# Copyright 2013-2014 Bazaarvoice, Inc. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. require 'cloudformation-ruby-dsl/dsl' unless RUBY_VERSION >= '1.9' # This script uses Ruby 1.9 functions such as Enumerable.slice_before and Enumerable.chunk $stderr.puts "This script requires ruby 1.9+. On OS/X use Homebrew to install ruby 1.9:" $stderr.puts " brew install ruby" exit(2) end require 'rubygems' require 'json' require 'yaml' require 'erb' require 'aws-sdk' require 'diffy' require 'highline/import' ############################# AWS SDK Support class AwsCfn attr_accessor :cfn_client_instance def initialize(args) Aws.config[:region] = args[:region] if args.key?(:region) end def cfn_client if @cfn_client_instance == nil # credentials are loaded from the environment; see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/sdkforruby/api/Aws/CloudFormation/Client.html @cfn_client_instance = Aws::CloudFormation::Client.new( # we don't validate parameters because the aws-ruby-sdk gets a number parameter and expects it to be a string and fails the validation # see: https://github.com/aws/aws-sdk-ruby/issues/848 validate_params: false ) end @cfn_client_instance end end # utility class to deserialize Structs as JSON # borrowed from http://ruhe.tumblr.com/post/565540643/generate-json-from-ruby-struct class Struct def to_map map = Hash.new self.members.each { |m| map[m] = self[m] } map end def to_json(*a) to_map.to_json(*a) end end ############################# Command-line support # Parse command-line arguments and return the parameters and region def parse_args stack_name = nil parameters = {} region = default_region nopretty = false ARGV.slice_before(/^--/).each do |name, value| case name when '--stack-name' stack_name = value when '--parameters' parameters = Hash[value.split(/;/).map { |pair| pair.split(/=/, 2) }] #/# fix for syntax highlighting when '--region' region = value when '--nopretty' nopretty = true end end [stack_name, parameters, region, nopretty] end def validate_action(action) valid = %w[ expand diff validate create update cancel-update delete describe describe-resource get-template ] removed = %w[ cfn-list-stack-resources cfn-list-stacks ] deprecated = { "cfn-validate-template" => "validate", "cfn-create-stack" => "create", "cfn-update-stack" => "update", "cfn-cancel-update-stack" => "cancel-update", "cfn-delete-stack" => "delete", "cfn-describe-stack-events" => "describe", "cfn-describe-stack-resources" => "describe", "cfn-describe-stack-resource" => "describe-resource", "cfn-get-template" => "get-template" } if deprecated.keys.include? action replacement = deprecated[action] $stderr.puts "WARNING: '#{action}' is deprecated and will be removed in a future version. Please use '#{replacement}' instead." action = replacement end unless valid.include? action if removed.include? action $stderr.puts "ERROR: native command #{action} is no longer supported by cloudformation-ruby-dsl." end $stderr.puts "usage: #{$PROGRAM_NAME} <#{valid.join('|')}>" exit(2) end action end def cfn(template) aws_cfn = AwsCfn.new({:region => template.aws_region}) cfn_client = aws_cfn.cfn_client action = validate_action( ARGV[0] ) # Find parameters where extension attribute :Immutable is true then remove it from the # cfn template since we can't pass it to CloudFormation. immutable_parameters = template.excise_parameter_attribute!(:Immutable) # Tag CloudFormation stacks based on :Tags defined in the template. # Remove them from the template as well, so that the template is valid. cfn_tags = template.excise_tags! if action == 'diff' or (action == 'expand' and not template.nopretty) template_string = JSON.pretty_generate(template) else template_string = JSON.generate(template) end # Derive stack name from ARGV _, options = extract_options(ARGV[1..-1], %w(--nopretty), %w(--stack-name --region --parameters --tag)) # If the first argument is not an option and stack_name is undefined, assume it's the stack name # The second argument, if present, is the resource name used by the describe-resource command if template.stack_name.nil? stack_name = options.shift if options[0] && !(/^-/ =~ options[0]) resource_name = options.shift if options[0] && !(/^-/ =~ options[0]) else stack_name = template.stack_name end case action when 'expand' # Write the pretty-printed JSON template to stdout and exit. [--nopretty] option writes output with minimal whitespace # example: <template.rb> expand --parameters "Env=prod" --region eu-west-1 --nopretty if template.nopretty puts template_string else puts template_string end exit(true) when 'diff' # example: <template.rb> diff my-stack-name --parameters "Env=prod" --region eu-west-1 # Diff the current template for an existing stack with the expansion of this template. # We default to "output nothing if no differences are found" to make it easy to use the output of the diff call from within other scripts # If you want output of the entire file, simply use this option with a large number, i.e., -U 10000 # In fact, this is what Diffy does by default; we just don't want that, and we can't support passing arbitrary options to diff # because Diffy's "context" configuration is mutually exclusive with the configuration to pass arbitrary options to diff if !options.include? '-U' options.push('-U', '0') end # Ensure a stack name was provided if stack_name.empty? $stderr.puts "Error: a stack name is required" exit(false) end # describe the existing stack begin old_template_body = cfn_client.get_template({stack_name: stack_name}).template_body rescue Aws::CloudFormation::Errors::ValidationError => e $stderr.puts "Error: #{e}" exit(false) end # parse the string into a Hash, then convert back into a string; this is the only way Ruby JSON lets us pretty print a JSON string old_template = JSON.pretty_generate(JSON.parse(old_template_body)) # there is only ever one stack, since stack names are unique old_attributes = cfn_client.describe_stacks({stack_name: stack_name}).stacks[0] old_tags = old_attributes.tags old_parameters = old_attributes.parameters # Sort the tag strings alphabetically to make them easily comparable old_tags_string = old_tags.map { |tag| %Q(TAG "#{tag.key}=#{tag.value}"\n) }.sort.join tags_string = cfn_tags.map { |k, v| %Q(TAG "#{k.to_s}=#{v}"\n) }.sort.join # Sort the parameter strings alphabetically to make them easily comparable old_parameters_string = old_parameters.sort! {|pCurrent, pNext| pCurrent.parameter_key <=> pNext.parameter_key }.map { |param| %Q(PARAMETER "#{param.parameter_key}=#{param.parameter_value}"\n) }.join parameters_string = template.parameters.sort.map { |key, value| "PARAMETER \"#{key}=#{value}\"\n" }.join # set default diff options Diffy::Diff.default_options.merge!( :diff => "#{options.join(' ')}", ) # set default diff output Diffy::Diff.default_format = :color tags_diff = Diffy::Diff.new(old_tags_string, tags_string).to_s.strip! params_diff = Diffy::Diff.new(old_parameters_string, parameters_string).to_s.strip! template_diff = Diffy::Diff.new(old_template, template_string).to_s.strip! if !tags_diff.empty? puts "====== Tags ======" puts tags_diff puts "==================" puts end if !params_diff.empty? puts "====== Parameters ======" puts params_diff puts "========================" puts end if !template_diff.empty? puts "====== Template ======" puts template_diff puts "======================" puts end exit(true) when 'validate' begin valid = cfn_client.validate_template({template_body: template_string}) if valid.successful? puts "Validation successful" exit(true) end rescue Aws::CloudFormation::Errors::ValidationError => e $stderr.puts "Validation error: #{e}" exit(false) end when 'create' begin # default options (not overridable) create_stack_opts = { stack_name: stack_name, template_body: template_string, parameters: template.parameters.map { |k,v| {parameter_key: k, parameter_value: v}}.to_a, tags: cfn_tags.map { |k,v| {"key" => k.to_s, "value" => v} }.to_a, capabilities: ["CAPABILITY_IAM"], } # fill in options from the command line extra_options = parse_arg_array_as_hash(options) create_stack_opts = extra_options.merge(create_stack_opts) # create stack create_result = cfn_client.create_stack(create_stack_opts) if create_result.successful? puts create_result.stack_id exit(true) end rescue Aws::CloudFormation::Errors::ServiceError => e $stderr.puts "Failed to create stack: #{e}" exit(false) end when 'cancel-update' begin cancel_update_result = cfn_client.cancel_update_stack({stack_name: stack_name}) if cancel_update_result.successful? $stderr.puts "Canceled updating stack #{stack_name}." exit(true) end rescue Aws::CloudFormation::Errors::ServiceError => e $stderr.puts "Failed to cancel updating stack: #{e}" exit(false) end when 'delete' begin if HighLine.agree("Really delete #{stack_name} in #{cfn_client.config.region}? [Y/n]") delete_result = cfn_client.delete_stack({stack_name: stack_name}) if delete_result.successful? $stderr.puts "Deleted stack #{stack_name}." exit(true) end else $stderr.puts "Canceled deleting stack #{stack_name}." exit(true) end rescue Aws::CloudFormation::Errors::ServiceError => e $stderr.puts "Failed to delete stack: #{e}" exit(false) end when 'describe' begin describe_stack = cfn_client.describe_stacks({stack_name: stack_name}) describe_stack_resources = cfn_client.describe_stack_resources({stack_name: stack_name}) if describe_stack.successful? and describe_stack_resources.successful? stacks = {} stack_resources = {} describe_stack_resources.stack_resources.each { |stack_resource| if stack_resources[stack_resource.stack_name].nil? stack_resources[stack_resource.stack_name] = [] end stack_resources[stack_resource.stack_name].push({ logical_resource_id: stack_resource.logical_resource_id, physical_resource_id: stack_resource.physical_resource_id, resource_type: stack_resource.resource_type, timestamp: stack_resource.timestamp, resource_status: stack_resource.resource_status, resource_status_reason: stack_resource.resource_status_reason, description: stack_resource.description, }) } describe_stack.stacks.each { |stack| stacks[stack.stack_name] = stack.to_map.merge!({resources: stack_resources[stack.stack_name]}) } unless template.nopretty puts JSON.pretty_generate(stacks) else puts JSON.generate(stacks) end exit(true) end rescue Aws::CloudFormation::Errors::ServiceError => e $stderr.puts "Failed describe stack #{stack_name}: #{e}" exit(false) end when 'describe-resource' begin describe_stack_resource = cfn_client.describe_stack_resource({ stack_name: stack_name, logical_resource_id: resource_name, }) if describe_stack_resource.successful? unless template.nopretty puts JSON.pretty_generate(describe_stack_resource.stack_resource_detail) else puts JSON.generate(describe_stack_resource.stack_resource_detail) end exit(true) end rescue Aws::CloudFormation::Errors::ServiceError => e $stderr.puts "Failed get stack resource details: #{e}" exit(false) end when 'get-template' begin get_template_result = cfn_client.get_template({stack_name: stack_name}) template_body = JSON.parse(get_template_result.template_body) if get_template_result.successful? unless template.nopretty puts JSON.pretty_generate(template_body) else puts JSON.generate(template_body) end exit(true) end rescue Aws::CloudFormation::Errors::ServiceError => e $stderr.puts "Failed get stack template: #{e}" exit(false) end when 'update' # Run CloudFormation command to describe the existing stack old_stack = cfn_client.describe_stacks({stack_name: stack_name}).stacks # this might happen if, for example, stack_name is an empty string and the Cfn client returns ALL stacks if old_stack.length > 1 $stderr.puts "Error: found too many stacks with this name. There should only be one." exit(false) else # grab the first (and only) result old_stack = old_stack[0] end # If updating a stack and some parameters are marked as immutable, fail if the new parameters don't match the old ones. if not immutable_parameters.empty? old_parameters = Hash[old_stack.parameters.map { |p| [p.parameter_key, p.parameter_value]}] new_parameters = template.parameters immutable_parameters.sort.each do |param| if old_parameters[param].to_s != new_parameters[param].to_s $stderr.puts "Error: unable to update immutable parameter " + "'#{param}=#{old_parameters[param]}' to '#{param}=#{new_parameters[param]}'." exit(false) end end end # Tags are immutable in CloudFormation. Validate against the existing stack to ensure tags haven't changed. # Compare the sorted arrays for an exact match old_cfn_tags = old_stack.tags.map { |p| [p.key.to_sym, p.value]}.sort cfn_tags_ary = cfn_tags.to_a.sort if cfn_tags_ary != old_cfn_tags $stderr.puts "CloudFormation stack tags do not match and cannot be updated. You must either use the same tags or create a new stack." + "\n" + (old_cfn_tags - cfn_tags_ary).map {|tag| "< #{tag}" }.join("\n") + "\n" + "---" + "\n" + (cfn_tags_ary - old_cfn_tags).map {|tag| "> #{tag}"}.join("\n") exit(false) end # update the stack begin # default options (not overridable) update_stack_opts = { stack_name: stack_name, template_body: template_string, parameters: template.parameters.map { |k,v| {parameter_key: k, parameter_value: v}}.to_a, capabilities: ["CAPABILITY_IAM"], } # fill in options from the command line extra_options = parse_arg_array_as_hash(options) update_stack_opts = extra_options.merge(update_stack_opts) # update the stack update_result = cfn_client.update_stack(update_stack_opts) if update_result.successful? puts update_result.stack_id exit(true) end rescue Aws::CloudFormation::Errors::ServiceError => e $stderr.puts "Failed to update stack: #{e}" exit(false) end end end # extract options and arguments from a command line string # # Example: # # desired, unknown = extract_options("arg1 --option withvalue --optionwithoutvalue", %w(--option), %w()) # # puts desired => Array{"arg1", "--option", "withvalue"} # puts unknown => Array{} # # @param args # the Array of arguments (split the command line string by whitespace) # @param opts_no_val # the Array of options with no value, i.e., --force # @param opts_1_val # the Array of options with exaclty one value, i.e., --retries 3 # @returns # an Array of two Arrays. # The first array contains all the options that were extracted (both those with and without values) as a flattened enumerable. # The second array contains all the options that were not extracted. def extract_options(args, opts_no_val, opts_1_val) args = args.clone opts = [] rest = [] while (arg = args.shift) != nil if opts_no_val.include?(arg) opts.push(arg) elsif opts_1_val.include?(arg) opts.push(arg) opts.push(arg) if (arg = args.shift) != nil else rest.push(arg) end end [opts, rest] end # convert an array of option strings to a hash # example input: ["--option", "value", "--optionwithnovalue"] # example output: {:option => "value", :optionwithnovalue: true} def parse_arg_array_as_hash(options) result = {} options.slice_before(/\A--[a-zA-Z_-]\S/).each { |o| key = ((o[0].sub '--', '').gsub '-', '_').downcase.to_sym value = if o.length > 1 then o.drop(1) else true end value = value[0] if value.is_a?(Array) and value.length == 1 result[key] = value } result end ##################################### Additional dsl logic # Core interpreter for the DSL class TemplateDSL < JsonObjectDSL def exec!() cfn(self) end end # Main entry point def template(&block) stack_name, parameters, aws_region, nopretty = parse_args raw_template(parameters, stack_name, aws_region, nopretty, &block) end