require 'awesome_bot/check' require 'awesome_bot/log' require 'awesome_bot/result' require 'awesome_bot/statuses' require 'awesome_bot/version' # Command line interface module AwesomeBot OPTION_DUPE = 'allow-dupe' OPTION_REDIRECT = 'allow-redirect' OPTION_TIMEOUT_ALLOW = 'allow-timeout' OPTION_TIMEOUT_SET = 'set-timeout' OPTION_WHITE_LIST = 'white-list' USAGE = "\t" class << self def make_option(o) "--#{o}" end def output(x, k) s = x['status'] print " #{k + 1}. " print "#{s} " unless s == STATUS_ERROR print "#{x['url']}" print " #{x['error']}" if s == STATUS_ERROR print " #{STATUS_REDIRECT} #{x['headers']['location']}" if status_is_redirected? s puts '' end def cli option_d = make_option OPTION_DUPE option_r = make_option OPTION_REDIRECT option_t = make_option OPTION_TIMEOUT_SET option_t_a = make_option OPTION_TIMEOUT_ALLOW option_w = make_option OPTION_WHITE_LIST options = [ option_d, option_r, option_t, option_t_a, option_w ] if ARGV.count == 0 puts "Usage: #{PROJECT} [#{option_d}] [#{option_r}] "\ "[#{option_t_a}] [#{option_t} d] "\ "[#{option_w} item1,item2,..]\n"\ "#{USAGE} file Path to file, required as first argument\n"\ "#{USAGE} #{option_d} Duplicate URLs are allowed \n"\ "#{USAGE} #{option_r} Redirected URLs are allowed \n"\ "#{USAGE} #{option_t_a} URLs that time out are allowed \n"\ "#{USAGE} #{option_t} Set connection timeout (seconds) \n"\ "#{USAGE} #{option_w} Comma separated URLs to white list \n"\ "\nVersion #{VERSION}, see #{PROJECT_URL} for more information" exit end filename = ARGV[0] if options.include? filename puts "Usage: #{PROJECT} [options] \n"\ ' Path to file, requried as first argument' exit 1 end # Check options user_options = { |o| o.include? '--' } options_diff = user_options - options if options_diff.count > 0 puts "Error, invalid options: #{options_diff.join ', '} \n" puts "Valid options are #{options.join ', '}" exit 1 end begin content = filename rescue => error puts "File open error: #{error}" exit 1 end puts "> Checking links in #{filename}" if ARGV.count > 1 options = ARGV.drop 1 skip_dupe = options.include? option_d allow_redirects = options.include? option_r puts '> Will allow redirects' if allow_redirects == true allow_timeouts = options.include? option_t_a puts '> Will allow network timeouts' if allow_timeouts == true if options.include? option_w i = options.find_index(option_w) + 1 white_listed = options[i].split ',' end if options.include? option_t i = options.find_index(option_t) + 1 timeout = options[i].to_i puts "> Connection timeout = #{timeout}s" end else allow_redirects = false allow_timeouts = false end Faraday.options.timeout = timeout unless timeout.nil? log = r = check(content, white_listed, skip_dupe, log) unless r.white_listed.nil? puts "\n> White listed:" r.white_listed.each_with_index do |x, k| output x, k end end if r.success(allow_redirects, allow_timeouts) == true puts 'No issues :-)' # exit ? else puts "\nIssues :-(" print "> Links \n" if r.success_links(allow_redirects, allow_timeouts) puts " All OK #{STATUS_OK}" else r.statuses_issues(allow_redirects, allow_timeouts) .each_with_index do |x, k| output x, k end end unless skip_dupe print "> Dupes \n" if r.success_dupe puts " None #{STATUS_OK}" else r.dupes.uniq.each_with_index { |d, m| puts " #{m + 1}. #{d}" } end end exit 1 end end end # class end