module Shoulda # :nodoc: module Matchers module ActiveModel # :nodoc: # Ensures that the attribute can be set to the given value. # # Options: # * with_message - value the test expects to find in # errors.on(:attribute). Regexp or string. If omitted, # the test looks for any errors in errors.on(:attribute). # # Example: # it { should_not allow_value('bad').for(:isbn) } # it { should allow_value("isbn 1 2345 6789 0").for(:isbn) } # def allow_value(value) end class AllowValueMatcher # :nodoc: include Helpers def initialize(value) @value = value end def for(attribute) @attribute = attribute self end def with_message(message) @expected_message = message if message self end def matches?(instance) @instance = instance if Symbol === @expected_message @expected_message = default_error_message(@expected_message) end @instance.send("#{@attribute}=", @value) !errors_match? end def failure_message "Did not expect #{expectation}, got error: #{@matched_error}" end def negative_failure_message "Expected #{expectation}, got #{error_description}" end def description "allow #{@attribute} to be set to #{@value.inspect}" end private def errors_match? @instance.valid? @errors = errors_for_attribute(@instance, @attribute) @errors = [@errors] unless @errors.is_a?(Array) @expected_message ? (errors_match_regexp? || errors_match_string?) : (@errors.compact.any?) end def errors_for_attribute(instance, attribute) if instance.errors.respond_to?(:[]) instance.errors[attribute] else instance.errors.on(attribute) end end def errors_match_regexp? if Regexp === @expected_message @matched_error = @errors.detect { |e| e =~ @expected_message } !@matched_error.nil? else false end end def errors_match_string? if @errors.include?(@expected_message) @matched_error = @expected_message true else false end end def expectation "errors " << (@expected_message ? "to include #{@expected_message.inspect} " : "") << "when #{@attribute} is set to #{@value.inspect}" end def error_description if @instance.errors.empty? "no errors" else "errors: #{pretty_error_messages(@instance)}" end end end end end end