%h1 Welcome to Genit ! %p Genit is a framework to build a = succeed "," do %strong static web site that is a web site without server side programing language and database. A genit site consists only of xhtml code (+ css, medias and eventually javascript). %br/ %br/ %em Genit is written in Ruby but there is no needs to know the Ruby language. %br/ %br/ The Genit project is hosted on %a{:href => "https://github.com/lkdjiin/genit", :title => "Source code of Genit"} GitHub under the terms of the MIT license. Feel free to fork it. Each new release will be announced on the %a{:href => "http://freshmeat.net/projects/genit", :title => "Genit project on freshmeat"} freshmeat site. The development progress will be announced on = succeed "." do %a{:href => "http://twitter.com/lkdjiin"} Twitter %h1 Get started %p Read the tutorial first, then have a look at the = succeed "." do %a{:href => "http://lkdjiin.github.com/genit/documentation/index.html"} documentation