# Splam #require File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/splam/rule" #require File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/splam/rules" #require File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/splam/rules/russian" require 'rubygems' gem 'activesupport' require 'active_support/inflector' module Splam class Suite < Struct.new(:body, :rules, :threshold, :conditions) # Should be a Rack::Request, in case you want to inspect user agents and whatnot # unimplemented, cry about it fanboy! attr_accessor :request attr_reader :score attr_reader :reasons def initialize(body, rules, threshold, conditions, &block) super(body, rules, threshold, conditions) block.call(self) if block self.rules = self.rules.inject({}) do |memo, (rule, weight)| if (rule.is_a?(Class) && rule.superclass == Splam::Rule) || rule = Splam::Rule.rules[rule] memo[rule] = weight || 1.0 else raise ArgumentError, "Invalid rule: #{rule.inspect}" end memo end end def run(record) score, reasons = 0, [] rules.each do |rule_class, weight| weight ||= 1 worker = rule_class.run(self, record, weight) score += worker.score reasons << worker.reasons end [score, reasons] end def splam?(score) score >= threshold end end def self.included(base) # Autoload all files in rules # This is bad, mkay Dir["#{File.dirname(__FILE__)}/splam/rules/*.rb"].each do |f| require f end base.send :extend, ClassMethods end module ClassMethods def splam_suite; @splam_suite; end # Set #body attribute as splammable with default threshold of 100 # splammable :body # # Set #body attribute as splammable with custom threshold # splammable :body, 50 # # Set #body splammable with threshold and a conditions block? # splamamble :body, 50, lambda { |record| record.skip_splam_check } # # Set any Splam::Suite options # splammable :body do |splam| # splam.threshold = 150 # splam.conditions = lambda { |r| r.body.size.zero? } # # Set rules with #splam_key value # splam.rules = [:chinese, :html] # # Set rules with Class instances # splam.rules = [Splam::Rules::Chinese] # # Mix and match, we're all friends here # splam.rules = [Splam::Rules::Chinese, :html] # # Specify optional weights # splam.rules = {Splam::Rules::Chinese => 1.2, :html => 5.0} # def splammable(fieldname, threshold=100, conditions=nil, &block) # todo: run only certain rules # e.g. splammable :body, 100, [ :chinese, :html ] # todo: define some weighting on the model level # e.g. splammable :body, 50, { :russian => 2.0 } @splam_suite = Suite.new(fieldname, Splam::Rule.default_rules, threshold, conditions, &block) end end attr_accessor :skip_splam_check attr_reader :splam_score, :splam_reasons def splam_score @splam_score || run_splam_suite(:score) || 0 end def splam_reasons @splam_reasons || run_splam_suite(:reasons) || [] end def splam? # run_splam_suite # ask yourself, do you want this to be cached for each record instance or not? self.class.splam_suite.splam?(splam_score) end def validates_as_spam errors.add(self.class.splam_suite.body, "looks like spam.") if (!skip_splam_check? && splam?) end protected def run_splam_suite(attr_suffix = nil) splam_suite = self.class.splam_suite || raise("Splam::Suite is not initialized") return false if (splam_suite.conditions && !splam_suite.conditions.call(self)) || skip_splam_check || send(splam_suite.body).nil? @splam_score, @splam_reasons = splam_suite.run(self) instance_variable_get("@splam_#{attr_suffix}") if attr_suffix end def skip_splam_check? # This enables us to use a checkbox skip_splam_check.to_i > 0 end end