### # wxRuby3 Defs director # Copyright (c) M.J.N. Corino, The Netherlands ### module WXRuby3 class Director class Defs < Director def setup spec.items.replace ['defs.h'] spec.ignore %w{ wxINT8_MIN wxINT8_MAX wxUINT8_MAX wxINT16_MIN wxINT16_MAX wxUINT16_MAX wxINT32_MIN wxINT32_MAX wxUINT32_MAX wxINT64_MIN wxINT64_MAX wxUINT64_MAX wxVaCopy } if Config.instance.wx_version >= '3.3.0' spec.ignore 'wxOVERRIDE' end super end def generator WXRuby3::DefsGenerator.new(self) end protected :generator def rake_generator WXRuby3::DefsRakeGenerator.new(self) end protected :rake_generator end # class Defs end # class Director class DefsGenerator < InterfaceGenerator def gen_swig_header(fout) fout << <<~__HEREDOC /** * This file is automatically generated by the WXRuby3 interface generator. * Do not alter this file. */ %include "../common.i" %module(directors="1") #{module_name} // Version numbers from wx/version.h %constant const int wxWXWIDGETS_MAJOR_VERSION = wxMAJOR_VERSION; %constant const int wxWXWIDGETS_MINOR_VERSION = wxMINOR_VERSION; %constant const int wxWXWIDGETS_RELEASE_NUMBER = wxRELEASE_NUMBER; %constant const int wxWXWIDGETS_SUBRELEASE_NUMBER = wxSUBRELEASE_NUMBER; // WXWIDGETS_VERSION is defined in lib/wx/core.rb #ifdef __WXDEBUG__ %constant const bool wxDEBUG = true; #else %constant const bool wxDEBUG = false; #endif // Platform constants #ifdef __WXMOTIF__ #define wxPLATFORM "WXMOTIF" #endif #ifdef __WXX11__ #define wxPLATFORM "WXX11" #endif #ifdef __WXGTK__ #define wxPLATFORM "WXGTK" #endif #ifdef __WXQT__ #define wxPLATFORM "WXQT" #endif #ifdef __WXMSW__ #define wxPLATFORM "WXMSW" #endif #ifdef __WXOSX__ #define wxPLATFORM "WXOSX" #endif __HEREDOC end def gen_interface_include_code(fout) gen_enums(fout) gen_defines(fout) gen_variables(fout) gen_functions(fout) end def run Stream.transaction do f = CodeStream.new(File.join(Config.instance.classes_dir, 'common', 'typedefs.i')) f << <<~__HEREDOC /** * This file is automatically generated by the WXRuby3 interface generator. * Do not alter this file. */ __HEREDOC gen_typedefs(f) end # make sure to keep this last for the parallel builds synchronize on the *.i files super end end # class DefsGenerator class DefsRakeGenerator < RakeDependencyGenerator def create_rake_tasks(frake) super frake << <<~__TASK file '#{File.join(Config.instance.common_dir, 'typedefs.i')}' => '#{File.join(Config.instance.classes_dir, 'Defs.i')}' __TASK end protected :create_rake_tasks end end # module WXRuby3