require 'time' require 'webrick' require 'webrick/https' require 'openssl' require 'securerandom' require 'cgi' require 'fakes3/util' require 'fakes3/file_store' require 'fakes3/xml_adapter' require 'fakes3/bucket_query' require 'fakes3/unsupported_operation' require 'fakes3/errors' require 'ipaddr' module FakeS3 class Request CREATE_BUCKET = "CREATE_BUCKET" LIST_BUCKETS = "LIST_BUCKETS" LS_BUCKET = "LS_BUCKET" HEAD = "HEAD" STORE = "STORE" COPY = "COPY" GET = "GET" GET_ACL = "GET_ACL" SET_ACL = "SET_ACL" MOVE = "MOVE" DELETE_OBJECT = "DELETE_OBJECT" DELETE_BUCKET = "DELETE_BUCKET" attr_accessor :bucket, :object, :type, :src_bucket, :src_object, :method, :webrick_request, :path, :is_path_style, :query, :http_verb def inspect puts "-----Inspect FakeS3 Request" puts "Type: #{@type}" puts "Is Path Style: #{@is_path_style}" puts "Request Method: #{@method}" puts "Bucket: #{@bucket}" puts "Object: #{@object}" puts "Src Bucket: #{@src_bucket}" puts "Src Object: #{@src_object}" puts "Query: #{@query}" puts "-----Done" end end class Servlet < WEBrick::HTTPServlet::AbstractServlet def initialize(server,store,hostname) super(server) @store = store @hostname = hostname @port = server.config[:Port] @root_hostnames = [hostname,'localhost','','s3.localhost'] end def validate_request(request) req = request.webrick_request return if req.nil? return if not req.header.has_key?('expect') req.continue if req.header['expect'].first=='100-continue' end def do_GET(request, response) s_req = normalize_request(request) case s_req.type when 'LIST_BUCKETS' response.status = 200 response['Content-Type'] = 'application/xml' buckets = @store.buckets response.body = XmlAdapter.buckets(buckets) when 'LS_BUCKET' bucket_obj = @store.get_bucket(s_req.bucket) if bucket_obj response.status = 200 response['Content-Type'] = "application/xml" query = { :marker => s_req.query["marker"] ? s_req.query["marker"].to_s : nil, :prefix => s_req.query["prefix"] ? s_req.query["prefix"].to_s : nil, :max_keys => s_req.query["max-keys"] ? s_req.query["max-keys"].to_i : nil, :delimiter => s_req.query["delimiter"] ? s_req.query["delimiter"].to_s : nil } bq = bucket_obj.query_for_range(query) response.body = XmlAdapter.bucket_query(bq) else response.status = 404 response.body = XmlAdapter.error_no_such_bucket(s_req.bucket) response['Content-Type'] = "application/xml" end when 'GET_ACL' response.status = 200 response.body = XmlAdapter.acl response['Content-Type'] = 'application/xml' when 'GET' real_obj = @store.get_object(s_req.bucket, s_req.object, request) if !real_obj response.status = 404 response.body = XmlAdapter.error_no_such_key(s_req.object) response['Content-Type'] = "application/xml" return end if_none_match = request["If-None-Match"] if if_none_match == "\"#{real_obj.md5}\"" or if_none_match == "*" response.status = 304 return end if_modified_since = request["If-Modified-Since"] if if_modified_since time = Time.httpdate(if_modified_since) if time >= Time.iso8601(real_obj.modified_date) response.status = 304 return end end response.status = 200 response['Content-Type'] = real_obj.content_type if real_obj.content_encoding response.header['X-Content-Encoding'] = real_obj.content_encoding response.header['Content-Encoding'] = real_obj.content_encoding end stat = response['Last-Modified'] = Time.iso8601(real_obj.modified_date).httpdate response.header['ETag'] = "\"#{real_obj.md5}\"" response['Accept-Ranges'] = "bytes" response['Last-Ranges'] = "bytes" response['Access-Control-Allow-Origin'] = '*' real_obj.custom_metadata.each do |header, value| response.header['x-amz-meta-' + header] = value end content_length = stat.size # Added Range Query support range = request.header["range"].first if range response.status = 206 if range =~ /bytes=(\d*)-(\d*)/ start = $1.to_i finish = $2.to_i finish_str = "" if finish == 0 finish = content_length - 1 finish_str = "#{finish}" else finish_str = finish.to_s end bytes_to_read = finish - start + 1 response['Content-Range'] = "bytes #{start}-#{finish_str}/#{content_length}" = start response.body = return end end response['Content-Length'] = if s_req.http_verb == 'HEAD' response.body = "" else response.body = end end end def do_PUT(request, response) STDOUT.write "= do_PUT" s_req = normalize_request(request) query = CGI::parse(request.request_uri.query || "") return do_multipartPUT(request, response) if query['uploadId'].first response.status = 200 response.body = "" response['Content-Type'] = "text/xml" response['Access-Control-Allow-Origin'] = '*' case s_req.type when Request::COPY object = @store.copy_object(s_req.src_bucket, s_req.src_object, s_req.bucket, s_req.object, request) response.body = XmlAdapter.copy_object_result(object) when Request::STORE bucket_obj = @store.get_bucket(s_req.bucket) if !bucket_obj # Lazily create a bucket. TODO fix this to return the proper error bucket_obj = @store.create_bucket(s_req.bucket) end real_obj = @store.store_object(bucket_obj, s_req.object, s_req.webrick_request) response.header['ETag'] = "\"#{real_obj.md5}\"" when Request::CREATE_BUCKET @store.create_bucket(s_req.bucket) end end def do_multipartPUT(request, response) s_req = normalize_request(request) query = CGI::parse(request.request_uri.query) part_number = query['partNumber'].first upload_id = query['uploadId'].first part_name = "#{upload_id}_#{s_req.object}_part#{part_number}" # store the part if s_req.type == Request::COPY real_obj = @store.copy_object( s_req.src_bucket, s_req.src_object, s_req.bucket , part_name, request ) response['Content-Type'] = "text/xml" response.body = XmlAdapter.copy_object_result real_obj else bucket_obj = @store.get_bucket(s_req.bucket) if !bucket_obj bucket_obj = @store.create_bucket(s_req.bucket) end real_obj = @store.store_object( bucket_obj, part_name, request ) response.body = "" response.header['ETag'] = "\"#{real_obj.md5}\"" end response['Access-Control-Allow-Origin'] = '*' response['Access-Control-Allow-Headers'] = 'Authorization, Content-Length' response['Access-Control-Expose-Headers'] = 'ETag' response.status = 200 end def do_POST(request,response) s_req = normalize_request(request) key = request.query['key'] query = CGI::parse(request.request_uri.query || "") if query.has_key?('uploads') upload_id = SecureRandom.hex response.body = <<-eos.strip #{ s_req.bucket } #{ key } #{ upload_id } eos elsif query.has_key?('uploadId') upload_id = query['uploadId'].first bucket_obj = @store.get_bucket(s_req.bucket) real_obj = @store.combine_object_parts( bucket_obj, upload_id, s_req.object, parse_complete_multipart_upload(request), request ) response.body = XmlAdapter.complete_multipart_result real_obj elsif request.content_type =~ /^multipart\/form-data; boundary=(.+)/ key = request.query['key'] success_action_redirect = request.query['success_action_redirect'] success_action_status = request.query['success_action_status'] filename = 'default' filename = $1 if request.body =~ /filename="(.*)"/ key = key.gsub('${filename}', filename) bucket_obj = @store.get_bucket(s_req.bucket) || @store.create_bucket(s_req.bucket) real_obj = @store.store_object(bucket_obj, key, s_req.webrick_request) response['Etag'] = "\"#{real_obj.md5}\"" if success_action_redirect response.status = 307 response.body = "" response['Location'] = success_action_redirect else response.status = success_action_status || 204 if response.status == "201" response.body = <<-eos.strip http://#{s_req.bucket}.localhost:#{@port}/#{key} #{s_req.bucket} #{key} #{response['Etag']} eos end end else raise WEBrick::HTTPStatus::BadRequest end response['Content-Type'] = 'text/xml' response['Access-Control-Allow-Origin'] = '*' response['Access-Control-Allow-Headers'] = 'Authorization, Content-Length' response['Access-Control-Expose-Headers'] = 'ETag' end def do_DELETE(request, response) s_req = normalize_request(request) case s_req.type when Request::DELETE_OBJECT bucket_obj = @store.get_bucket(s_req.bucket) @store.delete_object(bucket_obj,s_req.object,s_req.webrick_request) when Request::DELETE_BUCKET @store.delete_bucket(s_req.bucket) end response.status = 204 response.body = "" end def do_OPTIONS(request, response) super allowedHeaders = [ 'Accept', 'Content-Type', 'Authorization', 'Content-Length', 'ETag', 'Content-MD5', # Custom headers 'X-CSRF-Token', 'X-AMZ-Content-SHA256', 'X-AMZ-Date', # Planitar AMZ User Metadata headers 'x-amz-meta-filename', 'x-amz-meta-params', ]; response['Access-Control-Allow-Origin'] = '*' response['Access-Control-Allow-Methods'] = 'PUT, POST, HEAD, GET, OPTIONS' response['Access-Control-Allow-Headers'] = allowedHeaders.join(', ') response['Access-Control-Expose-Headers'] = 'ETag' end private def normalize_delete(webrick_req, s_req) path = webrick_req.path path_len = path.size query = webrick_req.query if path == "/" and s_req.is_path_style # Probably do a 404 here else if s_req.is_path_style elems = path[1,path_len].split("/") s_req.bucket = elems[0] else elems = path.split("/") end if elems.size == 0 raise UnsupportedOperation elsif elems.size == 1 s_req.type = Request::DELETE_BUCKET s_req.query = query else s_req.type = Request::DELETE_OBJECT object = elems[1,elems.size].join('/') s_req.object = object end end end def normalize_get(webrick_req, s_req) path = webrick_req.path path_len = path.size query = webrick_req.query if path == "/" and s_req.is_path_style s_req.type = Request::LIST_BUCKETS else if s_req.is_path_style elems = path[1,path_len].split("/") s_req.bucket = elems[0] else elems = path.split("/") end if elems.size < 2 s_req.type = Request::LS_BUCKET s_req.query = query else if query["acl"] == "" s_req.type = Request::GET_ACL else s_req.type = Request::GET end object = elems[1,elems.size].join('/') s_req.object = object end end end def normalize_put(webrick_req, s_req) path = webrick_req.path path_len = path.size if path == "/" if s_req.bucket s_req.type = Request::CREATE_BUCKET end else if s_req.is_path_style elems = path[1,path_len].split("/") s_req.bucket = elems[0] if elems.size == 1 s_req.type = Request::CREATE_BUCKET else if webrick_req.request_line =~ /\?acl/ s_req.type = Request::SET_ACL else s_req.type = Request::STORE end s_req.object = elems[1,elems.size].join('/') end else if webrick_req.request_line =~ /\?acl/ s_req.type = Request::SET_ACL else s_req.type = Request::STORE end s_req.object = webrick_req.path[1..-1] end end # TODO: also parse the x-amz-copy-source-range:bytes=first-last header # for multipart copy copy_source = webrick_req.header["x-amz-copy-source"] if copy_source and copy_source.size == 1 src_elems = copy_source.first.split("/") root_offset = src_elems[0] == "" ? 1 : 0 s_req.src_bucket = src_elems[root_offset] s_req.src_object = src_elems[1 + root_offset,src_elems.size].join("/") s_req.type = Request::COPY end s_req.webrick_request = webrick_req end def normalize_post(webrick_req,s_req) path = webrick_req.path path_len = path.size s_req.path = webrick_req.query['key'] s_req.webrick_request = webrick_req if s_req.is_path_style elems = path[1, path_len].split("/") s_req.bucket = elems[0] s_req.object = elems[1..-1].join('/') if elems.size >= 2 else s_req.object = path[1..-1] end end # This method takes a webrick request and generates a normalized FakeS3 request def normalize_request(webrick_req) host_header= webrick_req["Host"] host = host_header.split(':')[0] s_req = s_req.path = webrick_req.path s_req.is_path_style = true if !@root_hostnames.include?(host) && !( rescue nil) s_req.bucket = host.split(".")[0] s_req.is_path_style = false end s_req.http_verb = webrick_req.request_method case webrick_req.request_method when 'PUT' normalize_put(webrick_req,s_req) when 'GET','HEAD' normalize_get(webrick_req,s_req) when 'DELETE' normalize_delete(webrick_req,s_req) when 'POST' normalize_post(webrick_req,s_req) else raise "Unknown Request" end validate_request(s_req) return s_req end def parse_complete_multipart_upload(request) parts_xml = "" request.body { |chunk| parts_xml << chunk } # TODO: improve parsing xml parts_xml = parts_xml.scan(/.*?<\/Part>/m) parts_xml.collect do |xml| { number: xml[/(\d+)<\/PartNumber>/, 1].to_i, etag: FakeS3::Util.strip_before_and_after(xml[/\(.+)<\/ETag>/, 1], '"') } end end def dump_request(request) puts "----------Dump Request-------------" puts request.request_method puts request.path request.each do |k,v| puts "#{k}:#{v}" end puts "----------End Dump -------------" end end class Server def initialize(address, port, store, hostname, ssl_cert_path, ssl_key_path, extra_options={}) @address = address @port = port @store = store @hostname = hostname @ssl_cert_path = ssl_cert_path @ssl_key_path = ssl_key_path webrick_config = { :BindAddress => @address, :Port => @port } if !@ssl_cert_path.to_s.empty? webrick_config.merge!( { :SSLEnable => true, :SSLCertificate =>, :SSLPrivateKey => } ) end if extra_options[:quiet] webrick_config.merge!( :Logger =>"/dev/null"), :AccessLog => [] ) end @server = end def serve @server.mount "/", Servlet, @store, @hostname shutdown = proc { @server.shutdown } trap "INT", &shutdown trap "TERM", &shutdown @server.start end def shutdown @server.shutdown end end end