:javascript $('.nav.nav-pills li.active').removeClass('active'); $('.nav.nav-pills li[data-model="#{@abstract_model.to_param}"]').addClass('active'); $(window).off('keydown'); - # Integration of the rails_admin_settings gem, if not available, it rescues to the normal naming %title= "#{(@abstract_model.try(:pretty_name) || @page_name)} | #{Settings.app_name rescue ([_get_plugin_name[0] || 'Rails', _get_plugin_name[1] || 'Admin'].join(' '))}" .page-header %h1= @page_name - flash && flash.each do |key, value| .alert.alert-dismissible{class: flash_alert_class(key)} %button.close{type: 'button', :'data-dismiss' => "alert"} × = value - # if it's and abstract model, then is not a root model for sure (like the dashboard) - # these actions (root ones) are the actions listed at the same level as the dashboard (not related to a model) - if @abstract_model = breadcrumb .well.well-sm %ul.nav.nav-pills#action-menu = menu_for((@abstract_model ? (@object.try(:persisted?) ? :member : :collection) : :root), @abstract_model, @object) = content_for :contextual_tabs .well.well-sm = yield - else = yield %script $('.dropdown-toggle').dropdown()