resque-pool(1) -- resque worker pool management ================================================ ## SYNOPSIS `resque-pool` [options] ## DESCRIPTION **Resque-pool** is the best way to manage a group (pool) of resque workers. When resque-pool(1) is daemonized the `stdout` and `stderr` output streams are redirected to `resque-pool.stdxxx.log` log files in the `log` directory. Additionally the PID file defaults to `` in the `tmp/pids` directory. ## OPTIONS * `-c, --config` : Uses the configuration specified in the provided instead of searching in the current and `config` directories for `resque-pool.yml`. * `-a, --appname` : Specifies the app name to be used for logging and procline. If not specified, this defaults to the current working directory. * `-d, --daemon`: Runs `resque-pool` in the background as a daemon process. This will redirect `stdout` and `stderr` to log files and write a PID file. * `-o, --stdout` : Writes the normal log output to instead of printing to the terminal. When running as a daemon this defaults to the path `log/resque-pool.stdout.log`. * `-e, --stderr` : Writes the standard error output to instead of printing to the terminal. When running as a daemon this defaults to the path `log/resque-pool.stderr.log`. * `--nosync` Allows writes to `stdout` and `stderr` to be buffered. * `-p, --pidfile` : Writes the PID to the . When running as a daemon this defaults to `tmp/pids/`. * `-E, --environment` : Specifies the environment to be set for `RAILS_ENV`, `RACK_ENV` and `RESQUE_ENV` which will be passed on to the pooled resque workers. * `--term-graceful-wait`: Configure TERM signal handling so the master will gracefully request worker shut downs (via `QUIT`) and wait for the workers to quit before shutting down itself. This is the same behavior as the `QUIT` signal. * `--term-graceful`: Configure TERM signal handling so the master will gracefully request worker shut downs (via `QUIT`) but shut itself down immediately. This the same behavior as the `INT` signal. * `--term-immediate`: Configure TERM signal handling so the master will request imediate worker shut downs (via `INT`) and shut itself down immediately. This is the default `TERM` signal behavior. ## HISTORY * `v0.3.0`: Support for ruby 1.9, resque 1.20.
Added appname for logging.
Minor bugfixes. * `v0.2.0`: Support for reloading logs and workers with `HUP` signal
Cleans up PID file on startup
Fixed `-c, --config` option. * `v0.1.0`: `resque-pool` command line interface added ## AUTHOR Nicholas Evans ## COPYRIGHT Copyright (C) 2010 by Nicholas Evans , et al. ## SEE ALSO resque-pool.yml(5)