module Moneytree module PaymentProvider class Stripe < Base # The permissions we request from Square OAuth, we store them in the database PERMISSION = :read_write def initialize(args) raise Error, 'Please set your Stripe credentials' if credentitals.nil? raise Error, 'Please include the stripe gem to your Gemfile' unless Object.const_defined?('::Stripe') ::Stripe.api_key = credentitals[:api_key] super end def get_access_token(params) # FIXME: add error handling ::Stripe::OAuth.token( { grant_type: 'authorization_code', code: params[:code] } ).to_hash end def scope PERMISSION.to_s end def charge(amount, details, metadata:, app_fee_amount: 0, description: "Charge for #{}") # `source` is obtained with Stripe.js; see response = ::Stripe::Charge.create( { amount: (amount * 100).to_i, currency: account.currency_code, source: details[:card_token], description: description, metadata: metadata, application_fee_amount: (app_fee_amount * 100).to_i }, stripe_account: payment_gateway.psp_credentials[:stripe_user_id] ) # succeeded, pending, or failed { succeeded: :success, pending: :pending, failed: :failed }[response[:status].to_sym], response[:failure_message], { charge_id: response[:id], card: response[:payment_method_details][:card], has_application_fee: ! } ) rescue ::Stripe::StripeError => e, e.message) end def refund(amount, details, metadata:) response = ::Stripe::Refund.create( { charge: details[:charge_id], amount: (-amount * 100).to_i, metadata: metadata, refund_application_fee: details[:has_application_fee] && Moneytree.refund_application_fee }, stripe_account: payment_gateway.psp_credentials[:stripe_user_id] ) # succeeded, pending, or failed { succeeded: :success, pending: :pending, failed: :failed }[response[:status].to_sym], response[:failure_message], { refund_id: response[:id] } ) rescue ::Stripe::StripeError => e, e.message) end def card_for(transaction) last4: transaction.details[:card][:last4], exp_month: transaction.details[:card][:exp_month], exp_year: transaction.details[:card][:exp_year], fingerprint: transaction.details[:card][:fingerprint], brand: transaction.details[:card][:brand], address_zip: transaction.details[:card][:address_zip], country: transaction.details[:card][:country] ) end private def credentitals Moneytree.stripe_credentials end end end end