require 'spec_helper' describe Appsignal::Transmitter do let(:_80beans_) { '' } let(:action) { 'action' } let(:klass) { Appsignal::Transmitter } let(:instance) {, action, :the_api_key) } subject { instance } describe "#uri" do it "returns the uri" do Socket.stub(:gethostname => 'app1.local') uri = subject.uri.to_s uri.should include "" uri.should include "api_key=the_api_key" uri.should include "hostname=app1.local" uri.should include "gem_version=#{Appsignal::VERSION}" end end describe "#transmit" do let(:response) { mock(:response, :code => '200') } let(:http_client) { mock(:request, :request => response) } before { instance.stub(:http_client => http_client) } subject { instance.transmit(:shipit => :payload) } it { should == '200' } end describe "#http_post" do it "calls Net::HTTP.post_form with the correct params" do post = mock(:post) post.should_receive(:[]=). with('Content-Type', 'application/json; charset=UTF-8') post.should_receive(:[]=). with('Content-Encoding', 'gzip') post.should_receive(:body=). with(Zlib::Deflate.deflate("{\"the\":\"payload\"}", Zlib::BEST_SPEED)) Socket.stub(:gethostname => 'app1.local') Net::HTTP::Post.should_receive(:new).with( instance.uri.request_uri ).and_return(post) instance.send(:http_post, :the => :payload) end end describe ".CA_FILE_PATH" do subject { Appsignal::Transmitter::CA_FILE_PATH } it { should include('resources/cacert.pem') } it("should exist") { File.exists?(subject).should be_true } end describe "#http_client" do subject { instance.send(:http_client) } context "with a http uri" do it { should be_instance_of(Net::HTTP) } its(:use_ssl?) { should be_false } end context "with a https uri" do let(:instance) {'', action, :the_api_key) } its(:use_ssl?) { should be_true } its(:verify_mode) { should == OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_PEER } its(:ca_file) { Appsignal::Transmitter::CA_FILE_PATH } end end end