module LesliBabel class String < ApplicationRecord belongs_to :bucket before_create :clean_label_string =begin enum prefix: { # database # controllers # models # views # components # elements column enum message navigation toolbar button chart title form } =end def self.index(current_user, query, params) strings = TranslationsService.strings(params[:module], params[:bucket]) # if search string was sent if params[:search] search = params[:search].downcase.gsub(" ","%") sql_where_condition = [] # add filter to select only available languages Rails.application.config.lesli_settings["configuration"]["locales"].each do |locale| sql_where_condition.push("LOWER(#{locale}) like :search") end sql_where_condition.push("LOWER(label) like :search") sql_where_condition.push("LOWER(context) like :search") # get strings with bucket and module information strings = strings.where(sql_where_condition.join(" OR "), { search: "%#{ search }%" }) end # filters by specif ids sent as query params if params["ids"] ids = params["ids"].split(',').map{ |id| id.to_i } strings = strings.where(" in (?)", ids) end strings = :id, :label, :status, :context, :priority, :need_help, :need_translation, Rails.application.config.lesli_settings["configuration"]["locales"], " as engine_id", " as bucket_id", " as bucket_name", " as engine_name", "cloud_babel_modules.platform as platform", "'' as path" ) strings = strings .page(query[:pagination][:page]) .per(query[:pagination][:perPage]) .order(:updated_at) end def self.relevant current_user, query, params # relevant strings: # - missing translation for available language # - need help # - need translation locale = query.dig(:order, :by) strings = [] sql_where_condition = [] # add filter to select if is available language if locale if Rails.application.config.lesli.dig(:configuration, :locales).include?(locale.to_s) sql_where_condition.push("#{locale.to_s} is NULL") sql_where_condition.push("#{locale.to_s} = ''") end else Rails.application.config.lesli.dig(:configuration, :locales).each do |locale| sql_where_condition.push("#{locale} is NULL") sql_where_condition.push("#{locale} = ''") end end sql_where_condition.push("need_help = TRUE") sql_where_condition.push("need_translation = TRUE") strings = TranslationsService.strings.where(sql_where_condition.join(" OR ")).select( :id, :label, :status, :context, :priority, :need_help, :need_translation, Rails.application.config.lesli_settings["configuration"]["locales"], " as engine_id", " as bucket_id", " as bucket_name", " as engine_name", "cloud_babel_modules.platform as platform", "'' as path" ) strings .page(query[:pagination][:page]) .per(query[:pagination][:perPage]) .order(query.dig(:order, :by)) end ####################################################################################### ############################## Activities Log Methods ############################## ####################################################################################### # @return [void] # @param current_user [::User] The user that created the string # @param [CloudBabel::String] The string that was created # @description Creates an activity for this string indicating who created it. And # also creates an activity with the initial status of the string # Example # params = {...} # string = CloudBabel::String.create(params) # CloudBabel::String.log_activity_create(User.find(1), string) def self.log_activity_create(current_user, string) string.activities.create( user_creator: current_user, category: "action_create", reference_module_bucket_string: "#{string.reference_module_bucket}-#{string.label}" ) end # @return [void] # @param current_user [::User] The user that created the string # @param string [CloudBabel::String] The string that was created # @param old_attributes[Hash] The data of the record before update # @param new_attributes[Hash] The data of the record after update # @description Creates an activity for this string if someone changed any of this values # Example # string = CloudBabel::String.find(1) # old_attributes = string.attributes.merge({detail_attributes: string.detail.attributes}) # string.update(user_main: User.find(33)) # new_attributes = string.attributes.merge({detail_attributes: string.detail.attributes}) # CloudBabel::String.log_activity_update(User.find(1), string, old_attributes, new_attributes) def self.log_activity_update(current_user, string, old_attributes, new_attributes) # Bucket is a special case because it's a foreign key if old_attributes["cloud_babel_buckets_id"] != new_attributes["cloud_babel_buckets_id"] string.activities.create( user_creator: current_user, category: "action_update", field_name: "cloud_babel_buckets_id", value_from: Bucket.find(old_attributes["cloud_babel_buckets_id"]).name, value_to: Bucket.find(new_attributes["cloud_babel_buckets_id"]).name ) end # We exclude certain keys that are not relevant old_attributes.except!("id", "cloud_babe_buckets_id", "created_at", "updated_at", "deleted_at", "users_id") old_attributes.each do |key, value| if value != new_attributes[key] value_from = value value_to = new_attributes[key] value_from = LC::Date.to_string_datetime(value_from) if value_from.is_a?(Time) || value_from.is_a?(Date) value_to = LC::Date.to_string_datetime(value_to) if value_to.is_a?(Time) || value_to.is_a?(Date) string.activities.create( user_creator: current_user, category: "action_update", field_name: key, value_from: value_from, value_to: value_to, reference_module_bucket_string: "#{string.reference_module_bucket}-#{string.label}" ) end end end # @return [void] # @param current_user [::User] The user that created the string # @param [CloudBabel::String] The string that was created # @description Creates an activity for this string indicating that someone deleted it # Example # string = CloudBabel::String.find(1) # CloudBabel::String.log_activity_show(User.find(1), string) def self.log_activity_destroy(current_user, string) string.activities.create( user_creator: current_user, category: "action_destroy", reference_module_bucket_string: "#{string.reference_module_bucket}-#{string.label}" ) end def path self[:engine_code] .downcase .concat(".") .concat(self[:bucket_code]) .concat(".") .concat(self[:label]) end private def clean_label_string self.label = self.label .downcase # string to lowercase .gsub(/[^0-9A-Za-z\s\-\_]/, '') # remove special characters from string .gsub(/-/, '_') # replace dashes with underscore .gsub(/\s+/, '_') # replace spaces or spaces with single dash self.status = "normal" if self.status.blank? self.reference_bucket = "#{self.bucket.reference_module}-#{self.bucket.code}" end end end