module SportDbAdmin module ApplicationHelper def game_team1_style_class( game ) ## fix: move to game model in game.rb buf = '' buf << game.team1_style_class buf << ' game-knockout ' if game.knockout? ### fix: loser - add method for checking winner/loser on ko pairs using (1st leg/2nd leg totals) buf << ' game-team-loser ' if game.complete? && (game.score1 < game.score2) buf end def game_team2_style_class( game ) ## fix: move to game model in game.rb buf = '' buf << game.team2_style_class buf << ' game-knockout ' if game.knockout? buf << ' game-team-loser ' if game.complete? && (game.score1 > game.score2) buf end def powered_by ## todo/fix: use version from wettpool module content_tag :div do link_to( 'Questions? Comments?', '' ) + " | " + link_to( "world.db/#{WorldDB::VERSION}", '' ) + ', ' + link_to( "sport.db/#{SportDB::VERSION}", '' ) + ', ' + link_to( 'sport.db.admin/1', '' ) + ' - ' + content_tag( :span, "Ruby/#{RUBY_VERSION} (#{RUBY_RELEASE_DATE}/#{RUBY_PLATFORM}) on") + ' ' + content_tag( :span, "Rails/#{Rails.version} (#{Rails.env})" ) + " | " + link_to( 'Icon Drawer Flags', '' ) ## content_tag( :span, "#{request.headers['SERVER_SOFTWARE'] || request.headers['SERVER']}" ) end end ### todo/fix: move to format helper def fmt_date_with_week( date ) if date.nil? '-' else ## e.g. 2012 (Week 22) // Oct/21 Fri date.strftime( "%Y (Week %V) // %b/%d %a" ) end end end # module ApplicationHelper end # module SportDbAdmin