module ForestLiana describe ApimapSorter do describe 'apimap reordering' do context 'on a disordered apimap' do apimap = { 'meta': { stack: { 'orm_version': '4.34.9', 'database_type': 'postgresql', }, 'liana_version': '1.5.24', liana: 'forest-rails', }, 'data': [{ id: 'users', type: 'collections', attributes: { fields: [ { field: 'id', type: 'Number' }, { field: 'name', type: 'String' }, { field: 'firstName', type: 'String' }, { field: 'lastName', type: 'String' }, { field: 'email', type: 'String' }, { field: 'url', type: 'String' }, { field: 'createdAt', type: 'Date' }, { field: 'updatedAt', type: 'Date' }, ], name: 'users', } }, { id: 'guests', type: 'collections', attributes: { fields: [ { field: 'id', type: 'Number' }, { field: 'email', type: 'String' }, { field: 'createdAt', type: 'Date' }, { field: 'updatedAt', type: 'Date' }, ], name: 'guests', } }, { type: 'collections', id: 'animals', attributes: { fields: [ { is_sortable: false, field: 'id', is_filterable: false, type: 'Number' }, { type: 'Date', field: 'createdAt' }, { field: 'updatedAt', type: 'Date' }, ], name: 'animals', integration: '', is_virtual: true, } }], 'included': [{ id: 'users.Women', type: 'segments', attributes: { name: 'Women' } }, { id: 'users.import', type: 'actions', links: { self: '/actions' }, attributes: { name: 'import', fields: [{ is_required: true, type: 'Boolean', field: 'Save', description: 'save the import file if true.', default_value: 'true' }, { type: 'File', field: 'File' }], http_method: nil, hooks: nil, } }, { attributes: { name: 'Men' }, id: 'users.Men', type: 'segments' }, { id: 'animals.ban', type: 'actions', links: { self: '/actions' }, attributes: { name: 'import', global: true, download: nil, endpoint: nil, redirect: nil, 'http_method': nil, hooks: nil, } }] } apimap = ActiveSupport::JSON.encode(apimap) apimap = ActiveSupport::JSON.decode(apimap) apimap_sorted = it 'should sort the apimap sections' do expect(apimap_sorted.keys).to eq(['data', 'included', 'meta']) end it 'should sort the data collections' do expect(apimap_sorted['data'].map { |collection| collection['id'] }).to eq( ['animals', 'guests', 'users']) end it 'should sort the data collection values' do expect(apimap_sorted['data'][0].keys).to eq(['type', 'id', 'attributes']) expect(apimap_sorted['data'][1].keys).to eq(['type', 'id', 'attributes']) expect(apimap_sorted['data'][2].keys).to eq(['type', 'id', 'attributes']) end it 'should sort the data collections attributes values' do expect(apimap_sorted['data'][0]['attributes'].keys).to eq(['name', 'integration', 'is_virtual', 'fields']) expect(apimap_sorted['data'][1]['attributes'].keys).to eq(['name', 'fields']) expect(apimap_sorted['data'][2]['attributes'].keys).to eq(['name', 'fields']) end it 'should sort the data collections attributes fields by name' do expect(apimap_sorted['data'][0]['attributes']['fields'].map { |field| field['field'] }).to eq(['createdAt', 'id', 'updatedAt']) expect(apimap_sorted['data'][1]['attributes']['fields'].map { |field| field['field'] }).to eq(['createdAt', 'email', 'id', 'updatedAt']) expect(apimap_sorted['data'][2]['attributes']['fields'].map { |field| field['field'] }).to eq(['createdAt', 'email', 'firstName', 'id', 'lastName', 'name', 'updatedAt', 'url']) end it 'should sort the data collections attributes fields values' do expect(apimap_sorted['data'][0]['attributes']['fields'][1].keys).to eq(['field', 'type', 'is_filterable', 'is_sortable']) end it 'should sort the included actions and segments objects' do expect(apimap_sorted['included'].map { |object| object['id'] }).to eq( ['animals.ban', 'users.import', 'users.Men', 'users.Women']) end it 'should sort the included actions and segments objects values' do expect(apimap_sorted['included'][0].keys).to eq(['type', 'id', 'attributes', 'links']) expect(apimap_sorted['included'][1].keys).to eq(['type', 'id', 'attributes', 'links']) expect(apimap_sorted['included'][2].keys).to eq(['type', 'id', 'attributes']) expect(apimap_sorted['included'][3].keys).to eq(['type', 'id', 'attributes']) end it 'should sort the included actions and segments objects attributes values' do expect(apimap_sorted['included'][0]['attributes'].keys).to eq(['name', 'endpoint', 'http_method', 'redirect', 'download', 'hooks']) expect(apimap_sorted['included'][1]['attributes'].keys).to eq(['name', 'http_method', 'fields', 'hooks']) expect(apimap_sorted['included'][2]['attributes'].keys).to eq(['name']) expect(apimap_sorted['included'][3]['attributes'].keys).to eq(['name']) end it 'should sort the included action attributes fields by name' do expect(apimap_sorted['included'][1]['attributes']['fields'].map { |field| field['field'] }).to eq(['File', 'Save']) end it 'should sort the included action fields values' do expect(apimap_sorted['included'][1]['attributes']['fields'][1].keys).to eq(['field', 'type', 'default_value', 'is_required', 'description']) end it 'should sort the meta values' do expect(apimap_sorted['meta'].keys).to eq(['liana', 'liana_version', 'stack']) expect(apimap_sorted['meta']['stack'].keys).to eq(['database_type', 'orm_version']) end end end end end