# encoding: utf-8 require "logstash/inputs/base" require "logstash/namespace" require "logstash/json" require "logstash/util/safe_uri" require "base64" require_relative "patch" # .Compatibility Note # [NOTE] # ================================================================================ # Starting with Elasticsearch 5.3, there's an {ref}modules-http.html[HTTP setting] # called `http.content_type.required`. If this option is set to `true`, and you # are using Logstash 2.4 through 5.2, you need to update the Elasticsearch input # plugin to version 4.0.2 or higher. # # ================================================================================ # # Read from an Elasticsearch cluster, based on search query results. # This is useful for replaying test logs, reindexing, etc. # It also supports periodically scheduling lookup enrichments # using a cron syntax (see `schedule` setting). # # Example: # [source,ruby] # input { # # Read all documents from Elasticsearch matching the given query # elasticsearch { # hosts => "localhost" # query => '{ "query": { "match": { "statuscode": 200 } }, "sort": [ "_doc" ] }' # } # } # # This would create an Elasticsearch query with the following format: # [source,json] # curl 'http://localhost:9200/logstash-*/_search?&scroll=1m&size=1000' -d '{ # "query": { # "match": { # "statuscode": 200 # } # }, # "sort": [ "_doc" ] # }' # # ==== Scheduling # # Input from this plugin can be scheduled to run periodically according to a specific # schedule. This scheduling syntax is powered by https://github.com/jmettraux/rufus-scheduler[rufus-scheduler]. # The syntax is cron-like with some extensions specific to Rufus (e.g. timezone support ). # # Examples: # # |========================================================== # | `* 5 * 1-3 *` | will execute every minute of 5am every day of January through March. # | `0 * * * *` | will execute on the 0th minute of every hour every day. # | `0 6 * * * America/Chicago` | will execute at 6:00am (UTC/GMT -5) every day. # |========================================================== # # # Further documentation describing this syntax can be found https://github.com/jmettraux/rufus-scheduler#parsing-cronlines-and-time-strings[here]. # # class LogStash::Inputs::Elasticsearch < LogStash::Inputs::Base config_name "elasticsearch" default :codec, "json" # List of elasticsearch hosts to use for querying. # Each host can be either IP, HOST, IP:port or HOST:port. # Port defaults to 9200 config :hosts, :validate => :array # The index or alias to search. config :index, :validate => :string, :default => "logstash-*" # The query to be executed. Read the Elasticsearch query DSL documentation # for more info # https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/current/query-dsl.html config :query, :validate => :string, :default => '{ "sort": [ "_doc" ] }' # This allows you to set the maximum number of hits returned per scroll. config :size, :validate => :number, :default => 1000 # This parameter controls the keepalive time in seconds of the scrolling # request and initiates the scrolling process. The timeout applies per # round trip (i.e. between the previous scroll request, to the next). config :scroll, :validate => :string, :default => "1m" # This parameter controls the number of parallel slices to be consumed simultaneously # by this pipeline input. config :slices, :validate => :number # If set, include Elasticsearch document information such as index, type, and # the id in the event. # # It might be important to note, with regards to metadata, that if you're # ingesting documents with the intent to re-index them (or just update them) # that the `action` option in the elasticsearch output wants to know how to # handle those things. It can be dynamically assigned with a field # added to the metadata. # # Example # [source, ruby] # input { # elasticsearch { # hosts => "es.production.mysite.org" # index => "mydata-2018.09.*" # query => "*" # size => 500 # scroll => "5m" # docinfo => true # } # } # output { # elasticsearch { # index => "copy-of-production.%{[@metadata][_index]}" # document_type => "%{[@metadata][_type]}" # document_id => "%{[@metadata][_id]}" # } # } # config :docinfo, :validate => :boolean, :default => false # Where to move the Elasticsearch document information. By default we use the @metadata field. config :docinfo_target, :validate=> :string, :default => LogStash::Event::METADATA # List of document metadata to move to the `docinfo_target` field. # To learn more about Elasticsearch metadata fields read # http://www.elasticsearch.org/guide/en/elasticsearch/guide/current/_document_metadata.html config :docinfo_fields, :validate => :array, :default => ['_index', '_type', '_id'] # Basic Auth - username config :user, :validate => :string # Basic Auth - password config :password, :validate => :password # Connection Timeout, in Seconds config :connect_timeout_seconds, :validate => :positive_whole_number, :default => 10 # Request Timeout, in Seconds config :request_timeout_seconds, :validate => :positive_whole_number, :default => 60 # Socket Timeout, in Seconds config :socket_timeout_seconds, :validate => :positive_whole_number, :default => 60 # Cloud ID, from the Elastic Cloud web console. If set `hosts` should not be used. # # For more info, check out the https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/logstash/current/connecting-to-cloud.html#_cloud_id[Logstash-to-Cloud documentation] config :cloud_id, :validate => :string # Cloud authentication string (":" format) is an alternative for the `user`/`password` configuration. # # For more info, check out the https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/logstash/current/connecting-to-cloud.html#_cloud_auth[Logstash-to-Cloud documentation] config :cloud_auth, :validate => :password # Authenticate using Elasticsearch API key. # format is id:api_key (as returned by https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/current/security-api-create-api-key.html[Create API key]) config :api_key, :validate => :password # Set the address of a forward HTTP proxy. config :proxy, :validate => :uri_or_empty # SSL config :ssl, :validate => :boolean, :default => false # SSL Certificate Authority file in PEM encoded format, must also include any chain certificates as necessary config :ca_file, :validate => :path # Schedule of when to periodically run statement, in Cron format # for example: "* * * * *" (execute query every minute, on the minute) # # There is no schedule by default. If no schedule is given, then the statement is run # exactly once. config :schedule, :validate => :string def register require "elasticsearch" require "rufus/scheduler" require "elasticsearch/transport/transport/http/manticore" @options = { :index => @index, :scroll => @scroll, :size => @size } @base_query = LogStash::Json.load(@query) if @slices @base_query.include?('slice') && fail(LogStash::ConfigurationError, "Elasticsearch Input Plugin's `query` option cannot specify specific `slice` when configured to manage parallel slices with `slices` option") @slices < 1 && fail(LogStash::ConfigurationError, "Elasticsearch Input Plugin's `slices` option must be greater than zero, got `#{@slices}`") end validate_authentication fill_user_password_from_cloud_auth fill_hosts_from_cloud_id transport_options = {:headers => {}} transport_options[:headers].merge!(setup_basic_auth(user, password)) transport_options[:headers].merge!(setup_api_key(api_key)) transport_options[:request_timeout] = @request_timeout_seconds unless @request_timeout_seconds.nil? transport_options[:connect_timeout] = @connect_timeout_seconds unless @connect_timeout_seconds.nil? transport_options[:socket_timeout] = @socket_timeout_seconds unless @socket_timeout_seconds.nil? hosts = setup_hosts ssl_options = setup_ssl @logger.warn "Supplied proxy setting (proxy => '') has no effect" if @proxy.eql?('') transport_options[:proxy] = @proxy.to_s if @proxy && !@proxy.eql?('') @client = Elasticsearch::Client.new( :hosts => hosts, :transport_options => transport_options, :transport_class => ::Elasticsearch::Transport::Transport::HTTP::Manticore, :ssl => ssl_options ) end def run(output_queue) if @schedule @scheduler = Rufus::Scheduler.new(:max_work_threads => 1) @scheduler.cron @schedule do do_run(output_queue) end @scheduler.join else do_run(output_queue) end end def stop @scheduler.stop if @scheduler end private def do_run(output_queue) # if configured to run a single slice, don't bother spinning up threads return do_run_slice(output_queue) if @slices.nil? || @slices <= 1 logger.warn("managed slices for query is very large (#{@slices}); consider reducing") if @slices > 8 @slices.times.map do |slice_id| Thread.new do LogStash::Util::set_thread_name("#{@id}_slice_#{slice_id}") do_run_slice(output_queue, slice_id) end end.map(&:join) end def do_run_slice(output_queue, slice_id=nil) slice_query = @base_query slice_query = slice_query.merge('slice' => { 'id' => slice_id, 'max' => @slices}) unless slice_id.nil? slice_options = @options.merge(:body => LogStash::Json.dump(slice_query) ) logger.info("Slice starting", slice_id: slice_id, slices: @slices) unless slice_id.nil? scroll_id = nil begin r = search_request(slice_options) r['hits']['hits'].each { |hit| push_hit(hit, output_queue) } logger.debug("Slice progress", slice_id: slice_id, slices: @slices) unless slice_id.nil? has_hits = r['hits']['hits'].any? scroll_id = r['_scroll_id'] while has_hits && scroll_id && !stop? has_hits, scroll_id = process_next_scroll(output_queue, scroll_id) logger.debug("Slice progress", slice_id: slice_id, slices: @slices) if logger.debug? && slice_id end logger.info("Slice complete", slice_id: slice_id, slices: @slices) unless slice_id.nil? ensure clear_scroll(scroll_id) end end ## # @param output_queue [#<<] # @param scroll_id [String]: a scroll id to resume # @return [Array(Boolean,String)]: a tuple representing whether the response # def process_next_scroll(output_queue, scroll_id) r = scroll_request(scroll_id) r['hits']['hits'].each { |hit| push_hit(hit, output_queue) } [r['hits']['hits'].any?, r['_scroll_id']] rescue => e # this will typically be triggered by a scroll timeout logger.error("Scroll request error, aborting scroll", error: e.inspect) # return no hits and original scroll_id so we can try to clear it [false, scroll_id] end def push_hit(hit, output_queue) event = LogStash::Event.new(hit['_source']) if @docinfo # do not assume event[@docinfo_target] to be in-place updatable. first get it, update it, then at the end set it in the event. docinfo_target = event.get(@docinfo_target) || {} unless docinfo_target.is_a?(Hash) @logger.error("Elasticsearch Input: Incompatible Event, incompatible type for the docinfo_target=#{@docinfo_target} field in the `_source` document, expected a hash got:", :docinfo_target_type => docinfo_target.class, :event => event) # TODO: (colin) I am not sure raising is a good strategy here? raise Exception.new("Elasticsearch input: incompatible event") end @docinfo_fields.each do |field| docinfo_target[field] = hit[field] end event.set(@docinfo_target, docinfo_target) end decorate(event) output_queue << event end def clear_scroll(scroll_id) @client.clear_scroll(scroll_id: scroll_id) if scroll_id rescue => e # ignore & log any clear_scroll errors logger.warn("Ignoring clear_scroll exception", message: e.message) end def scroll_request scroll_id @client.scroll(:body => { :scroll_id => scroll_id }, :scroll => @scroll) end def search_request(options) @client.search(options) end def hosts_default?(hosts) hosts.nil? || ( hosts.is_a?(Array) && hosts.empty? ) end def validate_authentication authn_options = 0 authn_options += 1 if @cloud_auth authn_options += 1 if (@api_key && @api_key.value) authn_options += 1 if (@user || (@password && @password.value)) if authn_options > 1 raise LogStash::ConfigurationError, 'Multiple authentication options are specified, please only use one of user/password, cloud_auth or api_key' end if @api_key && @api_key.value && @ssl != true raise(LogStash::ConfigurationError, "Using api_key authentication requires SSL/TLS secured communication using the `ssl => true` option") end end def setup_ssl @ssl && @ca_file ? { :ssl => true, :ca_file => @ca_file } : {} end def setup_hosts @hosts = Array(@hosts).map { |host| host.to_s } # potential SafeURI#to_s if @ssl @hosts.map do |h| host, port = h.split(":") { :host => host, :scheme => 'https', :port => port } end else @hosts end end def setup_basic_auth(user, password) return {} unless user && password && password.value token = ::Base64.strict_encode64("#{user}:#{password.value}") { Authorization: "Basic #{token}" } end def setup_api_key(api_key) return {} unless (api_key && api_key.value) token = ::Base64.strict_encode64(api_key.value) { Authorization: "ApiKey #{token}" } end def fill_user_password_from_cloud_auth return unless @cloud_auth @user, @password = parse_user_password_from_cloud_auth(@cloud_auth) params['user'], params['password'] = @user, @password end def fill_hosts_from_cloud_id return unless @cloud_id if @hosts && !hosts_default?(@hosts) raise LogStash::ConfigurationError, 'Both cloud_id and hosts specified, please only use one of those.' end @hosts = parse_host_uri_from_cloud_id(@cloud_id) end def parse_host_uri_from_cloud_id(cloud_id) begin # might not be available on older LS require 'logstash/util/cloud_setting_id' rescue LoadError raise LogStash::ConfigurationError, 'The cloud_id setting is not supported by your version of Logstash, ' + 'please upgrade your installation (or set hosts instead).' end begin cloud_id = LogStash::Util::CloudSettingId.new(cloud_id) # already does append ':{port}' to host rescue ArgumentError => e raise LogStash::ConfigurationError, e.message.to_s.sub(/Cloud Id/i, 'cloud_id') end cloud_uri = "#{cloud_id.elasticsearch_scheme}://#{cloud_id.elasticsearch_host}" LogStash::Util::SafeURI.new(cloud_uri) end def parse_user_password_from_cloud_auth(cloud_auth) begin # might not be available on older LS require 'logstash/util/cloud_setting_auth' rescue LoadError raise LogStash::ConfigurationError, 'The cloud_auth setting is not supported by your version of Logstash, ' + 'please upgrade your installation (or set user/password instead).' end cloud_auth = cloud_auth.value if cloud_auth.is_a?(LogStash::Util::Password) begin cloud_auth = LogStash::Util::CloudSettingAuth.new(cloud_auth) rescue ArgumentError => e raise LogStash::ConfigurationError, e.message.to_s.sub(/Cloud Auth/i, 'cloud_auth') end [ cloud_auth.username, cloud_auth.password ] end module URIOrEmptyValidator ## # @override to provide :uri_or_empty validator # @param value [Array] # @param validator [nil,Array,Symbol] # @return [Array(true,Object)]: if validation is a success, a tuple containing `true` and the coerced value # @return [Array(false,String)]: if validation is a failure, a tuple containing `false` and the failure reason. def validate_value(value, validator) return super unless validator == :uri_or_empty value = deep_replace(value) value = hash_or_array(value) return true, value.first if value.size == 1 && value.first.empty? return super(value, :uri) end end extend(URIOrEmptyValidator) module PositiveWholeNumberValidator ## # @override to provide :positive_whole_number validator # @param value [Array] # @param validator [nil,Array,Symbol] # @return [Array(true,Object)]: if validation is a success, a tuple containing `true` and the coerced value # @return [Array(false,String)]: if validation is a failure, a tuple containing `false` and the failure reason. def validate_value(value, validator) return super unless validator == :positive_whole_number is_number, coerced_number = super(value, :number) return [true, coerced_number.to_i] if is_number && coerced_number.denominator == 1 && coerced_number > 0 return [false, "Expected positive whole number, got `#{value.inspect}`"] end end extend(PositiveWholeNumberValidator) end