D<a\; FMS [i  # \\c y67+ 50;ltyY * )1 [ b h r +{       &   / H 7O  $ . .   ' .    6  '. 5?O Vc j w  Z  5 B-P0~!9  '4M Ta?t* .5<CJQg!-%!$Gl s} 6/?-20A<#3+&$D8( =9",'.);1C!45@%*  > B7:%s agoAction with sub plansActionsAddAvoid duplicate values when merging them (only array type)?CancelCloseConfirmDefault valueDefault value of variableDeleteDelete %s?DescriptionDescription of variableDisabledEdit %sHide all values for this parameter.HostgroupsHostsIf checked, will raise an error if there is no default value and no matcher provide a value.ImportImport Puppet classesImport factsImport from %sInclude default value when merging all matching valuesInclude default value when merging all matching values.JobsLearn more about this in the documentation.LevelMerge all matching values (only array/hash type)MessageNameName of variableNothing to showOrderOverride matchPermission deniedPlease request one of the required permissions listed below from a Foreman administrator:Remote action:RemoveRemove duplicate values (only array type)ResultRolesRole|NameScheduleSet the order in which values are resolved.SourceStateSubmitTagsTaskTask DetailsThe order in which matchers keys are processed, first match wins.
You may use multiple attributes as a matcher key, for example, an order of host group, environment would expect a matcher such as hostgroup = "web servers", environment = productionThe order in which values are resolvedTypeTypes of validation valuesTypes of variable valuesUpdateUsed to enforce certain values for the parameter valuesValueValue to use when there is no match.VariablesWhen enabled the parameter is hidden in the UIYou are not authorized to perform this action.dailyhourlyweeklyProject-Id-Version: foreman_ansible 10.1.0 Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: PO-Revision-Date: 2018-11-14 21:36+0000 Last-Translator: Bryan Kearney , 2022 Language-Team: Chinese (Taiwan) (https://www.transifex.com/foreman/teams/114/zh_TW/) MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit Language: zh_TW Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0; %s 之前有子計畫的動作動作新增合併值時避免重複(僅及於陣列類型)?取消關閉確認預設值變數預設值刪除刪除 %s?描述變數描述已停用編輯 %s為這參數隱藏所有值。主機群組主機若選取而沒有預設值並且比對器未提供值的話,將會造成錯誤發生。匯入匯入 Puppet 類別匯入詳情由 %s 匯入合併所有相符合的值時包括預設值合併所有相符合的值時包括預設值。工作欲知更多,請參閱文件。等級合併所有相符的值(只有陣列 / 雜湊類型)訊息名稱變數名稱沒有可顯示的項目順序置換相符使用權限被拒請從 Foreman 管理者處,要求下列所需權限之一:遠端動作:移除移除重複的值(只有陣列類型)結果角色名稱排程設定值解析的順序。來源狀態提交標籤工作任務的詳細資訊比對器金鑰處理的順序,第一組項目將會優先被處理。
您可使用多個屬性來作為比對器金鑰,比方說 host group, environment 的順序將會預期類似 hostgroup = "web servers", environment = production 的比對器值解析的順序類型驗證值的類型變數值的類型更新用來強制參數值的某些值值當沒有相符的項目時所使用的值。變數啟用時,參數會隱藏在 UI 裡您未經許可執行這項動作。每日每小時每週