UtilMethods = (-> _classBase = arrIncludes: (_arr,_what)-> _arr.indexOf(_what) != -1 # List of primitive object type's chars _builtinTypeChr: [ 'b' # boolean 'n' # number 's' # string ] getValueById: (_id)-> COMM.Values.values[_id] ### # Returns object type as a single-char string. # Use this method to detect the type of the object given. # # Returns the type of the object given as a character code. Returns false, # if unknown or unsupported objcet type. # # Returns: # _One of the following:_ # - 'a': Array # - 'h': Hash (Generic Object) # - 'd': Date # - 'b': Boolean (true/false) # - 'n': Number (integers and floats) # - 's': String # - '~': Null # - '-': Undefined # - false: unknown ### typeChr: (_obj)-> return '~' if _obj == null return '-' unless _obj? _typeChr = (typeof _obj).slice(0,1) return _typeChr if @arrIncludes(@_builtinTypeChr,_typeChr) if _typeChr == 'o' return 'a' if _obj.constructor == Array return 'h' if _obj.constructor == Object return 'd' if _obj.constructor == Date return false baseStrToNum: (_str, _base)-> return null if 's' != @typeChr(_str) _base = 10 unless _base? parseInt(_str, _base) baseNumToStr: (_num, _base)-> return null if 'n' != @typeChr(_num) _base = 10 unless _base? _num.toString(_base) hexToNum: (_hex)-> @baseStrToNum(_hex,16) numToHex: (_int)-> @baseNumToStr(_int,16) base36ToNum: (_base36)-> @baseStrToNum(_base36,36) numToBase36: (_num)-> @baseIntToStr(_num,36) _hexColorLengths: [3,4,6,7] _hexCharacters: ['0','1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9','a','b','c','d','e','f'] _hex3To6Ratio: 4097 # parseInt('1001',16) _normalizeHexColorToNum: (_color)-> return null if @typeChr(_color) != 's' _hexLen = _color.length return null unless @arrIncludes(@_hexColorLengths,_hexLen) _color = _color.toLowerCase() _str = '' for _chr, i in _color.split('') continue if i == 0 and _chr == '#' and ( _hexLen == 4 or _hexLen == 7 ) return null unless @arrIncludes( @_hexCharacters, _chr ) _str += _chr _num = @hexToNum( _str ) _num = 0 if _num < 0 _num = 16777215 if _num > 16777215 _num = _num*@_hex3To6Ratio if _hexLen < 6 return _num _normalizeNumToHexColor: (_num)-> _num = 0 if _num < 0 _num = 16777215 if _num > 16777215 _str = @numToHex(_num) _str = '0'+_str until _str.length == 6 if _str[0] == _str[1] and _str[2] == _str[3] and _str[4] == _str[5] _str = _str[0]+_str[2]+_str[4] return '#'+_str hexColorAdd: (_hex1,_hex2)-> @_normalizeNumToHexColor( @_normalizeHexColorToNum(_hex1) + @_normalizeHexColorToNum(_hex2) ) hexColorSubtract: (_hex1,_hex2)-> @_normalizeNumToHexColor( @_normalizeHexColorToNum(_hex1) - @_normalizeHexColorToNum(_hex2) ) # Regular expression match/replace pairs for string escaping. _stringSubstitutions: [ [(/\\/g), '\\\\'], #[(/\b/g), '\\b'], [(/\t/g), '\\t'], [(/\n/g), '\\n'], [(/\f/g), '\\f'], [(/\r/g), '\\r'], [(/"/g), '\\"'] ] # Returns a quoted string (escapes quotation marks and places quotes within) _quoteString: (_str)-> for _substitution in @_stringSubstritutions [ _substFrom, _substTo ] = _substitution _str = _str.replace( _substFrom, _substTo ) '"'+_str+'"' # (Deprecated/shouldfix): Encodes the native character set to url-encoded unicode. _encodeString: (_str)-> console.log 'WARNING: '+'_'+'encodeString shouldn\'t be called, but was called with: '+_str unescape( encodeURIComponent( _str ) ) # (Deprecated/shouldfix): Decodes the url-encoded unicode _str to the native character set. _decodeString: (_str)-> console.log 'WARNING: '+'_'+'decodeString shouldn\'t be called, but was called with: '+_str try return decodeURIComponent( escape( _str ) ) catch e console.log('_'+'decodeString failed for _'+'str: ',_str) return _str # Returns a decoded Array with the decoded content of Array _arr _decodeArr: (_arr)-> _output = [] for _item in _arr _output.push @decodeObject(_item) _output # Returns a decoded Object of the Object _hash _decodeHash: (_hash)-> _output = {} for _key, _value of _hash _output[@decodeObject(_key)] = @decodeObject(_value) _output ## = Description # Decodes a JSON object. Decodes the url-encoded strings within. # # = Parameters # +_ibj+:: A raw object with special characters contained. # # = Returns # A version of the object with the contained strings decoded to unicode. # ## decodeObject: (_obj)-> return null unless _obj? _type = @typeChr(_obj) unless _type console.log 'WARNING: decode of '+(typeof _obj)+' not possible' return null # return @_decodeString(_obj) if _type == 's' return @_decodeArr(_obj) if _type == 'a' return @_decodeHash(_obj) if _type == 'h' _obj if window.JSON? _JSON = window.JSON _fun = 'function' _hasJSON = ( typeof _JSON['parse'] == _fun and typeof _JSON['stringify'] == _fun ) else _hasJSON = false if _hasJSON _encodeDecodeMethods = encodeObject: (_obj)-> try return JSON.stringify( _obj ) catch e console.log('invalid json:',_obj) return "{}" # decodeObject: (_obj)-> # return null unless _obj? # _type = @typeChr(_obj) # unless _type # console.log 'WARNING: decode of '+(typeof _obj)+' not possible' # return null # return @_decodeString(_obj) if _type == 's' # if _type == 'a' or _type == 'h' # try # return JSON.parse(_obj) # catch e # console.log e, _obj # _obj cloneObject: ( _obj )-> unless _obj? console.log 'WARNING: clone of undefined returns null.' if _obj == undefined return null _type = @typeChr(_obj) return null unless _type return JSON.parse( JSON.stringify(_obj) ) if _type == 'a' or _type == 'h' _obj else _encodeDecodeMethods = # Returns the Array _arr as an encoded string _encodeArr: (_arr)-> _output = [] for _item in _arr _output.push @encodeObject(_item) '['+_output.join(',')+']' # Returns the Object _hash as an encoded string _encodeHash: (_hash)-> _output = [] for _key, _value of _hash _output.push @encodeObject(_key)+':'+@encodeObject(_value) '{'+_output.join(',')+'}' ## = Description # Encodes any object into an ASCII string. Special characters are url-encoded. # # = Parameters # +_obj+:: Any object (including primary types) # # = Returns # A +String+ representation of +_obj+ ## encodeObject: (_obj)-> return 'null' unless _obj? _type = @typeChr(_obj) unless _obj console.log 'WARNING: encode of '+(typeof _obj)+' not possible' return 'null' return String(_obj) if _type == 'b' or _type == 'n' return @_quoteString(_obj) if _type == 's' # The above with uri-encoding, disabled for now: # return @_quoteString( @_encodeString( _obj ) ) return @_encodeArr(_obj) if _type == 'a' return @_encodeHash(_obj) if _type == 'h' return '"@'+String(_obj.getTime()/1000)+'"' if _type == 'd' 'null' ## = Description # Makes a deep copy of the object. # # When you use assignment of a js object, only primitive object # types (strings, numbers and booleans) are copied. This method # makes a deep (nested) clone of the input object. # # = Parameters # +_obj+:: Any object # # = Returns # A copy of the object ## cloneObject: (_obj,_shallow)-> unless _obj? console.log 'WARNING: clone of undefined returns null.' if _obj == undefined return null _type = @typeChr(_obj) if _type == 'a' _cloned = [] if _shallow for _item, i in _obj _cloned[i] = _item else for _item, i in _obj _cloned[i] = @cloneObject( _item ) return _cloned else if _type == 'h' _cloned = {} if _shallow for _key, _value of _obj _cloned[_key] = _value else for _key, _value of _obj _cloned[_key] = @cloneObject( _item ) return _cloned _obj for _methodName, _methodValue of _encodeDecodeMethods _classBase[_methodName] = _methodValue return HClass.extend(_classBase) )()