class window.Select2Bridge constructor: (@el, init = true) -> return if fv.test && !fv.enable_fancy_select @el.prop('required', null) @modal = $('#modal_form') @el.select2(@buildOptions()) if init @initHandlers() @initSortable() if'sortable') initHandlers: -> @el.select2('container').on 'click', '.select2-choices a', (e) => e.stopPropagation() $el = $(e.currentTarget) if $'remote') e.preventDefault()'target', this) fn = => @runModal() $.get $el.attr('href'), {modal: true}, fn, 'script' buildOptions: -> @options = _.defaults('select2_opts') ||'select2-opts') || {}, @defaults()) @options.multiple ='multi') unless _.isUndefined('multi')) @options.width = @el[0].style.width || 'resolve' if'tags') @options.tokenSeparators = [','] @options.tags ='tags') if'data') data ='data') data =, (el) -> {id: el, text: el.toString()} ) if data[0] && !_.isObject(data[0]) = data else if'collection') ='collection') else if'class') @initAjaxInput() if'add') @initCreateChoiceOnce() @initCreateChoice() if'create-search-choice') @options.createSearchChoice = (term) -> {id: term, text: term} @options runModal: -> @el.trigger('select2.modal_open') @modal.modal() initSortable: -> @el.select2('container').find('ul.select2-choices').sortable containment: 'parent' start: => @el.select2 'onSortStart' update: => @el.select2 'onSortEnd' initCreateChoice: -> @options.createSearchChoice = (term, data) => @clearCreateChoice() @cont = @el.select2('container') @btn_add = $("
#{I18n.t('admin.js.add')} - #{term}
") @btn_add.prependTo @cont =>'target', this) fn = => $('#modal_form form input[name$="[name]"]').val(term) @runModal() $.get'add'), {modal: true}, fn, 'script' null initCreateChoiceOnce: -> return if Select2Bridge.initedCreateChoiceOnce @modal.on 'ajax:success', 'form', => @modal.modal('hide') that ='target') item = window.ab_admin_last_created || window.ab_admin_last_updated that.addItem(item) that.clearCreateChoice()"select2-change-triggered", true) @el.trigger('change', [item])"select2-change-triggered", false) Select2Bridge.initedCreateChoiceOnce = true addItem: (item) -> if'select2').opts.multiple data = _.reject(@el.select2('data'), (i) -> == data.push item @el.select2('data', data) else @el.select2('data', item) clearCreateChoice: -> @el.select2('container').children('.select2-create-choice').remove() defaults: -> opts = formatNoMatches: -> I18n.t('admin.js.no_results') placeholder: ' ' allowClear: true escapeMarkup: (m) -> m opts.minimumResultsForSearch = 10 unless fv.test ||'add') ||'create-search-choice') opts initAjaxInput: -> if'image') @buildImageOptions() if'result') @options.formatResult = (item) => fetchTemplate('result'))(item) if'selection') @options.formatSelection = (item) => fetchTemplate('selection'))(item) @options.initSelection = (el, callback) => data ='pre') if'multi') data ='pre') else data ='pre')[0] callback(data) @options.ajax = url: '/admin/autocomplete', data: @fetchAjaxParams results: (data, page) -> results: data more: data.length > 0 buildImageOptions: -> @options.formatResult = (item) -> html = '
' html += "#{item.text}" if item.image if item.url html += "#{item.text}" else html += "#{item.text}" html += "
" @options.formatSelection = (item) -> html = '
' html += "#{item.text}" if item.image if item.url html += "#{item.text}" else html += "#{item.text}" fetchAjaxParams: (term, page) => cond = {} condData = JSON.parse(@el.attr('data-c') || null) if condData for kind in ['with', 'without'] if condData[kind] cond[kind] ||= {} for attr, id of condData[kind] value = $('#' + id).val() cond[kind][attr] = value if value for kind in ['with_term', 'without_term'] if condData[kind] kind_key = kind.replace(/_term$/, '') cond[kind_key] ||= {} for attr, value of condData[kind] cond[kind_key][attr] = value if value for kind in ['with_selector', 'without_selector'] if condData[kind] kind_key = kind.replace(/_selector$/, '') cond[kind_key] ||= {} for attr, value of condData[kind] selectors = value.split(/\s+/) value = @el.closest(selectors[1] || 'html').find(selectors[0]).val() cond[kind_key][attr] = value if value data = q: term class:'class') token: true page: page, order:'order') sort_mode:'sortMode') _.extend(data, cond)