[todo]: # (Title: Be as meaningful as possible) [todo]: # (Title: Try to use 60 or less chars) [todo]: # (This is only a template!) [todo]: # (remove unneeded bits) [todo]: # (use github preview!) ## input.scss [todo]: # (always test and report with scss syntax) [todo]: # (use sass only when results differ from scss) ```scss test { content: bar } ``` ## Actual results [todo]: # (update version info!) [libsass 3.X.y][1] ```css test { content: bar; } ``` ## Expected result [todo]: # (update version info!) ruby sass 3.X.y ```css test { content: bar; } ``` [todo]: # (update version info!) [todo]: # (example for node-sass!) version info: ```cmd $ node-sass --version node-sass 3.X.y (Wrapper) [JavaScript] libsass 3.X.y (Sass Compiler) [C/C++] ``` [todo]: # (Go to http://libsass.ocbnet.ch/srcmap) [todo]: # (Enter your SCSS code and hit compile) [todo]: # (Click `bookmark` and replace the url) [todo]: # (link is used in actual results above) [1]: http://libsass.ocbnet.ch/srcmap/#dGVzdCB7CiAgY29udGVudDogYmFyOyB9Cg==