require 'query_builder' # Since QueryNode uses a special scope (secure_scope) that needs to be evaluated _in the query string_, you cannot # use query.sql. You have to use: eval query.to_s. This is not an issue since normal useage for QueryNode is to be # compilated into an ERB template. module Zena module Use class QueryNode < QueryBuilder attr_reader :context, :uses_node_name, :node_name set_main_table 'nodes' set_main_class 'Node' @@filter_fields = {'id' => {:key => 'zip'}} load_custom_queries ["#{RAILS_ROOT}/bricks/*/queries"] def self.insert_zero_link(link_class) return if link_class.find_by_id(0) link_class.connection.execute "INSERT INTO #{link_class.table_name} (id,target_id,source_id,status,comment) VALUES (0,0,0,NULL,NULL)" unless link_class.find_by_id(0) # the zero id is replaced by auto-increment value last_id = link_class.find(:first, :order => 'id DESC').id link_class.connection.execute "UPDATE #{link_class.table_name} SET id = 0 WHERE id = #{last_id}" end end def self.add_filter_field(key, fld_def) @@filter_fields[key] = fld_def end def initialize(query, opts = {}) @uses_node_name = false @table_name = 'nodes' @node_name = opts[:node_name] # list of dyna_attributes keys allready in the filter @dyn_keys = {} super(query, opts) # Raw filters are statements prepared that should not be further processed except for table_name replacement. parse_raw_filters(opts[:raw_filters]) end # Build joins and filters from a relation. def parse_relation(rel, context) # join_relation first so we can overwrite 'class' finders (images) with a relation. unless join_relation(rel, context) || context_relation(rel, context) @errors << "unknown relation '#{rel}'" end end # Default sort order def default_order_clause "position ASC, name ASC" end def default_context_filter 'self' end def after_parse @where.unshift "(\#{#{@node_name}.secure_scope('#{table}')})" if @tables.include?('links') link_table = table('links') @select << "#{link_table}.id AS link_id,#{ {|l| "#{link_table}.#{l} AS l_#{l}"}.join(',')}" elsif @errors_unless_safe_links @errors += @errors_unless_safe_links end @distinct = true if @tables.include?('versions') end # Erb finder used by zafu def finder(count) return 'nil' unless valid? case count when :count "#{node_name}.do_find(:count, #{self.to_s(:count)}, #{!uses_node_name}, #{main_class})" else "#{node_name}.do_find(#{count.inspect}, #{self.to_s}, #{!uses_node_name}, #{main_class})" end end private # Make sure all alternate queries include " = 0" (dummy link) def fix_where_list(where_list) return unless @tables.include?('links') where_list.each do |f| unless f =~ /links\./ f << " AND = 0" end end true end # Used to resolve 'in' clauses ('in project', 'in parent', etc) def context_filter_fields(rel, is_last = false) case rel when 'self' ['parent_id', 'id'] when 'parent' is_last ? ['parent_id', 'parent_id'] : ['parent_id', 'id'] when 'project' is_last ? ['project_id', 'project_id'] : ['project_id', 'id'] when 'section' is_last ? ['section_id', 'section_id'] : ['section_id', 'id'] when 'site', main_table :void else nil end end # Relations that can be resolved without a join def context_relation(rel, context) case rel when 'self' fields = ['id', 'id'] when 'parent', 'project', 'section' fields = ['id', "#{rel}_id"] when 'parents', 'projects', 'sections' if @table_counter[main_table] > 0 || @tables.include?('links') fields = ['id', "#{rel[0..-2]}_id"] end when 'root' @where << "#{table}.id = #{current_site.root_id}" return true when 'author', 'traductions', 'versions' # TODO: not implemented yet... return nil when 'visitor' @where << "#{table}.id = #{insert_bind("visitor.contact_id")}" return true end unless fields if klass = Node.get_class(rel) parse_context(default_context_filter) unless context @where << "#{table}.kpath LIKE '#{klass.kpath}%'" return true else # unknown class return nil end end @where << "#{field_or_attr(fields[0])} = #{field_or_attr(fields[1], table(main_table,-1))}" true end def parse_change_class(rel, is_last) case rel when 'comment', 'comments' if is_last # no need to load discussions, versions and all the mess add_table('comments') @where << "#{table('comments')}.discussion_id = #{map_attr('discussion_id')}" return Zena::Use::QueryComment # class change else # parse_context(default_context_filter, true) if is_last # after_parse add_table('discussions') add_table('comments') @where << "#{table('discussions')}.node_id = #{table('nodes')}.id" @where << "#{table('comments')}.discussion_id = #{table('discussions')}.id" after_parse return Zena::Use::QueryComment end else return nil end end # Filters that need a join def join_relation(rel, context, new_table_alias = nil, previous_table_alias = nil) new_table_alias ||= table(main_table) previous_table_alias ||= table(main_table, -1) if rel == main_table || rel == 'children' # dummy clauses parse_context(default_context_filter) unless context return :void end if rel = RelationProxy.find_by_role(rel.singularize) # We cannot use a LEFT JOIN here because it will totally mess up if we merge alternate queries add_table('links') # (= other_side = result) target <-- source (= link_side = caller) if context && context != 'self' # tagged in project (not equal to 'tagged from nodes in project') # remove caller join @distinct = true @where << "#{field_or_attr('id', new_table_alias)} = #{table('links')}.#{rel.other_side} AND #{table('links')}.relation_id = #{rel[:id]}" else @where << "#{field_or_attr('id', new_table_alias)} = #{table('links')}.#{rel.other_side} AND #{table('links')}.relation_id = #{rel[:id]} AND #{table('links')}.#{rel.link_side} = #{field_or_attr('id', previous_table_alias)}" end else nil end end def map_literal(value, env = :sql) if value =~ /(.*?)\[(visitor|param|node):(\w+)\](.*)/ val_start = $1 == '' ? '' : "#{$1.inspect} +" val_end = $4 == '' ? '' : "+ #{$4.inspect}" case $2 when 'visitor' value = env == :sql ? insert_bind("#{val_start}Node.zafu_attribute(, #{$3.inspect})#{val_end}") : nil when 'param' value = env == :sql ? insert_bind("#{val_start}params[:#{$3}].to_s#{val_end}") : "params[:#{$3}]" when 'node' @uses_node_name = true value = env == :sql ? insert_bind("#{val_start}#{@node_name}.safe_read(#{$3.inspect}).to_s#{val_end}") : "#{@node_name}.safe_read(#{$3.inspect})" end else value = env == :sql ? quote(value) : nil end end # Translate fields used for query/sort/grouping (context parameter) into something useable by SQL. Add the appropriate tables when needed. def map_field(field, table_name = table, context = nil) return map_literal("[#{field}]") if field =~ /\Aparam:/ case field[0..1] when 'd_' # DYNAMIC ATTRIBUTE key = field[2..-1] key, function = parse_sql_function_in_field(key) key = Zena::Db.sql_function(function, dyn_value('versions', key, context)) when 'c_' # CONTENT TABLE field = field[2..-1] # FIXME: implement #41 nil when 'v_' # VERSION key = field[2..-1] key, function = parse_sql_function_in_field(key) if Version.safe_method_type([key]) && Version.column_names.include?(key) vtable_name = needs_table('nodes', 'versions', " = TABLE2.node_id") Zena::Db.sql_function(function, "#{vtable_name}.#{key}") else # bad version attribute nil end when 'l_' key, function = parse_sql_function_in_field(field) if key == 'l_status' || key == 'l_comment' || key == 'l_date' || (key == 'l_id' && [:order, :group].include?(context)) @errors_unless_safe_links ||= [] @errors_unless_safe_links << "cannot use link field '#{key}' in this query" unless (key == 'l_id' && context == :order) # ok Zena::Db.sql_function(function, "#{table('links')}.#{key[2..-1]}") else # bad attribute nil end else # NODE key, function = parse_sql_function_in_field(field) if context == :filter if map_def = @@filter_fields[key] if table_def = map_def[:table] table_to_use = needs_table(*table_def) else table_to_use = table_name end Zena::Db.sql_function(function, "#{table_to_use}.#{map_def[:key]}") elsif (Node.safe_method_type([key]) && Node.column_names.include?(key)) Zena::Db.sql_function(function, "#{table_name}.#{key}") elsif key =~ /^(.*)_ids?$/ # tag_id = 33 ===> join links as lk, nodes as tt ....... rel = $1 if RelationProxy.find_by_role(rel.singularize) add_table('jnode', 'nodes') join_relation(rel, nil, table('jnode'), table('nodes')) "#{table('jnode')}.zip" else nil end else nil end else if ['id', 'parent_id','project_id','section_id'].include?(key) || (Node.safe_method_type([key]) && Node.column_names.include?(key)) Zena::Db.sql_function(function, "#{table_name}.#{key}") else # bad attribute nil end end end end def valid_field?(table_name, fld) # FIXME: security ! true end def map_attr(fld, env = :sql) case fld when 'project_id', 'section_id', 'discussion_id' @uses_node_name = true insert_bind("#{@node_name}.get_#{fld}") when 'id', 'parent_id' @uses_node_name = true insert_bind("#{@node_name}.#{fld}") else # type = Node.safe_method_type([fld]) # type[:method] ? # bad parameter @errors << "invalid parameter '#{fld}'" "0" end end def parse_paginate_clause(paginate) return @offset unless paginate if !@limit # TODO: raise error ? @errors << "invalid paginate clause '#{paginate}' (used without limit)" nil elsif (fld = map_literal("[param:#{paginate}]", :ruby)) && (page_size = @limit[/ LIMIT (\d+)/,1]) @page_size = [2,page_size.to_i].max " OFFSET #{insert_bind("((#{fld}.to_i > 0 ? #{fld}.to_i : 1)-1)*#{page_size.to_i}")}" else @errors << "invalid paginate clause '#{paginate}'" nil end end # When a field is defined as log_at:year, return [log_at, year]. def parse_sql_function_in_field(field) if field =~ /\A(\w+):(\w+)\Z/ if ['year'].include?($2) [$1,$2] else [$1] end else [field] end end def parse_raw_filters(filters) return unless filters filters.each do |f| all_ok = true filter = f.gsub(/TABLE_NAME(\[(\w+)\]|)/) do if $2 if @table_counter[$2] table($2) else all_ok = false @errors << "invalid table_name '#{$2}' in raw filter" @errors.uniq! end else table end end @where << filter if all_ok end end def dyn_value(table_name, key, context) @dyn_keys[table_name] ||= {} @dyn_keys[table_name][key] ||= begin needs_table('nodes', 'versions', " = TABLE2.node_id") dtable = needs_join_table('versions', 'LEFT', 'dyn_attributes', " = TABLE2.owner_id AND TABLE2.key = #{quote(key)}", "versions=dyn_attributes=#{key}") "#{dtable}.value" end end def parse_custom_query_argument(key, value) return nil unless value super.gsub(/(RELATION_ID|NODE_ATTR)\(([^)]+)\)/) do type, value = $1, $2 if type == 'RELATION_ID' role = value if rel = RelationProxy.find_by_role(role.singularize) rel[:id] else @errors << "could not find Relation '#{role}' in custom query" '-1' end elsif type == 'NODE_ATTR' attribute = value if Node.safe_method_type([attribute]) insert_bind("#{@node_name}.#{attribute}") else @errors << "cannot read attribute '#{attribute}' in custom query" '-1' end end end.gsub(/NODE_ID/) do @uses_node_name = true insert_bind("#{@node_name}.id") end end def extract_custom_query(list) super.singularize end def quote(literal) Node.connection.quote(literal) end end # QueryNode end # Use end # Zena