# General project information. #-- # Copyright 2006 Suraj N. Kurapati # See the file named LICENSE for details. module RubyVPI Project = { :name => 'ruby-vpi', :version => '21.0.0', :release => '2008-06-08', :website => "http://ruby-vpi.rubyforge.org", :home => File.expand_path(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '..')) } Simulator = Struct.new(:id, :name, :compiler_args, :linker_args) # List of supported Verilog simulators. SIMULATORS = [ Simulator.new(:cver, 'GPL Cver', '-DPRAGMATIC_CVER', ''), Simulator.new(:ivl, 'Icarus Verilog', '-DICARUS_VERILOG', ''), Simulator.new(:ncsim, 'Cadence NC-Sim', '-DCADENCE_NCSIM', ''), Simulator.new(:vcs, 'Synopsys VCS', '-DSYNOPSYS_VCS', ''), Simulator.new(:vsim, 'Mentor Modelsim', '-DMENTOR_MODELSIM', ''), ] # Returns the Simulator object corresponding to the given ID. def SIMULATORS.find_by_id aSimId @id2sim ||= inject({}) {|h,s| h[s.id] = s; h} @id2sim[aSimId] end # Speaks the given message using printf(). def RubyVPI.say fmt, *args #:nodoc: VPI.vpi_printf("#{Project[:name]}: #{fmt}\n", *args) end # Loads a test to exercise a design (the given VPI handle). # # 1. Creates a sandbox (an anonymous module). # # 2. Defines a constant named "DUT" (which points # to the given VPI handle) inside the sandbox. # # 3. Loads the given test files into the sandbox. # # 4. Returns the sandbox. # # aDesignHandleOrPath:: either a VPI handle or a path to an # object in the Verilog simulation # def RubyVPI.load_test aDesignHandleOrPath, *aTestFilePaths # access the design under test design = if aDesignHandleOrPath.is_a? VPI::Handle aDesignHandleOrPath else VPI.vpi_handle_by_name(aDesignHandleOrPath.to_s, nil) end raise ArgumentError, "cannot access the design under test: #{aDesignHandleOrPath.inspect}" unless design # create a sandbox sandbox = Module.new sandbox.const_set :DUT, design sandboxBinding = sandbox.module_eval('binding') # load files into sandbox aTestFilePaths.flatten.compact.uniq.each do |path| if HAVE_RUBY_19X eval File.read(path), sandboxBinding, path else sandbox.module_eval File.read(path), path end end sandbox end end