require 'spec_helper' include SpecInfra::Helper::Cmd include SpecInfra::Helper::Windows describe file('/some/valid/file') do it { should be_file } its(:command) { should == "((Get-Item -Path '/some/valid/file' -Force).attributes.ToString() -Split ', ') -contains 'Archive'" } end describe file('/some/invalid/file') do it { should_not be_file } end describe file('/some/valid/folder') do it { should be_directory } its(:command) { should == "((Get-Item -Path '/some/valid/folder' -Force).attributes.ToString() -Split ', ') -contains 'Directory'" } end describe file('/some/invalid/folder') do it { should_not be_directory } end describe file('/some/file') do it { should contain 'search text' } its(:command) { should == "[Io.File]::ReadAllText('/some/file') -match 'search text'" } end describe file('/some/file') do it { should contain /^search text/ } its(:command) { should == "[Io.File]::ReadAllText('/some/file') -match '^search text'" } end describe file('/some/file') do it { should_not contain 'This is invalid text!!' } end describe file('Gemfile') do it { should contain('rspec').from(/^group :test do/).to(/^end/) } its(:command) { should == "(CropText -text ([Io.File]::ReadAllText('Gemfile')) -fromPattern '^group :test do' -toPattern '^end') -match 'rspec'" } end describe file('/some/file') do it { should_not contain('This is invalid text!!').from(/^group :test do/).to(/^end/) } end describe file('Gemfile') do it { should contain('rspec').after(/^group :test do/) } its(:command) { should == "(CropText -text ([Io.File]::ReadAllText('Gemfile')) -fromPattern '^group :test do' -toPattern '$') -match 'rspec'" } end describe file('Gemfile') do it { should_not contain('This is invalid text!!').after(/^group :test do/) } end describe file('Gemfile') do it { should contain('rspec').before(/end/) } its(:command) { should == "(CropText -text ([Io.File]::ReadAllText('Gemfile')) -fromPattern '^' -toPattern 'end') -match 'rspec'" } end describe file('Gemfile') do it { should_not contain('This is invalid text!!').before(/^end/) } end describe file('/some/file') do it { should be_readable } its(:command) { should eq "CheckFileAccessRules -path '/some/file' -identity 'Everyone' -rules @('FullControl', 'Modify', 'ReadAndExecute', 'Read', 'ListDirectory')" } end describe file('/some/invalid/file') do it { should_not be_readable } end describe file('/some/file') do it "should raise error if trying to check access by 'owner' or 'group' or 'others'" do ['owner', 'group', 'others'].each do |access| expect { should }.to raise_error end end end describe file('/some/file') do it { should'test.identity') } its(:command) { should eq "CheckFileAccessRules -path '/some/file' -identity 'test.identity' -rules @('FullControl', 'Modify', 'ReadAndExecute', 'Read', 'ListDirectory')" } end describe file('/some/file') do it { should be_readable.by_user('test.identity') } its(:command) { should eq "CheckFileAccessRules -path '/some/file' -identity 'test.identity' -rules @('FullControl', 'Modify', 'ReadAndExecute', 'Read', 'ListDirectory')" } end describe file('/some/file') do it { should be_writable } its(:command) { should eq "CheckFileAccessRules -path '/some/file' -identity 'Everyone' -rules @('FullControl', 'Modify', 'Write')" } end describe file('/some/invalid/file') do it { should_not be_writable } end describe file('/some/file') do it "should raise error if trying to check access by 'owner' or 'group' or 'others'" do ['owner', 'group', 'others'].each do |access| expect { should }.to raise_error end end end describe file('/some/file') do it { should'test.identity') } its(:command) { should eq "CheckFileAccessRules -path '/some/file' -identity 'test.identity' -rules @('FullControl', 'Modify', 'Write')" } end describe file('/some/file') do it { should be_writable.by_user('test.identity') } its(:command) { should eq "CheckFileAccessRules -path '/some/file' -identity 'test.identity' -rules @('FullControl', 'Modify', 'Write')" } end describe file('/some/file') do it { should be_executable } its(:command) { should eq "CheckFileAccessRules -path '/some/file' -identity 'Everyone' -rules @('FullControl', 'Modify', 'ReadAndExecute', 'ExecuteFile')" } end describe file('/some/invalid/file') do it { should_not be_executable } end describe file('/some/file') do it "should raise error if trying to check access by 'owner' or 'group' or 'others'" do ['owner', 'group', 'others'].each do |access| expect { should }.to raise_error end end end describe file('/some/file') do it { should'test.identity') } its(:command) { should eq "CheckFileAccessRules -path '/some/file' -identity 'test.identity' -rules @('FullControl', 'Modify', 'ReadAndExecute', 'ExecuteFile')" } end describe file('/some/file') do it { should be_executable.by_user('test.identity') } its(:command) { should eq "CheckFileAccessRules -path '/some/file' -identity 'test.identity' -rules @('FullControl', 'Modify', 'ReadAndExecute', 'ExecuteFile')" } end describe file('/some/test/file') do it "should raise error if command is not supported" do { :be_socket => [], :be_mode => 644, :be_owned_by => 'root', :be_grouped_into => 'root', :be_linked_to => '/some/other/file', :be_mounted => [], :match_md5checksum => '35435ea447c19f0ea5ef971837ab9ced', :match_sha256checksum => '0c3feee1353a8459f8c7d84885e6bc602ef853751ffdbce3e3b6dfa1d345fc7a' }.each do |method, args| expect { should self.send(method, *args) }.to raise_error Serverspec::Commands::Windows::NotSupportedError end end end