Feature: Calendar and Tag pages Scenario: Calendar pages are using the same template Given the Server is running at "calendar-and-tag-app" When I go to "/2011.html" Then I should not see "Tag:" Then I should see "Year: '2011'" Then I should see "Month: ''" Then I should see "Day: ''" When I go to "/2011/01.html" Then I should not see "Tag:" Then I should see "Year: '2011'" Then I should see "Month: '1'" Then I should see "Day: ''" When I go to "/2011/01/01.html" Then I should not see "Tag:" Then I should see "Year: '2011'" Then I should see "Month: '1'" Then I should see "Day: '1'" When I go to "/tags/foo.html" Then I should see "Tag: 'foo'" Then I should not see "Year:" Then I should not see "Month:" Then I should not see "Day:" Scenario: Calendar pages also get built Given a successfully built app at "calendar-and-tag-app" When I cd to "build" Then the following files should exist: | 2011.html | | 2011/01.html | | 2011/01/01.html | | tags/foo.html | And the file "2011.html" should not contain "Tag:" And the file "2011.html" should contain "Year: '2011'" And the file "2011.html" should contain "Month: ''" And the file "2011.html" should contain "Day: ''" And the file "2011/01.html" should not contain "Tag:'" And the file "2011/01.html" should contain "Year: '2011'" And the file "2011/01.html" should contain "Month: '1'" And the file "2011/01.html" should contain "Day: ''" And the file "2011/01/01.html" should not contain "Tag:" And the file "2011/01/01.html" should contain "Year: '2011'" And the file "2011/01/01.html" should contain "Month: '1'" And the file "2011/01/01.html" should contain "Day: '1'" And the file "tags/foo.html" should contain "Tag: 'foo'" And the file "tags/foo.html" should not contain "Year:" And the file "tags/foo.html" should not contain "Month:" And the file "tags/foo.html" should not contain "Day:"