      incorrect_number: "The card number is incorrect."
      invalid_number: "The card number is not a valid credit card number."
      invalid_expiry_month: "The card's expiration month is invalid."
      invalid_expiry_year: "The card's expiration year is invalid."
      invalid_cvc: "The card's security code is invalid."
      expired_card: "The card has expired."
      incorrect_cvc: "The card's security code is incorrect."
      incorrect_zip: "The card's zip code failed validation."
      card_declined: "The card was declined."
      missing: "There is no card on a customer that is being charged."
      processing_error: "An error occurred while processing the card."
      rate_limit: "An error occurred due to requests hitting the API too quickly. Please let us know if you're consistently running into this error."