l!YARBPY u x86_64-linux**W0*3lm n m  9 **9 :W00*3pqrq Yy**9 :0* * *  *  * 0* 0*3[\^b f(i0l<pGsIpJi   **9 :+*3[t[ ** +*3 u    ** +*3 v  Q q q * +3 9   q  9NENr/home/vagrant/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.4.0@cmor/gems/rubocop-0.79.0/lib/rubocop/cop/layout/multiline_array_brace_layout.rbEN
ENEN ENEN!ENThe closing array brace must be on the same line as the last array element when the opening brace is on the same line as the first array element.ENThe closing array brace must be on the line after the last array element when the opening brace is on a separate line from the first array element.ENIThe closing array brace must be on the line after the last array element.ENKThe closing array brace must be on the same line as the last array element.N ENon_arrayNEN autocorrectENRuboCopENCopENLayoutENMultilineArrayBraceLayoutENMultilineLiteralBraceLayoutENSAME_LINE_MESSAGEENNEW_LINE_MESSAGEENALWAYS_NEW_LINE_MESSAGEENALWAYS_SAME_LINE_MESSAGEENnodeENcheck_brace_layoutENMultilineLiteralBraceCorrectorENprocessed_sourceENnewENincludeENcore#define_method EMYuHm&X|