# 3.5.5 (Jan, 2022) * Fix error where from Config shadowing which would cause LHM to abort on reconnect (https://github.com/Shopify/lhm/pull/128) # 3.5.4 (Dec, 2021) * Refactored the way options are handled internally. Code is now much clearer to understand * Removed optional connection_options from `Lhm.setup` and `Lhm.connection` * Option `reconnect_with_consistent_host` will now be provided with `options` for `Lhm.change_table` # 3.5.3 (Dec, 2021) * Adds ProxySQL comments at the end of query to accommodate for internal tool's requirements # 3.5.2 (Dec, 2021) * Fixed error on undefined connection, when calling `Lhm.connection` without calling `Lhm.setup` first * Changed `Lhm.connection.connection` to `lhm.connection.ar_connection` for increased clarity and readability # 3.5.1 (Dec , 2021) * Add better logging to the LHM components (https://github.com/Shopify/lhm/pull/112) * Slave lag throttler now supports ActiveRecord > 6.0 * [Dev] Add `Appraisals` to test against multiple version # 3.5.0 (Dec , 2021) * Duplicate of 3.4.2 (unfortunate mistake) # 3.4.2 (Sept, 2021) * Fixed Chunker's undefined name error (https://github.com/Shopify/lhm/pull/110) # 3.4.1 (Sep 22, 2021) * Add better logging to the LHM components (https://github.com/Shopify/lhm/pull/108) # 3.4.0 (Jul 19, 2021) * Log or raise on unexpected duplicated entry warnings during INSERT IGNORE (https://github.com/Shopify/lhm/pull/100) # 3.3.6 (Jul 7, 2021) * Add lhm-shopify.rb to require lhm # 3.3.5 (Jul 5, 2021) * Add comment and collate copying to rename_column * Publish to rubygems # 3.3.4 (Feb 9, 2021) * Run migrations inline in local/CI environment # 3.3.3 (Nov 20, 2020) * Add test for tables with composite primary keys. * Add test for migrating to a composite primary key. * Tests updated to work on MacOS Catalina * LHM will now print exceptions to @printer if @printer responds to :exception * New ThreadsRunning throttler uses MySQL Performance Schema to decide whether to throttle # 3.3.2 (not fully released) * Catch _even_ more MySQL errors by default with SqlRetry. # 3.3.1 (Nov 8, 2019) * Ensure that :retriable configuration is correctly passed to all SqlRetry instances. * Retry `Chunker#upper_id` and `options[:verifier]` on MySQL failure. * Catch more MySQL errors by default with SqlRetry. # 3.3.0 (Oct 21, 2019) * Add a :verifier key to the options hash, with a default implementation which aborts the LHM if the triggers are removed. # 3.2.5 (Jun 24, 2019) * Tighten dependency on retriable gem and remove workarounds for old version # 3.2.4 (Oct 16, 2018) * Retry `Cleanup::Current` just like we retry all the other DDLs. # 3.2.3 (Oct 16, 2018) * Add ActiveRecord::QueryTimedout exception class to be retried on "Timeout waiting for a response from the last query" message. # 3.2.2 (Oct 11, 2018) * Try to take a higher lock_wait_timeout value than others (https://github.com/Shopify/lhm/pull/60) # 3.2.1 (Oct 11, 2018) * Retry on `MySQL::Error::Timeout` (https://github.com/Shopify/lhm/pull/57) * Retry 20 times by default (https://github.com/Shopify/lhm/pull/58) # 3.2.0 (Sep 4, 2018) * Fix Slave lag throttler database config (https://github.com/Shopify/lhm/pull/55) * Loosen dependency on retriable gem (https://github.com/Shopify/lhm/pull/54) * Overhaul retries for deadlocks, wait timeouts on Chunker, Entangler, and AtomicSwitcher (https://github.com/Shopify/lhm/pull/51) # 3.1.1 * Cleanup tables between tests (https://github.com/Shopify/lhm/pull/48) * Ensure all table names are less than 64 characters (https://github.com/Shopify/lhm/pull/49) # 3.1.0 * Unify Entangler and AtomicSwitcher retry interface (https://github.com/Shopify/lhm/pull/39) * Remove scripts replaced by dbdeployer (https://github.com/Shopify/lhm/pull/40) * Rename lhmn_ tables to lhma_ to avoid IBP stalls (https://github.com/Shopify/lhm/pull/41) # 3.0.0 * Drop support for throttle and stride options. Use `throttler`, instead: ``` Lhm.change_table :users, throttler: [:time_throttler, {stride: x}] do end ``` * #118 - Truncate long trigger names. (@sj26) * #114 - Update chunker requirements (@bjk-soundcloud) * #98 - Add slave lag throttler. (@camilo, @jasonhl) * #92 - Fix check for table requirement before starting a lhm.(@hannestyden) * #93 - Makes the atomic switcher retry on metadata locks (@camilo) * #63 - Sets the LHM's session lock wait timeout variables (@camilo) * #75 - Remove DataMapper and ActiveRecord 2.x support (@camilo) # 2.2.0 (Jan 16, 2015) * #84 - Require index names to be strings or symbols (Thibaut) * #39 - Adding the ability to rename columns (erikogan) * #67 - Allow for optional time filter on .cleanup (joelr) # 2.1.0 (July 31, 2014) * #48 - Add percentage output for migrations (@arthurnn) * #60 - Quote table names (@spickermann) * #59 - Escape table name in select_limit and select_start methods (@stevehodgkiss) * #57 - Ensure chunking 'where' clause handled separately (@rentalcustard) * #54 - Chunker handle stride changes (@rentalcustard) * #52 - Implement ability to control timeout and stride from Throttler (@edmundsalvacion) * #51 - Ensure Lhm.cleanup removes temporary triggers (@edmundsalvacion) * #46 - Allow custom throttler (@arthurnn) # 2.0.0 (July 10, 2013) * #44 - Conditional migrations (@durran) # 1.3.0 (May 28, 2013) * Add Lhm.cleanup method for removing copy tables, thanks @bogdan * Limit copy table names to 64 characters, thanks @charliesome # 1.2.0 (February 22, 2013) * Added DataMapper support, no API changes for current users. Refer to the README for information. * Documentation updates. Thanks @tiegz and @vinbarnes. # 1.1.0 (April 29, 2012) * Add option to specify custom index name * Add mysql2 compatibility * Add AtomicSwitcher # 1.0.3 (February 23, 2012) * Improve change_column # 1.0.2 (February 17, 2012) * closes https://github.com/soundcloud/large-hadron-migrator/issues/11 this critical bug could cause data loss. table parser was replaced with an implementation that reads directly from information_schema. # 1.0.1 (February 09, 2012) * released to rubygems # 1.0.0 (February 09, 2012) * added change_column * final 1.0 release # 1.0.0.rc8 (February 09, 2012) * removed spec binaries from gem bins # 1.0.0.rc7 (January 31, 2012) * added SqlHelper.annotation into the middle of trigger statements. this is for the benefit of the killer script which should not kill trigger statements. # 1.0.0.rc6 (January 30, 2012) * added --confirm to kill script; fixes to kill script # 1.0.0.rc5 (January 30, 2012) * moved scripts into bin, renamed, added to gem binaries # 1.0.0.rc4 (January 29, 2012) * added '-- lhm' to the end of statements for more visibility # 1.0.0.rc3 (January 19, 2012) * Speedup migrations for tables with large minimum id * Add a bit yard documentation * Fix issues with index creation on reserved column names * Improve error handling * Add tests for replication * Rename public API method from `hadron_change_table` to `change_table` * Add tests for ActiveRecord 2.3 and 3.1 compatibility # 1.0.0.rc2 (January 18, 2012) * Speedup migrations for tables with large ids * Fix conversion of milliseconds to seconds * Fix handling of sql errors * Add helper to create unique index * Allow index creation on prefix of column * Quote column names on index creation * Remove ambiguous method signature * Documentation fix * 1.8.7 compatibility # 1.0.0.rc1 (January 15, 2012) * rewrite. # 0.2.1 (November 26, 2011) * Include changelog in gem # 0.2.0 (November 26, 2011) * Add Ruby 1.8 compatibility * Setup travis continuous integration * Fix record lose issue * Fix and speed up specs # 0.1.4 * Merged [Pullrequest #9](https://github.com/soundcloud/large-hadron-migrator/pull/9) # 0.1.3 * code cleanup * Merged [Pullrequest #8](https://github.com/soundcloud/large-hadron-migrator/pull/8) * Merged [Pullrequest #7](https://github.com/soundcloud/large-hadron-migrator/pull/7) * Merged [Pullrequest #4](https://github.com/soundcloud/large-hadron-migrator/pull/4) * Merged [Pullrequest #1](https://github.com/soundcloud/large-hadron-migrator/pull/1) # 0.1.2 * Initial Release