require 'json' module AppushClient class AppushClient attr_accessor :user, :password, :protocol, :service_url def initialize(user, password, params={}) params = {:service_url=>""}.merge params @user = user @password = password u = URI.parse(params[:service_url]) @http =, u.port) @http.use_ssl = true if u.scheme == 'https' @path = u.path @service_url = "#{u.scheme}://#@user:#@password@#{}#{u.path}" end def post(path, body=nil, options={}) res = request(:post, path, body, options) return res.body end def put(path, body=nil, options={}) res = request(:put, path, body, options) return res.body end def delete(path, options={}) res = request(:delete, path, nil, options) return res.body end def get(path, options={}) res = request(:get, path, nil, options) return res.body end def request(method, path, body, options) options = {:content_type=>'application/json'}.merge(options) req = case method when :get"#@path#{path}") when :post"#@path#{path}") when :put"#@path#{path}") when :delete"#@path#{path}") end req.basic_auth @user, @password req.content_type = options[:content_type] req.body = body res = @http.request(req) check_for_error(res) end def check_for_error(res) case res.code when /^(4|5)/ raise AppushClient.const_set(res.class.to_s.split('::').last, else return res end end def to_s "Server = #{@service_url}" end end class RootUser < AppushClient # POST def create_application(name, env="dev", dev_pem="", prod_pem="") data = {:name=>name, :env=>env, :dev_pem=>dev_pem, :prod_pem=>prod_pem}.to_json post "/application", data end # PUT # parameters are optional: :name, :env, :dev_pem, :prod_pem def modify_application(id, params={}) data = data[:name] = params[:name] if params[:name] data[:env] = params[:env] if params[:env] data[:dev_pem] = params[:dev_pem] if params[:dev_pem] data[:prod_pem] = params[:prod_pem] if params[:prod_pem] data = data.to_json put "/application/#{id}", data end # GET def list_applications() get "/application" end # GET def get_application(id) get "/application/#{id}" end # GET application//icon def get_application_icon(id) get "/application/#{id}/icon", :content_type=>"image/png" end # PUT application//icon def save_application_icon(app_id, icon) put "/application/#{app_id}/icon", icon, :content_type=>"image/png" end # DELETE def delete_application(id) delete "/application/#{id}" end # POST send notification def send_notification(app_id, params={}) params = {:tags=>[], :devices=>[], :exclude=>[], :alert=>"", :sound=>"", :badge=>0, :kv=>[]}.merge params payload = {"aps"=>{"alert"=>params[:alert], "sound"=>params[:sound], "badge"=>params[:badge]}}.merge params[:kv] payload = {"payload"=>payload} data = {"tags"=>params[:tags], "devices"=>params[:devices], "exclude"=>params[:exclude]}.merge payload data = data.to_json post "/application/#{app_id}/notification", data end # GET get notification status def get_notification_status(app_id, notification_id) get "/application/#{app_id}/notification/#{notification_id}" end # GET all the devices with a tag def get_devices_by_tag(app_id, tag) get "/application/#{app_id}/tag/#{tag}" end end class Profile < AppushClient # GET device info def get_device(device_token) get "/device/#{device_token}" end # PUT register a device with tags def register_device(device_token, tags=[]) data = {:tags=>tags}.to_json put "/device/#{device_token}", data end # DELETE unregister device def unregister_device(device_token) delete "/device/#{device_token}" end end class Application < AppushClient # POST def create_profile() post "/profile", "{}" end end end