/* A jQuery edit in place plugin Version 2.3.0 Authors: Dave Hauenstein Martin Häcker Project home: http://code.google.com/p/jquery-in-place-editor/ Patches with tests welcomed! For guidance see the tests . To submit, attach them to the bug tracker. License: This source file is subject to the BSD license bundled with this package. Available online: {@link http://www.opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php} If you did not receive a copy of the license, and are unable to obtain it, learn to use a search engine. */ (function($){ $.fn.editInPlace = function(options) { var settings = $.extend({}, $.fn.editInPlace.defaults, options); assertMandatorySettingsArePresent(settings); preloadImage(settings.saving_image); return this.each(function() { var dom = $(this); // This won't work with live queries as there is no specific element to attach this // one way to deal with this could be to store a reference to self and then compare that in click? if (dom.data('editInPlace')) return; // already an editor here dom.data('editInPlace', true); new InlineEditor(settings, dom).init(); }); }; /// Switch these through the dictionary argument to $(aSelector).editInPlace(overideOptions) /// Required Options: Either url or callback, so the editor knows what to do with the edited values. $.fn.editInPlace.defaults = { url: "", // string: POST URL to send edited content ajax_data_type: "html", // string: dataType (html|script) for ajax call to save updated value bg_over: "#ffc", // string: background color of hover of unactivated editor bg_out: "transparent", // string: background color on restore from hover hover_class: "", // string: class added to root element during hover. Will override bg_over and bg_out show_buttons: false, // boolean: will show the buttons: cancel or save; will automatically cancel out the onBlur functionality save_button: '', // string: image button tag to use as “Save” button cancel_button: '', // string: image button tag to use as “Cancel” button params: "", // string: example: first_name=dave&last_name=hauenstein extra paramters sent via the post request to the server field_type: "text", // string: "text", "textarea", or "select", or "remote", or "clone"; The type of form field that will appear on instantiation default_text: "(Click here to add text)", // string: text to show up if the element that has this functionality is empty use_html: false, // boolean, set to true if the editor should use jQuery.fn.html() to extract the value to show from the dom node textarea_rows: 10, // integer: set rows attribute of textarea, if field_type is set to textarea. Use CSS if possible though textarea_cols: 25, // integer: set cols attribute of textarea, if field_type is set to textarea. Use CSS if possible though select_text: "Choose new value", // string: default text to show up in select box select_options: "", // string or array: Used if field_type is set to 'select'. Can be comma delimited list of options 'textandValue,text:value', Array of options ['textAndValue', 'text:value'] or array of arrays ['textAndValue', ['text', 'value']]. The last form is especially usefull if your labels or values contain colons) text_size: null, // integer: set cols attribute of text input, if field_type is set to text. Use CSS if possible though editor_url: null, // for field_type: remote url to get html_code for edit_control loading_text: 'Loading...', // shown if inplace editor is loaded from server // Specifying callback_skip_dom_reset will disable all saving_* options saving_text: undefined, // string: text to be used when server is saving information. Example "Saving..." saving_image: "", // string: uses saving text specify an image location instead of text while server is saving saving_animation_color: 'transparent', // hex color string, will be the color the pulsing animation during the save pulses to. Note: Only works if jquery-ui is loaded clone_selector: null, // if field_type clone a selector to clone editor from clone_id_suffix: null, // if field_type clone a suffix to create unique ids value_required: false, // boolean: if set to true, the element will not be saved unless a value is entered element_id: "element_id", // string: name of parameter holding the id or the editable update_value: "update_value", // string: name of parameter holding the updated/edited value original_value: 'original_value', // string: name of parameter holding the updated/edited value original_html: "original_html", // string: name of parameter holding original_html value of the editable /* DEPRECATED in 2.2.0 */ use original_value instead. save_if_nothing_changed: false, // boolean: submit to function or server even if the user did not change anything on_blur: "save", // string: "save" or null; what to do on blur; will be overridden if show_buttons is true cancel: "", // string: if not empty, a jquery selector for elements that will not cause the editor to open even though they are clicked. E.g. if you have extra buttons inside editable fields // All callbacks will have this set to the DOM node of the editor that triggered the callback callback: null, // function: function to be called when editing is complete; cancels ajax submission to the url param. Prototype: function(idOfEditor, enteredText, orinalHTMLContent, settingsParams, callbacks). The function needs to return the value that should be shown in the dom. Returning undefined means cancel and will restore the dom and trigger an error. callbacks is a dictionary with two functions didStartSaving and didEndSaving() that you can use to tell the inline editor that it should start and stop any saving animations it has configured. /* DEPRECATED in 2.1.0 */ Parameter idOfEditor, use $(this).attr('id') instead callback_skip_dom_reset: false, // boolean: set this to true if the callback should handle replacing the editor with the new value to show success: null, // function: this function gets called if server responds with a success. Prototype: function(newEditorContentString) error: null, // function: this function gets called if server responds with an error. Prototype: function(request) error_sink: function(idOfEditor, errorString) { alert(errorString); }, // function: gets id of the editor and the error. Make sure the editor has an id, or it will just be undefined. If set to null, no error will be reported. /* DEPRECATED in 2.1.0 */ Parameter idOfEditor, use $(this).attr('id') instead preinit: null, // function: this function gets called after a click on an editable element but before the editor opens. If you return false, the inline editor will not open. Prototype: function(currentDomNode). DEPRECATED in 2.2.0 use delegate shouldOpenEditInPlace call instead postclose: null, // function: this function gets called after the inline editor has closed and all values are updated. Prototype: function(currentDomNode). DEPRECATED in 2.2.0 use delegate didCloseEditInPlace call instead delegate: null // object: if it has methods with the name of the callbacks documented below in delegateExample these will be called. This means that you just need to impelment the callbacks you are interested in. }; // Lifecycle events that the delegate can implement // this will always be fixed to the delegate var delegateExample = { // called while opening the editor. // return false to prevent editor from opening shouldOpenEditInPlace: function(aDOMNode, aSettingsDict, triggeringEvent) {}, // return content to show in inplace editor willOpenEditInPlace: function(aDOMNode, aSettingsDict) {}, didOpenEditInPlace: function(aDOMNode, aSettingsDict) {}, // called while closing the editor // return false to prevent the editor from closing shouldCloseEditInPlace: function(aDOMNode, aSettingsDict, triggeringEvent) {}, // return value will be shown during saving willCloseEditInPlace: function(aDOMNode, aSettingsDict) {}, didCloseEditInPlace: function(aDOMNode, aSettingsDict) {}, missingCommaErrorPreventer:'' }; function InlineEditor(settings, dom) { this.settings = settings; this.dom = dom; this.originalValue = null; this.didInsertDefaultText = false; this.shouldDelayReinit = false; }; $.extend(InlineEditor.prototype, { init: function() { this.setDefaultTextIfNeccessary(); this.connectOpeningEvents(); }, reinit: function() { if (this.shouldDelayReinit) return; this.triggerCallback(this.settings.postclose, /* DEPRECATED in 2.1.0 */ this.dom); this.triggerDelegateCall('didCloseEditInPlace'); this.markEditorAsInactive(); this.connectOpeningEvents(); }, setDefaultTextIfNeccessary: function() { if('' !== this.dom.html()) return; this.dom.html(this.settings.default_text); this.didInsertDefaultText = true; }, connectOpeningEvents: function() { var that = this; this.dom .bind('mouseenter.editInPlace', function(){ that.addHoverEffect(); }) .bind('mouseleave.editInPlace', function(){ that.removeHoverEffect(); }) .bind('click.editInPlace', function(anEvent){ that.openEditor(anEvent); }); }, disconnectOpeningEvents: function() { // prevent re-opening the editor when it is already open this.dom.unbind('.editInPlace'); }, addHoverEffect: function() { if (this.settings.hover_class) this.dom.addClass(this.settings.hover_class); else this.dom.css("background-color", this.settings.bg_over); }, removeHoverEffect: function() { if (this.settings.hover_class) this.dom.removeClass(this.settings.hover_class); else this.dom.css("background-color", this.settings.bg_out); }, openEditor: function(anEvent) { if ( ! this.shouldOpenEditor(anEvent)) return; this.disconnectOpeningEvents(); this.removeHoverEffect(); this.removeInsertedDefaultTextIfNeccessary(); this.saveOriginalValue(); this.markEditorAsActive(); this.replaceContentWithEditor(); this.setInitialValue(); this.workAroundMissingBlurBug(); this.connectClosingEventsToEditor(); this.triggerDelegateCall('didOpenEditInPlace'); }, shouldOpenEditor: function(anEvent) { if (this.isClickedObjectCancelled(anEvent.target)) return false; if (false === this.triggerCallback(this.settings.preinit, /* DEPRECATED in 2.1.0 */ this.dom)) return false; if (false === this.triggerDelegateCall('shouldOpenEditInPlace', true, anEvent)) return false; return true; }, removeInsertedDefaultTextIfNeccessary: function() { if ( ! this.didInsertDefaultText || this.dom.html() !== this.settings.default_text) return; this.dom.html(''); this.didInsertDefaultText = false; }, isClickedObjectCancelled: function(eventTarget) { if ( ! this.settings.cancel) return false; var eventTargetAndParents = $(eventTarget).parents().andSelf(); var elementsMatchingCancelSelector = eventTargetAndParents.filter(this.settings.cancel); return 0 !== elementsMatchingCancelSelector.length; }, saveOriginalValue: function() { if (this.settings.use_html) this.originalValue = this.dom.html(); else this.originalValue = trim(this.dom.text()); }, restoreOriginalValue: function() { this.setClosedEditorContent(this.originalValue); }, setClosedEditorContent: function(aValue) { if (this.settings.use_html) this.dom.html(aValue); else this.dom.text(aValue); }, workAroundMissingBlurBug: function() { // Strangely, all browser will forget to send a blur event to an input element // when another one is created and selected programmatically. (at least under some circumstances). // This means that if another inline editor is opened, existing inline editors will _not_ close // if they are configured to submit when blurred. // Using parents() instead document as base to workaround the fact that in the unittests // the editor is not a child of window.document but of a document fragment var ourInput = this.dom.find(':input'); this.dom.parents(':last').find('.editInPlace-active :input').not(ourInput).blur(); }, replaceContentWithEditor: function() { var buttons_html = (this.settings.show_buttons) ? this.settings.save_button + ' ' + this.settings.cancel_button : ''; var editorElement = this.createEditorElement(); // needs to happen before anything is replaced /* insert the new in place form after the element they click, then empty out the original element */ this.dom.html('
') .find('form') .append(editorElement) .append(buttons_html); }, createEditorElement: function() { if (-1 === $.inArray(this.settings.field_type, ['text', 'textarea', 'select', 'remote', 'clone'])) throw "Unknown field_type , supported are 'text', 'textarea', 'select' and 'remote'"; var editor = null; if ("select" === this.settings.field_type) editor = this.createSelectEditor(); else if ("text" === this.settings.field_type) editor = $(''); else if ("textarea" === this.settings.field_type) editor = $('