# File: demo07.feature Feature: Insert a call to existing macro-step inside a new macro As a Cuke user I want to be able to use a macro-step inside higher-level macro-steps So that I can use a macro-step to execute complex step sequences Scenario: Create a macro that uses another, existing, macro (YES, it's possible!) Given I define the step "* I [enter my credentials]" to mean: """ # The next step invokes a macro-step defined elsewhere When I [enter my userid "guest" and password "unguessable"] """ Scenario: Invoking the coarse-grained macro # Invoking our lastly-created macro When I [enter my credentials] # Check that the nested macro still works Then I expect the following step trace: """ When I [enter my userid "guest" and password "unguessable"] Given I landed in the homepage When I click "Sign in" And I fill in "Username" with "guest" And I fill in "Password" with "unguessable" And I click "Submit" """