require 'test_helper' class ResolverTest < Test::Unit::TestCase context 'Resolver' do setup do Rufus::Tokyo::Tyrant.stubs(:new).returns({}) @db = => '/tmp/tttest', :gmaps_api_key => 'testkey') end should 'return a hash of information for a new address' do PostalCoder::GeocodingAPI::Query.any_instance. expects(:http_get).returns(PAYLOADS[:json_m6r2g5]) assert_instance_of Hash, @db.resolve('m6r2g5') end should 'not call api when a cached postal code is called' do assert_instance_of Hash, @db.resolve('m6r2g5') end should 'store the postal code key in the correct format' do assert_instance_of Hash, @db.resolve('M6R2G5') end should 'allow [] to resolve with auto-instantiation' do assert_instance_of Hash, @db['M6R2G5'] end should 'raise malformed postal code error for a malformed postal code' do assert_raise PostalCoder::Errors::MalformedPostalCodeError do @db.resolve('m6r212') end end should 'raise malformed postal code error for a nil postal code' do assert_raise PostalCoder::Errors::MalformedPostalCodeError do @db.resolve(nil) end end end end