Only render the editor if Hidden if (schema.type == Form.editors.Hidden) { return this.setElement(editor.render().el); } //Render field var $field = $($.trim(this.template(_.result(this, 'templateData')))); if (schema.fieldClass) $field.addClass(schema.fieldClass); if (schema.fieldAttrs) $field.attr(schema.fieldAttrs); //Render editor $field.find('[data-editor]').add($field).each(function(i, el) { var $container = $(el), selection = $container.attr('data-editor'); if (_.isUndefined(selection)) return; $container.append(editor.render().el); }); this.setElement($field); return this; }, /** * Check the validity of the field * * @return {String} */ validate: function() { var error = this.editor.validate(); if (error) { this.setError(error.message); } else { this.clearError(); } return error; }, /** * Set the field into an error state, adding the error class and setting the error message * * @param {String} msg Error message */ setError: function(msg) { //Nested form editors (e.g. Object) set their errors internally if (this.editor.hasNestedForm) return; //Add error CSS class this.$el.addClass(this.errorClassName); //Set error message this.$('[data-error]').html(msg); }, /** * Clear the error state and reset the help message */ clearError: function() { //Remove error CSS class this.$el.removeClass(this.errorClassName); //Clear error message this.$('[data-error]').empty(); }, /** * Update the model with the new value from the editor * * @return {Mixed} */ commit: function() { return this.editor.commit(); }, /** * Get the value from the editor * * @return {Mixed} */ getValue: function() { return this.editor.getValue(); }, /** * Set/change the value of the editor * * @param {Mixed} value */ setValue: function(value) { this.editor.setValue(value); }, /** * Give the editor focus */ focus: function() { this.editor.focus(); }, /** * Remove focus from the editor */ blur: function() { this.editor.blur(); }, /** * Remove the field and editor views */ remove: function() { this.editor.remove(); Backbone.View.prototype.remove.call(this); } }, { //STATICS template: _.template('\
\ \
\ \
<%= help %>
\ ', null, Form.templateSettings), /** * CSS class name added to the field when there is a validation error */ errorClassName: 'error' }); //================================================================================================== //NESTEDFIELD //================================================================================================== Form.NestedField = Form.Field.extend({ template: _.template($.trim('\
\ \ <% if (help) { %>\
<%= help %>
\ <% } %>\
\ '), null, Form.templateSettings) }); /** * Base editor (interface). To be extended, not used directly * * @param {Object} options * @param {String} [options.id] Editor ID * @param {Model} [options.model] Use instead of value, and use commit() * @param {String} [options.key] The model attribute key. Required when using 'model' * @param {Mixed} [options.value] When not using a model. If neither provided, defaultValue will be used * @param {Object} [options.schema] Field schema; may be required by some editors * @param {Object} [options.validators] Validators; falls back to those stored on schema * @param {Object} [options.form] The form */ Form.Editor = Form.editors.Base = Backbone.View.extend({ defaultValue: null, hasFocus: false, initialize: function(options) { var options = options || {}; //Set initial value if (options.model) { if (!options.key) throw new Error("Missing option: 'key'"); this.model = options.model; this.value = this.model.get(options.key); } else if (options.value !== undefined) { this.value = options.value; } if (this.value === undefined) this.value = this.defaultValue; //Store important data _.extend(this, _.pick(options, 'key', 'form')); var schema = this.schema = options.schema || {}; this.validators = options.validators || schema.validators; //Main attributes this.$el.attr('id', this.id); this.$el.attr('name', this.getName()); if (schema.editorClass) this.$el.addClass(schema.editorClass); if (schema.editorAttrs) this.$el.attr(schema.editorAttrs); }, /** * Get the value for the form input 'name' attribute * * @return {String} * * @api private */ getName: function() { var key = this.key || ''; //Replace periods with underscores (e.g. for when using paths) return key.replace(/\./g, '_'); }, /** * Get editor value * Extend and override this method to reflect changes in the DOM * * @return {Mixed} */ getValue: function() { return this.value; }, /** * Set editor value * Extend and override this method to reflect changes in the DOM * * @param {Mixed} value */ setValue: function(value) { this.value = value; }, /** * Give the editor focus * Extend and override this method */ focus: function() { throw new Error('Not implemented'); }, /** * Remove focus from the editor * Extend and override this method */ blur: function() { throw new Error('Not implemented'); }, /** * Update the model with the current value * * @param {Object} [options] Options to pass to model.set() * @param {Boolean} [options.validate] Set to true to trigger built-in model validation * * @return {Mixed} error */ commit: function(options) { var error = this.validate(); if (error) return error; this.listenTo(this.model, 'invalid', function(model, e) { error = e; }); this.model.set(this.key, this.getValue(), options); if (error) return error; }, /** * Check validity * * @return {Object|Undefined} */ validate: function() { var $el = this.$el, error = null, value = this.getValue(), formValues = this.form ? this.form.getValue() : {}, validators = this.validators, getValidator = this.getValidator; if (validators) { //Run through validators until an error is found _.every(validators, function(validator) { error = getValidator(validator)(value, formValues); return error ? false : true; }); } return error; }, /** * Set this.hasFocus, or call parent trigger() * * @param {String} event */ trigger: function(event) { if (event === 'focus') { this.hasFocus = true; } else if (event === 'blur') { this.hasFocus = false; } return Backbone.View.prototype.trigger.apply(this, arguments); }, /** * Returns a validation function based on the type defined in the schema * * @param {RegExp|String|Function} validator * @return {Function} */ getValidator: function(validator) { var validators = Form.validators; //Convert regular expressions to validators if (_.isRegExp(validator)) { return validators.regexp({ regexp: validator }); } //Use a built-in validator if given a string if (_.isString(validator)) { if (!validators[validator]) throw new Error('Validator "'+validator+'" not found'); return validators[validator](); } //Functions can be used directly if (_.isFunction(validator)) return validator; //Use a customised built-in validator if given an object if (_.isObject(validator) && validator.type) { var config = validator; return validators[config.type](config); } //Unkown validator type throw new Error('Invalid validator: ' + validator); } }); /** * Text * * Text input with focus, blur and change events */ Form.editors.Text = Form.Editor.extend({ tagName: 'input', defaultValue: '', previousValue: '', events: { 'keyup': 'determineChange', 'keypress': function(event) { var self = this; setTimeout(function() { self.determineChange(); }, 0); }, 'select': function(event) { this.trigger('select', this); }, 'focus': function(event) { this.trigger('focus', this); }, 'blur': function(event) { this.trigger('blur', this); } }, initialize: function(options) { Form.editors.Base.prototype.initialize.call(this, options); var schema = this.schema; //Allow customising text type (email, phone etc.) for HTML5 browsers var type = 'text'; if (schema && schema.editorAttrs && schema.editorAttrs.type) type = schema.editorAttrs.type; if (schema && schema.dataType) type = schema.dataType; this.$el.attr('type', type); }, /** * Adds the editor to the DOM */ render: function() { this.setValue(this.value); return this; }, determineChange: function(event) { var currentValue = this.$el.val(); var changed = (currentValue !== this.previousValue); if (changed) { this.previousValue = currentValue; this.trigger('change', this); } }, /** * Returns the current editor value * @return {String} */ getValue: function() { return this.$el.val(); }, /** * Sets the value of the form element * @param {String} */ setValue: function(value) { this.$el.val(value); }, focus: function() { if (this.hasFocus) return; this.$el.focus(); }, blur: function() { if (!this.hasFocus) return; this.$el.blur(); }, select: function() { this.$el.select(); } }); /** * TextArea editor */ Form.editors.TextArea = Form.editors.Text.extend({ tagName: 'textarea', /** * Override Text constructor so type property isn't set (issue #261) */ initialize: function(options) { Form.editors.Base.prototype.initialize.call(this, options); } }); /** * Password editor */ Form.editors.Password = Form.editors.Text.extend({ initialize: function(options) { Form.editors.Text.prototype.initialize.call(this, options); this.$el.attr('type', 'password'); } }); /** * NUMBER * * Normal text input that only allows a number. Letters etc. are not entered. */ Form.editors.Number = Form.editors.Text.extend({ defaultValue: 0, events: _.extend({}, Form.editors.Text.prototype.events, { 'keypress': 'onKeyPress', 'change': 'onKeyPress' }), initialize: function(options) { Form.editors.Text.prototype.initialize.call(this, options); var schema = this.schema; this.$el.attr('type', 'number'); if (!schema || !schema.editorAttrs || !schema.editorAttrs.step) { // provide a default for `step` attr, // but don't overwrite if already specified this.$el.attr('step', 'any'); } }, /** * Check value is numeric */ onKeyPress: function(event) { var self = this, delayedDetermineChange = function() { setTimeout(function() { self.determineChange(); }, 0); }; //Allow backspace if (event.charCode === 0) { delayedDetermineChange(); return; } //Get the whole new value so that we can prevent things like double decimals points etc. var newVal = this.$el.val() if( event.charCode != undefined ) { newVal = newVal + String.fromCharCode(event.charCode); } var numeric = /^[0-9]*\.?[0-9]*?$/.test(newVal); if (numeric) { delayedDetermineChange(); } else { event.preventDefault(); } }, getValue: function() { var value = this.$el.val(); return value === "" ? null : parseFloat(value, 10); }, setValue: function(value) { value = (function() { if (_.isNumber(value)) return value; if (_.isString(value) && value !== '') return parseFloat(value, 10); return null; })(); if (_.isNaN(value)) value = null; Form.editors.Text.prototype.setValue.call(this, value); } }); /** * Hidden editor */ Form.editors.Hidden = Form.editors.Text.extend({ defaultValue: '', initialize: function(options) { Form.editors.Text.prototype.initialize.call(this, options); this.$el.attr('type', 'hidden'); }, focus: function() { }, blur: function() { } }); /** * Checkbox editor * * Creates a single checkbox, i.e. boolean value */ Form.editors.Checkbox = Form.editors.Base.extend({ defaultValue: false, tagName: 'input', events: { 'click': function(event) { this.trigger('change', this); }, 'focus': function(event) { this.trigger('focus', this); }, 'blur': function(event) { this.trigger('blur', this); } }, initialize: function(options) { Form.editors.Base.prototype.initialize.call(this, options); this.$el.attr('type', 'checkbox'); }, /** * Adds the editor to the DOM */ render: function() { this.setValue(this.value); return this; }, getValue: function() { return this.$el.prop('checked'); }, setValue: function(value) { if (value) { this.$el.prop('checked', true); }else{ this.$el.prop('checked', false); } }, focus: function() { if (this.hasFocus) return; this.$el.focus(); }, blur: function() { if (!this.hasFocus) return; this.$el.blur(); } }); /** * Select editor * * Renders a * * @param {Mixed} options */ setOptions: function(options) { var self = this; //If a collection was passed, check if it needs fetching if (options instanceof Backbone.Collection) { var collection = options; //Don't do the fetch if it's already populated if (collection.length > 0) { this.renderOptions(options); } else { collection.fetch({ success: function(collection) { self.renderOptions(options); } }); } } //If a function was passed, run it to get the options else if (_.isFunction(options)) { options(function(result) { self.renderOptions(result); }, self); } //Otherwise, ready to go straight to renderOptions else { this.renderOptions(options); } }, /** * Adds the