require "rbconfig" require "shellwords" WINDOWS_PLATFORM_REGEX = /mingw|mswin/.freeze LINUX_PLATFORM_REGEX = /linux/.freeze DARWIN_PLATFORM_REGEX = /darwin/.freeze GLIBC_MIN_VERSION = "2.17".freeze CrossRuby =, :host) do def dll_staging_path "tmp/#{platform}/stage/lib/expressir/express/#{minor_ver}/express_parser.#{dll_ext}" end def windows? !!(platform =~ WINDOWS_PLATFORM_REGEX) end def linux? !!(platform =~ LINUX_PLATFORM_REGEX) end def darwin? !!(platform =~ DARWIN_PLATFORM_REGEX) end def ver @ver ||= version[/\A[^-]+/] end def minor_ver @minor_ver ||= ver[/\A\d\.\d(?=\.)/] end def minor_ver_digi @minor_ver_digi = minor_ver.delete(".").to_i end def ucrt? minor_ver_digi >= 31 end def api_ver_suffix case minor_ver when nil raise "CrossRuby.api_ver_suffix: unsupported version: #{ver}" else minor_ver.delete(".") << "0" end end # rubocop:disable Metrics/MethodLength # rubocop:disable Metrics/CyclomaticComplexity def platform @platform ||= case host when /\Ax86_64.*mingw32/ if ucrt? "x64-mingw-ucrt" else "x64-mingw32" end when /\Ax86_64.*linux/ "x86_64-linux" when /\A(arm64|aarch64).*linux/ "aarch64-linux" when /\Ax86_64-darwin/ "x86_64-darwin" when /\Aarm64-darwin/ "arm64-darwin" else raise "CrossRuby.platform: unsupported host: #{host}" end end def tool(name) (@binutils_prefix ||= case platform when /x64-mingw(32|-ucrt)/ "x86_64-w64-mingw32-" when /(x86_64|aarch64)-linux/ # We do believe that we are on Linux and can use native tools "" when /x86_64.*darwin/ "x86_64-apple-darwin-" when /a.*64.*darwin/ "aarch64-apple-darwin-" else raise "CrossRuby.tool: unmatched platform: #{platform}" end) + name end def target_file_format case platform when /64-mingw(32|-ucrt)/ "pei-x86-64" when "x86_64-linux" "elf64-x86-64" when "aarch64-linux" "elf64-little" when "x86_64-darwin" "Mach-O 64-bit x86-64" when "arm64-darwin" "Mach-O arm64" else raise "CrossRuby.target_file_format: unmatched platform: #{platform}" end end # rubocop:enable Metrics/MethodLength # rubocop:enable Metrics/CyclomaticComplexity def dll_ext darwin? ? "bundle" : "so" end def verify_format(dump, dll) format_match = (/file format #{Regexp.quote(target_file_format)}\s/ === dump) format_error = "Unexpected file format for '#{dll}', '#{target_file_format}' required" raise format_error unless format_match end def verify_entry_windows(dump, dll) unless /Table.*\sInit_express_parser\s/mi === dump raise "Export function Init_express_parser not in dll #{dll}" end end def verify_entry_linux(dll) nm = `#{["env", "LANG=C", tool("nm"), "-D", dll].shelljoin}` unless / T Init_express_parser/.match?(nm) raise "Export function Init_express_parser not in dll #{dll}" end end def verify_entry_darwin(dll) nm = `#{["env", "LANG=C", tool("nm"), "-g", dll].shelljoin}` unless / T _?Init_express_parser/.match?(nm) raise "Export function Init_express_parser not in dll #{dll}" end end def verify_entry(dump, dll) case platform when WINDOWS_PLATFORM_REGEX verify_entry_windows(dump, dll) when LINUX_PLATFORM_REGEX verify_entry_linux(dll) when DARWIN_PLATFORM_REGEX verify_entry_darwin(dll) else raise "CrossRuby.verify_entry: unmatched platform: #{platform}" end end # rubocop:disable Metrics/MethodLength def allowed_dlls_ucrt ["kernel32.dll", "api-ms-win-crt-convert-l1-1-0.dll", "api-ms-win-crt-environment-l1-1-0.dll", "api-ms-win-crt-heap-l1-1-0.dll", "api-ms-win-crt-locale-l1-1-0.dll", "api-ms-win-crt-private-l1-1-0.dll", "api-ms-win-crt-runtime-l1-1-0.dll", "api-ms-win-crt-stdio-l1-1-0.dll", "api-ms-win-crt-string-l1-1-0.dll", "api-ms-win-crt-time-l1-1-0.dll", "api-ms-win-crt-filesystem-l1-1-0.dll", "api-ms-win-crt-math-l1-1-0.dll", "libwinpthread-1.dll", "x64-ucrt-ruby310.dll"] end # rubocop:enable Metrics/MethodLength def allowed_dlls_mingw [ "kernel32.dll", "msvcrt.dll", "libwinpthread-1.dll", "x64-msvcrt-ruby#{api_ver_suffix}.dll", ] end def allowed_dlls_windows if ucrt? allowed_dlls_ucrt else allowed_dlls_mingw end end def allowed_dlls_linux suffix = (platform == "x86_64-linux" ? "x86-64" : "aarch64") [ "ld-linux-#{suffix}.so", "", "", "", "", ] end def allowed_dlls_darwin [ "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib", "/usr/lib/libc++.1.dylib", ] end def allowed_dlls case platform when WINDOWS_PLATFORM_REGEX allowed_dlls_windows when LINUX_PLATFORM_REGEX allowed_dlls_linux when DARWIN_PLATFORM_REGEX allowed_dlls_darwin else raise "CrossRuby.allowed_dlls: unmatched platform: #{platform}" end end def actual_dlls_linux(dump) dump.scan(/NEEDED\s+(.*)/).map(&:first).uniq end def actual_dlls_windows(dump) dump.scan(/DLL Name: (.*)$/).map(&:first).map(&:downcase).uniq end def actual_dlls_darwin(dll) ldd = `#{[tool("otool"), "-L", dll].shelljoin}` ldd.scan(/^\t([^ ]+) /).map(&:first).uniq end def actual_dlls(dump, dll) case platform when DARWIN_PLATFORM_REGEX actual_dlls_darwin(dll) when LINUX_PLATFORM_REGEX actual_dlls_linux(dump) when WINDOWS_PLATFORM_REGEX actual_dlls_windows(dump) else raise "CrossRuby.actual_dlls: unmatched platform: #{platform}" end end def verify_imports(dump, dll) l = actual_dlls(dump, dll) libs = allowed_dlls l.delete_if { |ln| libs.any? { |lib| ln.include?(lib) } } unless l.empty? raise "Unexpected references in '#{dll}' : #{l}" end end def lib_ref_versions(data) # Build a hash of library versions like {"LIBUDEV"=>"183", "GLIBC"=>"2.17"} data.each.with_object({}) do |(lib, ver), h| if !h[lib] || ver.split(".").map(&:to_i).pack("C*") > h[lib].split(".").map(&:to_i).pack("C*") h[lib] = ver end end end def verify_glibc_version(dump, dll) ref_versions_data = dump.scan(/0x[\da-f]+ 0x[\da-f]+ \d+ (\w+)_([\d.]+)$/i) ref_ver = lib_ref_versions(ref_versions_data) unless ref_ver["GLIBC"].delete(".").to_i <= GLIBC_MIN_VERSION.delete(".").to_i raise "Unexpected GLIBC version #{ref_ver['GLIBC']} for #{dll}, #{GLIBC_MIN_VERSION} or lower is expected" end end end CROSS_RUBIES =".cross_rubies").split("\n").map do |line| case line when /\A([^#]+):([^#]+)/$1, $2) end end.compact ENV["RUBY_CC_VERSION"] =":") require "rake_compiler_dock" def verify_dll(dll, cross_ruby) dump = `#{["env", "LANG=C", cross_ruby.tool("objdump"), "-p", dll].shelljoin}` cross_ruby.verify_format(dump, dll) cross_ruby.verify_entry(dump, dll) cross_ruby.verify_imports(dump, dll) # Not sure if it is required, probably not # I am keeping related code as a reference for future advances # cross_ruby.verify_glibc_version(dump, dll) if cross_ruby.linux? puts "#{dll}: passed shared library sanity checks" end CROSS_RUBIES.each do |cross_ruby| unless Rake::Task.task_defined?(cross_ruby.dll_staging_path) task cross_ruby.dll_staging_path do |t| verify_dll, cross_ruby end end end def gem_builder(plat) # use Task#invoke because the pkg/*gem task is defined at runtime Rake::Task["native:#{plat}"].invoke Rake::Task["pkg/#{GEMSPEC.full_name}-#{}.gem"].invoke end REDHAT_PREREQ = "sudo yum install -y git".freeze UBUNTU_PREREQ = "sudo apt-get update -y && sudo apt-get install -y automake autoconf libtool build-essential".freeze def pre_req(plat) case plat when /\linux/ "if [[ $(awk -F= '/^NAME/{print $2}' /etc/os-release) == '\"Ubuntu\"' ]]; then #{UBUNTU_PREREQ}; else #{REDHAT_PREREQ}; fi" else UBUNTU_PREREQ.to_s end end namespace "gem" do CROSS_RUBIES.find_all { |cr| || cr.linux? || cr.darwin? }.map(&:platform).uniq.each do |plat| desc "build native gem for #{plat} platform" task plat do <<~RCD, platform: plat #{pre_req(plat)} && gem install bundler --no-document && bundle && bundle exec rake gem:#{plat}:builder MAKE='nice make -j`nproc`' RCD end namespace plat do desc "build native gem for #{plat} platform (guest container)" task "builder" do gem_builder(plat) end end end desc "build native gems for windows" multitask "windows" => CROSS_RUBIES.find_all(&:windows?).map(&:platform).uniq desc "build native gems for linux" multitask "linux" => CROSS_RUBIES.find_all(&:linux?).map(&:platform).uniq desc "build native gems for darwin" multitask "darwin" => CROSS_RUBIES.find_all(&:darwin?).map(&:platform).uniq end require "rake/extensiontask""express_parser", GEMSPEC) do |ext| ext.ext_dir = "ext/express-parser" ext.lib_dir = File.join(*["lib", "expressir", "express", ENV.fetch("FAT_DIR", nil)].compact) ext.config_options << ENV.fetch("EXTOPTS", nil) ext.cross_compile = true ext.cross_platform = ext.cross_config_options << "--enable-cross-build" ext.cross_compiling do |spec| spec.files.reject! { |path| File.fnmatch?("ext/*", path) } spec.dependencies.reject! { |dep| == "rice" } end end