require 'rails_helper' describe <%= controller_class_name %> do render_views let(:<%= @auth %>) {create(:<%= @auth.gsub('current_', '') %>)} let(:<%= singular %>) {create(:<%= singular %><%= object_parent_mapping_as_argument_for_specs %> )} <%= objest_nest_factory_setup %> before(:each) do @request.env["devise.mapping"] = Devise.mappings[:account] sign_in <%= @auth %>, scope: :<%= @auth_identifier %> end describe "index" do it "should respond" do get :index, xhr: true, format: 'js', params: { <%= objest_nest_params_by_id_for_specs %> } end end describe "new" do it "should show form" do get :new, xhr: true, format: 'js', params: { <%= objest_nest_params_by_id_for_specs %> } end end describe "create" do it "should create a new <%= singular %>" do expect { post :create, xhr: true, format: 'js', params: { <%= (@nested_args.empty? ? "" : objest_nest_params_by_id_for_specs + ",") %> <%= singular %>: { <%= columns_spec_with_sample_data %> }} }.to change { <%= @singular_class %>.all.count }.by(1) assert_response :ok end # it "should not create if there are errors" do # post :create, xhr: true, format: 'js', params: {id: <%= singular %>.id, # <%= singular %>: {skin_id: nil}} # # expect(controller).to[:alert].to(/Oops, your <%= singular %> could not be saved/) # end end describe "edit" do it "should return an editable form" do get :edit, xhr: true, format: 'js', params: { <%= (@nested_args.empty? ? "" : objest_nest_params_by_id_for_specs + ",") %> id: <%= singular %>.id } assert_response :ok end end describe "show" do it "should return a view form" do get :show, xhr: true, format: 'js', params: { <%= (@nested_args.empty? ? "" : objest_nest_params_by_id_for_specs + ",") %> id: <%= singular %>.id } assert_response :ok end end describe "update" do it "should update" do put :update, xhr: true, format: 'js', params: { <%= (@nested_args.empty? ? "" : objest_nest_params_by_id_for_specs + ",") %> id: <%= singular %>.id, <%= singular %>: { <%= columns_spec_with_sample_data %> }} assert_response :ok end # it "should not update if invalid" do # put :update, xhr: true, format: 'js', # params: { # id: <%= singular %>.id, # <%= singular %>: { # <%= columns_spec_with_sample_data %> # }} # # assert_response :ok # # expect(controller).to[:alert].to(/Oops, your <%= singular %> could not be saved/) # end end describe "#destroy" do it "should destroy" do post :destroy, format: 'js', params: { <%= (@nested_args.empty? ? "" : objest_nest_params_by_id_for_specs + ",") %> id: <%= singular %>.id } assert_response :ok expect(<%= @singular_class %>.count).to be(0) end end end