# Slim test suite You can run this testsuite with `rake test:literate`. We use pretty mode in the test suite to make the output more readable. Pretty mode is enabled by setting the option ~~~ options :pretty => true ~~~ ## Line indicators In this section we test all line indicators. ### Text `|` A text blocks starts with the `|` as line indicator. ~~~ slim | Text block ~~~ renders as ~~~ html Text block ~~~ Multiple lines can be indented beneath the first text line. ~~~ slim | Text block with multiple lines ~~~ renders as ~~~ html Text block with multiple lines ~~~ The first line of a text block determines the indentation. ~~~ slim | Text block with multiple lines ~~~ renders as ~~~ html Text block with multiple lines ~~~ You can nest text blocks beneath tags. ~~~ slim body | Text ~~~ renders as ~~~ html Text ~~~ You can embed html code in the text which is not escaped. ~~~ slim | slim-lang.com ~~~ renders as ~~~ html slim-lang.com ~~~ ### Text with trailing white space `'` A text blocks with trailing white space starts with the `'` as line indicator. ~~~ slim ' Text block ~~~ renders as ~~~ html Text block ~~~ This is especially useful if you use tags behind a text block. ~~~ slim ' Link to a href="http://slim-lang.com" slim-lang.com ~~~ renders as ~~~ html Link to slim-lang.com ~~~ Multiple lines can be indented beneath the first text line. ~~~ slim ' Text block with multiple lines ~~~ renders as ~~~ html Text block with multiple lines ~~~ The first line of a text block determines the indentation. ~~~ slim ' Text block with multiple lines ~~~ renders as ~~~ html Text block with multiple lines ~~~ ### Inline HTML `<` HTML can be written directly. ~~~ slim slim-lang.com ~~~ renders as ~~~ html slim-lang.com ~~~ HTML tags allow nested blocks inside. ~~~ slim title Example body - if true | yes - else | no ~~~ renders as ~~~ html Example yes ~~~ ### Control code `-` The dash `-` denotes arbitrary control code. ~~~ slim - greeting = 'Hello, World!' - if false | Not true - else = greeting ~~~ renders as ~~~ html Hello, World! ~~~ Complex code can be broken with backslash `\`. ~~~ slim - greeting = 'Hello, '+\ \ 'World!' - if false | Not true - else = greeting ~~~ renders as ~~~ html Hello, World! ~~~ You can also write loops like this ~~~ slim - items = [{name: 'table', price: 10}, {name: 'chair', price: 5}] table#items - for item in items do tr td.name = item[:name] td.price = item[:price] ~~~ which renders as ~~~ html
table 10
chair 5
~~~ The `do` keyword can be omitted. ~~~ slim - items = [{name: 'table', price: 10}, {name: 'chair', price: 5}] table#items - for item in items tr td.name = item[:name] td.price = item[:price] ~~~ which renders as ~~~ html
table 10
chair 5
~~~ ### Output `=` The equal sign `=` produces dynamic output. ~~~ slim = 7*7 ~~~ renders as ~~~ html 49 ~~~ Dynamic output is escaped by default. ~~~ slim = '' ~~~ renders as ~~~ html <script>evil();</script> ~~~ Long code lines can be broken with `\`. ~~~ slim = (0..10).map do |i|\ 2**i \ end.join(', ') ~~~ renders as ~~~ html 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512, 1024 ~~~ You don't need the explicit `\` if the line ends with a comma `,`. ~~~ slim ruby: def test(*args) args.join('-') end = test('arg1', 'arg2', 'arg3') ~~~ renders as ~~~ html arg1-arg2-arg3 ~~~ You can also disable HTML escaping globally by setting the option ~~~ options :disable_escape => true ~~~ ~~~ slim = '' ~~~ renders as ~~~ html ~~~ The equal sign with modifier `=>` produces dynamic output with a trailing white space. ~~~ slim => 7*7 ~~~ renders as ~~~ html 49 ~~~ ~~~ slim =< 7*7 ~~~ renders as ~~~ html 49 ~~~ The equal sign with modifier `=<` produces dynamic output with a leading white space. ~~~ slim =< 7*7 ~~~ renders as ~~~ html 49 ~~~ The equal sign with modifiers `=<>` produces dynamic output with a leading and trailing white space. ~~~ slim =<> 7*7 ~~~ renders as ~~~ html 49 ~~~ ### Output without HTML escaping `==` The double equal sign `==` produces dynamic output without HTML escaping. ~~~ slim == '' ~~~ renders as ~~~ html ~~~ The option option ~~~ options :disable_escape => true ~~~ doesn't affect the output of `==`. ~~~ slim == '' ~~~ renders as ~~~ html ~~~ The double equal sign with modifier `==>` produces dynamic output without HTML escaping and trailing white space. ~~~ slim ==> '' ~~~ renders as ~~~ html ~~~ The option option ~~~ options :disable_escape => true ~~~ doesn't affect the output of `==`. ~~~ slim ==> '' ~~~ renders as ~~~ html ~~~ ### Code comment `/` Code comments begin with `/` and produce no output. ~~~ slim / Comment body / Another comment with multiple lines p Hello! ~~~ renders as ~~~ html


~~~ ### HTML comment `/!` Code comments begin with `/!`. ~~~ slim /! Comment body /! Another comment with multiple lines p Hello! /! First line determines indentation of the comment ~~~ renders as ~~~ html


~~~ ### IE conditional comment `/[...]` ~~~ slim /[if IE] p Get a better browser. ~~~ renders as ~~~ html ~~~ ## HTML tags ### Doctype tags The doctype tag is a special tag which can be used to generate the complex doctypes in a very simple way. You can output the XML version using the doctype tag. ~~~ slim doctype xml doctype xml ISO-8859-1 ~~~ renders as ~~~ html ~~~ In XHTML mode the following doctypes are supported: ~~~ slim doctype html doctype 5 doctype 1.1 doctype strict doctype frameset doctype mobile doctype basic doctype transitional ~~~ renders as ~~~ html ~~~ If we activate HTML mode with the option ~~~ options :format => :html ~~~ the following doctypes are supported: ~~~ slim doctype html doctype 5 doctype strict doctype frameset doctype transitional ~~~ renders as ~~~ html ~~~ ### Closed tags You can close tags explicitly by appending a trailing `/`. ~~~ slim div id="not-closed" .closed/ #closed/ div id="closed"/ ~~~ renders as ~~~ html
~~~ Note, that this is usually not necessary since the standard html tags (img, br, ...) are closed automatically. ~~~ slim img src="image.png" ~~~ renders as ~~~ html ~~~ ### Trailing and leading whitespace You can force a trailing whitespace behind a tag by adding `>`. ~~~ slim a#closed> class="test" / a#closed> class="test"/ a> href='url1' Link1 a< href='url1' Link1 ~~~ renders as ~~~ html Link1 Link1 ~~~ If you combine > and => only one trailing whitespace is added. ~~~ slim a> => 'Text1' a => 'Text2' a> = 'Text3' a>= 'Text4' a=> 'Text5' a<= 'Text6' a=< 'Text7' ~~~ renders as ~~~ html Text1 Text2 Text3 Text4 Text5 Text6 Text7 ~~~ You can force a leading whitespace before a tag by adding `<`. ~~~ slim a#closed< class="test" / a#closed< class="test"/ a< href='url1' Link1 a< href='url2' Link2 ~~~ ~~~ html Link1 Link2 ~~~ You can also combine both. ~~~ slim a#closed<> class="test" / a#closed>< class="test"/ a<> href='url1' Link1 a<> href='url2' Link2 ~~~ ~~~ html Link1 Link2 ~~~ ### Inline tags Sometimes you may want to be a little more compact and inline the tags. ~~~ slim ul li.first: a href="/first" First li: a href="/second" Second ~~~ renders as ~~~ html ~~~ For readability, don't forget you can wrap the attributes. ~~~ slim ul li.first: a(href="/first") First li: a(href="/second") Second ~~~ renders as ~~~ html ~~~ ### Text content ### Dynamic content `=` ### Attributes #### Attribute wrapper If a delimiter makes the syntax more readable for you, you can use the characters `{...}`, `(...)`, `[...]` to wrap the attributes. ~~~ slim li a(href="http://slim-lang.com" class="important") Link li a[href="http://slim-lang.com" class="important"] Link li a{href="http://slim-lang.com" class="important"} Link ~~~ renders as ~~~ html
  • Link
  • Link
  • Link
  • ~~~ If you wrap the attributes, you can spread them across multiple lines: ~~~ slim a(href="http://slim-lang.com" class="important") Link ~~~ renders as ~~~ html Link ~~~ ~~~ slim dl( itemprop='address' itemscope itemtype='http://schema.org/PostalAddress' ) ~~~ renders as ~~~ html
    ~~~ You may use spaces around the wrappers and assignments: ~~~ slim h1 id = "logo" Logo h2 [ id = "tagline" ] Tagline ~~~ renders as ~~~ html



    ~~~ #### Quoted attributes You can use single or double quotes for simple text attributes. ~~~ slim a href="http://slim-lang.com" title='Slim Homepage' Goto the Slim homepage ~~~ renders as ~~~ html Goto the Slim homepage ~~~ You can use text interpolation in the quoted attributes: ~~~ slim - url='slim-lang.com' a href="http://#{url}" Goto the #{url} a href="{"test"}" Test of quoted text in braces ~~~ renders as ~~~ html Goto the slim-lang.comTest of quoted text in braces ~~~ The attribute value will be escaped by default. Use == if you want to disable escaping in the attribute. ~~~ slim li a href='&' Link li a href=="&" Link ~~~ renders as ~~~ html
  • Link
  • Link
  • ~~~ You can use newlines in quoted attributes ~~~ slim a data-title="help" data-content="extremely long help text that goes on and one and one and then starts over...." Link ~~~ renders as ~~~ html Link ~~~ You can break quoted attributes with an backslash `\` ~~~ slim a data-title="help" data-content="extremely long help text that goes on\ and one and one and then starts over...." Link ~~~ renders as ~~~ html Link ~~~ #### Ruby attributes Long ruby attributes can be broken with backslash `\` ~~~ slim a href=1+\ 1 Link ~~~ renders as ~~~ html Link ~~~ You don't need the explicit `\` if the line ends with a comma `,`. ~~~ slim ruby: def test(*args) args.join('-') end a href=test('arg1', 'arg2', 'arg3') Link ~~~ renders as ~~~ html Link ~~~ #### Boolean attributes The attribute values `true`, `false` and `nil` are interpreted as booleans. If you use the attribut wrapper you can omit the attribute assigment. ~~~ slim - true_value1 = "" - true_value2 = true input type="text" disabled=true_value1 input type="text" disabled=true_value2 input type="text" disabled="disabled" input type="text" disabled=true input(type="text" disabled) ~~~ renders as ~~~ html ~~~ ~~~ slim - false_value1 = false - false_value2 = nil input type="text" disabled=false_value1 input type="text" disabled=false_value2 input type="text" input type="text" disabled=false input type="text" disabled=nil ~~~ renders as ~~~ html ~~~ If html5 is activated the attributes are written as standalone. ~~~ options :format => :html ~~~ ~~~ slim - true_value1 = "" - true_value2 = true input type="text" disabled=true_value1 input type="text" disabled=true_value2 input type="text" disabled="disabled" input type="text" disabled=true input(type="text" disabled) ~~~ renders as ~~~ html ~~~ #### Attribute merging You can configure attributes to be merged if multiple are given (See option `:merge_attrs`). In the default configuration this is done for class attributes with the white space as delimiter. ~~~ slim a.menu class="highlight" href="http://slim-lang.com/" Slim-lang.com ~~~ renders as ~~~ html Slim-lang.com ~~~ You can also use an `Array` as attribute value and the array elements will be merged using the delimiter. ~~~ slim - classes = [:alpha, :beta] span class=["first","highlight"] class=classes First span class=:second,:highlight class=classes Second ~~~ renders as ~~~ html FirstSecond ~~~ #### Splat attributes `*` #### Dynamic tags `*` You can create completely dynamic tags using the splat attributes. Just create a method which returns a hash with the :tag key. ~~~ slim ruby: def a_unless_current @page_current ? {tag: 'span'} : {tag: 'a', href: 'http://slim-lang.com/'} end - @page_current = true *a_unless_current Link - @page_current = false *a_unless_current Link ~~~ renders as ~~~ html LinkLink ~~~ ### Shortcuts #### Tag shortcuts We add tag shortcuts by setting the option `:shortcut`. ~~~ options :shortcut => {'c' => {tag: 'container'}, 'sec' => {tag:'section'}, '#' => {attr: 'id'}, '.' => {attr: 'class'} } ~~~ ~~~ slim sec: c.content Text ~~~ renders to ~~~ html
    ~~~ #### Attribute shortcuts We add `&` to create a shortcut for the input elements with type attribute by setting the option `:shortcut`. ~~~ options :shortcut => {'&' => {tag: 'input', attr: 'type'}, '#' => {attr: 'id'}, '.' => {attr: 'class'} } ~~~ ~~~ slim &text name="user" &password name="pw" &submit.CLASS#ID ~~~ renders to ~~~ html ~~~ This is stupid, but you can also use multiple character shortcuts. ~~~ options :shortcut => {'&' => {tag: 'input', attr: 'type'}, '#<' => {attr: 'id'}, '#>' => {attr: 'class'} } ~~~ ~~~ slim &text name="user" &password name="pw" &submit#>CLASS# ~~~ You can also set multiple attributes per shortcut. ~~~ options :shortcut => {'.' => {attr: %w(id class)} } ~~~ ~~~ slim .test ~~~ renders to ~~~ html
    ~~~ Shortcuts can also have multiple characters. ~~~ options :shortcut => {'.' => {attr: 'class'}, '#' => {attr: 'id'}, '.#' => {attr: %w(class id)} } ~~~ ~~~ slim .#test .test #test ~~~ renders to ~~~ html
    ~~~ #### ID shortcut and class shortcut `.` ID and class shortcuts can contain dashes. ~~~ slim .-test text #test- text .--a#b- text .a--test-123#--b text ~~~ renders as ~~~ html
    ~~~ ## Text interpolation Use standard Ruby interpolation. The text will be html escaped by default. ~~~ slim - user="John Doe " h1 Welcome #{user}! ~~~ renders as ~~~ html

    Welcome John Doe <john@doe.net>!

    ~~~ ## Pretty printing of XML We can enable XML mode with ~~~ options :format => :xml ~~~ ~~~ slim doctype xml document closed-element/ element(boolean-attribute) child attribute="value" | content ~~~ ~~~ html content ~~~ ## Embedded engines ## Configuring Slim ## Plugins