<% @path = "/etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg" %> global log local0 warning maxconn 1024 defaults log global mode http retries 3 balance roundrobin option abortonclose option redispatch contimeout 4000 clitimeout 150000 srvtimeout 30000 listen mongrel_proxy<%= rubber_env.haproxy_listen_port %> <% # Since we do "fair" load balancing to the mongrels, we don't want to share mongrels # between haproxy instances otherwise we still end up with requests getting queued behind # slow ones. app_hosts = rubber_instances.for_role('app').collect { |i| i.name } web_hosts = rubber_instances.for_role('web').collect { |i| i.name } ports = (rubber_env.appserver_base_port.to_i ... rubber_env.appserver_base_port.to_i + rubber_env.appserver_count.to_i).to_a host_count = web_hosts.size host_mod = web_hosts.sort.index(rubber_env.host) rescue 0 ports = ports.find_all {|x| x % host_count == host_mod} %> <% app_hosts.each do |server| %> <% ports.each do |port| %> server <%= server %>_<%= port %> <%= server %>:<%= port %> maxconn 1 check <% end %> <% end %> # Admin interface for proxy stats listen admin<%= rubber_env.haproxy_admin_port %> stats uri /haproxy # So monit can check on haproxy # simple response : 'OK' listen health_check<%= rubber_env.haproxy_monitor_port %> mode health