SparseArray is an implemenation of the Array class using only Hashes. Regular Arrays are never used except once to delegate the pack method, and for *args parameters (since there is no way around those is some cases). SparseArray is for all practical purposes 100% compatible with Array.
SparseArray is slower then the built in Array class, but not as slow as one might expect, since a Hash in general is faster than an Array. It might be interesting to see how this would perform if it were written in c. Not all that useful, but an interesting example.
[ + ]
# File lib/more/facets/sparse_array.rb, line 40 def self.[](*args) nha = new args.each { |a| nha.set(nha.length,a) } nha end
[ + ]
# File lib/more/facets/sparse_array.rb, line 52 def initialize(i=0,e=nil) if i > 0 i.times { self.set(self.length,e) } end end
[ + ]
# File lib/more/facets/sparse_array.rb, line 46 def self.new_h(hsh) nha = new nha.replace(hsh) #nha.reindex! end
[ + ]
# File lib/more/facets/sparse_array.rb, line 58 def &(ha) nha = (0..self.length-1).each do |i| if ha.has_value?(self.fetch(i)) and !nha.has_value?(self.fetch(i)) nha.set(nha.length,self.fetch(i)) end end nha end
[ + ]
# File lib/more/facets/sparse_array.rb, line 68 def *(j) if j.kind_of?(String) return self.join(j) else nha = j.times { (0...self.length).each { |i| nha.set(nha.length,self.fetch(i)) } } return nha end end
[ + ]
# File lib/more/facets/sparse_array.rb, line 78 def +(ha) nha = self.dup (0..ha.length-1).each { |i| nha.set(nha.length,ha.fetch(i)) } nha end
[ + ]
# File lib/more/facets/sparse_array.rb, line 84 def -(ha) nha = self.each { |v| nha << v if !ha.has_value?(v) } #ha.each { |v| nha << i if !self.include?(v) } nha end
[ + ]
# File lib/more/facets/sparse_array.rb, line 91 def <<(e) self.set(self.length,e) self end
[ + ]
# File lib/more/facets/sparse_array.rb, line 96 def <=>(ha) (0..self.length-1).each do |i| ieq = (self.fetch(i) <=> ha.fetch(i)) return ieq if ieq != 0 end self.length <=> ha.length end
[ + ]
# File lib/more/facets/sparse_array.rb, line 104 def ===(ha) self.==(ha) end
[ + ]
# File lib/more/facets/sparse_array.rb, line 111 def [](i,l=nil) if l i = i...i+l elsif ! i.kind_of?(Range) return end nha = i.each { |j| nha.set(nha.length,get(j)) if has_key?(j) } nha end
[ + ]
# File lib/more/facets/sparse_array.rb, line 123 def []=(i,b,c=nil) if c rng = (Integer(i)..Integer(i+b)) b = c elsif i.kind_of? Range rng = i else self.set(Integer(i),b) return b end if b == nil rng.each { |i| qdelete(i) } self.reindex! elsif b.kind_of?(Array) or b.kind_of?(self.class) j = 0 rng.each { |i| self[i] = b[j]; j+=1 } else rng.each { |i| qdelete(i) } self[rng.fist] = b self.reindex! end end
[ + ]
# File lib/more/facets/sparse_array.rb, line 152 def assoc(k) (0...self.length).each { |i| return self.fetch(i) if self.fetch(i)[0] == k } return nil end
[ + ]
# File lib/more/facets/sparse_array.rb, line 157 def at(i) i = self.length + i if i <= -1 get(i) #return nil if i < 0 or i >= self.length #return self.fetch(i) end
clear okay
[ + ]
# File lib/more/facets/sparse_array.rb, line 166 def collect nha = (0...self.length).each { |i| nha << yield(self.fetch(i)) } nha end
[ + ]
# File lib/more/facets/sparse_array.rb, line 172 def collect! nha = (0...self.length).each { |i| nha << yield(self.fetch(i)) } self.replace(nha) end
[ + ]
# File lib/more/facets/sparse_array.rb, line 178 def compact nha, j =, 0 (0..self.length-1).each do |i| if self.fetch(i) != nil nha.set(j,self.fetch(i)) j+=1 end end nha end
[ + ]
# File lib/more/facets/sparse_array.rb, line 189 def compact! if self.has_value?(nil) nha, j =, 0 (0..self.length-1).each do |i| if self.fetch(i) != nil nha.set(j,self.fetch(i)) j+=1 end end return self.replace(nha) else return nil end end
[ + ]
# File lib/more/facets/sparse_array.rb, line 204 def concat(ha) (0...ha.length).each { |i| self.set(self.length,ha.fetch(i)) } self end
[ + ]
# File lib/more/facets/sparse_array.rb, line 209 def count(e=nil) if block_given? cnt = 0 (0...self.length).each { |i| cnt += 1 if yield(self.fetch(i)) } return cnt else cnt = 0 (0...self.length).each { |i| cnt += 1 if self.fetch(i) == e } return cnt end end
[ + ]
# File lib/more/facets/sparse_array.rb, line 224 def delete(e) if has_value?(e) qdelete_if { |i,v| v == e } reindex! return e else return yield if block_given? return nil end end
[ + ]
# File lib/more/facets/sparse_array.rb, line 235 def delete_at(i) if self.has_key?(i) e = self.fetch(i) qdelete(i) reindex! return e else return nil end end
[ + ]
# File lib/more/facets/sparse_array.rb, line 249 def delete_if qdelete_if { |i,v| yield(v) } reindex! end
[ + ]
# File lib/more/facets/sparse_array.rb, line 254 def each (0...self.length).each { |i| yield(self.fetch(i)) } end
[ + ]
# File lib/more/facets/sparse_array.rb, line 258 def each_index (0...self.length).each { |i| yield(i) } end
empty? okay as is
[ + ]
# File lib/more/facets/sparse_array.rb, line 264 def eql?(ha) return false if self.length != ha.length return true if (0...self.length).all? { |i| self.fetch(i).eql?(ha.fetch(i)) } return false end
[ + ]
# File lib/more/facets/sparse_array.rb, line 270 def fill(f,s=nil,l=nil) if s.kind_of?(Range) r = s else s = 0 if !s l = self.length - s if !l r = s...(s+l) end r.each{ |i| self.set(i,f) } self end
[ + ]
# File lib/more/facets/sparse_array.rb, line 282 def first return nil if self.empty? self.fetch(0) end
[ + ]
# File lib/more/facets/sparse_array.rb, line 287 def flatten nha = (0...self.length).each do |i| sfi = self.fetch(i) if sfi.kind_of?(self.class) or sfi.kind_of?(Array) nha.concat(sfi.flatten) else nha.set(nha.length,sfi) end end nha end
[ + ]
# File lib/more/facets/sparse_array.rb, line 300 def flatten! return nil if !self.any? { |e| e.kind_of?(self.class) or e.kind_of?(Array) } self.replace(self.flatten) end
[ + ]
# File lib/more/facets/sparse_array.rb, line 305 def include?(v) self.has_value?(v) end
index okay
[ + ]
# File lib/more/facets/sparse_array.rb, line 311 def join(sep='') s = '' (0...self.length).each { |i| s << "#{self.fetch(i)}#{sep}" } return s.chomp(sep) end
[ + ]
# File lib/more/facets/sparse_array.rb, line 317 def last self[self.length-1] end
Alias for collect!
[ + ]
# File lib/more/facets/sparse_array.rb, line 325 def nitems cnt = 0 (0...self.length).each { |i| cnt += 1 if self.fetch(i) != nil } cnt end
[ + ]
# File lib/more/facets/sparse_array.rb, line 331 def pack(*args) self.to_a.pack(*args) end
[ + ]
# File lib/more/facets/sparse_array.rb, line 335 def pop self.delete_at(self.length-1) end
[ + ]
# File lib/more/facets/sparse_array.rb, line 339 def push(*e) self.concat(e) end
[ + ]
# File lib/more/facets/sparse_array.rb, line 438 def qsort(ha, l, r) l_hold = l r_hold = r pivot = ha[l] while l < r r -= 1 while (ha[r] <=> pivot) >= 0 and l < r if l != r ha[l] = ha[r] l += 1 end l += 1 while (ha[l] <=> pivot) <= 0 and l < r if l != r ha[r] = ha[l] r -= 1 end end ha[l] = pivot pivot = l l = l_hold r = r_hold qsort(ha,l,pivot-1) if l < pivot qsort(ha,pivot+1,r) if r > pivot ha end
[ + ]
# File lib/more/facets/sparse_array.rb, line 343 def rassoc(k) (0...self.length).each { |i| return self.fetch(i) if self.fetch(i)[1] == k } return nil end
[ + ]
# File lib/more/facets/sparse_array.rb, line 348 def reindex nha, j, k, tl =, 0, 0, self.length while k < tl if self.has_key?(j) nha.set(k,self.fetch(j)) j+=1; k+=1 else j+=1 end end nha end
[ + ]
# File lib/more/facets/sparse_array.rb, line 361 def reindex! self.replace(self.reindex) end
[ + ]
# File lib/more/facets/sparse_array.rb, line 365 def reject! chg=nil qdelete_if { |i,v| r=yield(v); chg=true if r; r } return nil if !chg reindex! end
def replace(ha)
if ha.length < self.length (ha.length..self.length-1).each { |i| self.delete(i) } (0..ha.length-1).each { |i| self.set(i,ha[i]) } end
[ + ]
# File lib/more/facets/sparse_array.rb, line 379 def reverse nha = (0...self.length).each { |i| nha.set(self.length-1-i,self.fetch(i)) } nha end
[ + ]
# File lib/more/facets/sparse_array.rb, line 385 def reverse! (0...self.length/2).each do |i| ri = self.length-1-i tmp = self.fetch(ri) self.set(ri,self.fetch(i)) self.set(i,tmp) end self end
[ + ]
# File lib/more/facets/sparse_array.rb, line 395 def reverse_each i = self.length - 1 while i >= 0 yield(self.fetch(i)) i -= 1 end end
[ + ]
# File lib/more/facets/sparse_array.rb, line 403 def rindex(e) i = self.length - 1 while i >= 0 return i if self.fetch(i) == e i -= 1 end return nil end
[ + ]
# File lib/more/facets/sparse_array.rb, line 412 def shift e1 = self[0] tl = self.length - 1 ( { |i| self.set(i-1,self.fetch(i)) } self.delete_at(tl) e1 end
size okay
[ + ]
# File lib/more/facets/sparse_array.rb, line 422 def slice(*args) self[*args] end
[ + ]
# File lib/more/facets/sparse_array.rb, line 426 def slice!(*args) result = self[*args] self[*args] = nil result end
[ + ]
# File lib/more/facets/sparse_array.rb, line 432 def sort raise "SparseArray does not currently support sorting with blocks" if block_given? nha = self.dup qsort(nha,0,nha.length-1) end
[ + ]
# File lib/more/facets/sparse_array.rb, line 463 def sort! raise "SparseArray does not currently support sorting with blocks" if block_given? qsort(self,0,self.length-1) end
[ + ]
# File lib/more/facets/sparse_array.rb, line 468 def to_a a = [] (0..self.length-1).each { |i| a << self.fetch(i) } a end
[ + ]
# File lib/more/facets/sparse_array.rb, line 474 def to_ary self end
[ + ]
# File lib/more/facets/sparse_array.rb, line 478 def to_h h = self.each { |k,v| h[k] = v } h end
[ + ]
# File lib/more/facets/sparse_array.rb, line 484 def to_s self.join end
[ + ]
# File lib/more/facets/sparse_array.rb, line 488 def uniq nha = (0..self.length-1).each do |i| nha[nha.length] = self[i] if !nha.has_value?(self[i]) end nha end
[ + ]
# File lib/more/facets/sparse_array.rb, line 496 def uniq! j = 0 (1..self.length-1).each do |i| if !self[0..j].has_value?(self[i]) self[j+1] = self[i] j+=1 end end (j+1..self.length-1).each { |i| qdelete(i) } end
[ + ]
# File lib/more/facets/sparse_array.rb, line 507 def unshift(e) i = self.length - 1 while i >= 0 self.set(i+1,self.fetch(i)) return i if self.fetch(i) == e i -= 1 end self.set(0,e) self end
[ + ]
# File lib/more/facets/sparse_array.rb, line 518 def values_at(*ix) nha = ix.each {|i| nha[nha.length] =} nha end
[ + ]
# File lib/more/facets/sparse_array.rb, line 146 def |(ha) nha = self.dup ha.each { |v| nha << v if !nha.has_value?(v) } nha end